KDP and PUK seek Gorran support for elections delay
Kudistan Tribune – 9.4.2013 – Fazil Mirani (KDP) and Mala Bahktyar (PUK) meet with Gorran leaders, including Nawshirwan Mustafa . A delegation from the two ruling parties, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Kurdistan Democrstic Party (KDP), has visited the headquarters of the Gorran movement.
The main purpose for this visit was to ask the opposition party to agree to a delay to the Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections (due to be held before the end of July) and an extension to the presidential term of Masud Barzani.
This time the ruling parties are using the pretext that they are more preoccupied with external issues, with Baghdad and neighbouring countries, than with the internal ones. The delegation comprised two high-profile leaders, members of the politburos and inner circles of their parties: Fazil Mirani (KDP) and Mala Bahktyar (PUK). Nawshirwan Mustafa, the leader of the Goran movement, told them that, “The decision for that kind of process has to be put forward to the members of our movement”.