Jalal Talabani is clinically dead

Berlin – January 5, 2013 AFP – Figaro – 5.1.2013 – Kurdish political sources said that Iraqi president and Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani is “clinically dead” in Berlin hospital where he is treated, the French “Le Figaro” newspaper reported .

Hospitalized for more than fifteen days in Berlin for a stroke, Jalal Talabani, reportedly his health is at its worst, his German doctors feel that he is “too ill to be able to recover” from his stroke, which occurred three weeks ago in Baghdad, Iraq. Currently, the Germans are just trying to keep him alive, also a Kurdish sources said that the Kurdish leader, aged 79, is “clinically dead.” The Iraqi Presidency Office had issued a statement as a response for the French newspaper Figaro which published that the President’s health is deteriorating; the statement said that the President’s health condition is assuring and he is responding for the treatments.