Jabhat al-Akrad Interview: We Do Not Have Any Relation With PYD

New interview with Jabhat al-Akrad commander (?) Alaa Jebo. (Translation by Nader Khayyam) – Shahba Press || Nader Khayyam interviews Mr Alaa Jebbo the General Commander of Kurd Front in Syria

-How can you introduce Kurds front?

-“Kurds Front is a faction of the Free Syrian Army factions representing all segments of the Syrian society Arabs and Kurds, not as some claim that it only represents Kurds, the Front is based on all spectrum of the Syrian society”.

– Some people accuses you by performing the Democratic Union Party (PYD) agendas under the cover of Free Syrian Army. Whose agendas you perform?

– “We as Kurds front, do not have any relationship with any political party, not only the nationalist parties but also the religious ones, we are like the rest of Free Syrian Army factions in Syria. We do not have any relations with any Kurdish party especially (PYD).

– You say that you are with the Military Council in Aleppo, don’t you? How is your relation with Mr Abdulljabbar Al-Okkidi?

– Yes, We are working under the cover of the Military Council in Aleppo. For Mr Al-Okkidi, in the beginning it was good relation with him but now we are surprised by Mr Al-Okkidi attitude after what happened between us and the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS) like the clashes in the Kurdish region: Tal-Abyad, Tal-Aran and Tal-Hassel. Mr Okkidi attitude is changed after these clashes, he claims that PKK is controlling those region and the fact is that these is no PKK and all the people know that Kurds Front control those Kurdish regions. The Islamic State (ISIS) attacks were against us in the Kurds Front.

– In your opinion, what is the reason of the siege on some Kurdish regions and cities? and Who is the responsible of these clashes and disorders?

– The reason of the clashes is the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS). They siege the Kurdish regions and cities; and now they siege all the regions that were liberated by Free Syrian Army. You can take Arraqa Province as an example. Arraqa is a liberated city, Islamic State in Iraq and Sham entered the city and now they are trying to divide that region, and then dividing Syria by Khilafa System “Islamic States” and these acts only serve the regime. Now (ISIS) are heading to Tal-Abyad, Ain-Arab, Jarablus and Menbej. They are working on dividing Syria not as they claim that they are liberating Syria from the regime. Syrian people must know all the acts of (ISIS). Their agendas serve the regime and their target is destroying the Syrian Revolution. But we are here and we will fight them till they are out of Syria.

– How is your relation with Free Syrian Army?

– It is good, actually it is excellent with our brothers in Free Syrian Army. We worked with many factions and we still there fighting on many fronts together, hand in hand. I can mention many brigades like Ahrar Syria Brigade, Al-Forqan Brigade, and Badr Martyrs Brigade. We are with Badr Martyrs Brigade in Ashrafyia neighbourhood on the front-lines. There are many factions like Ahrar Al-Sham and many battalions in Attawheed Brigade.

 – Finally, what do you like to say to the Kurdish and the Syrian people in general?

– We, the Kurds, say that it is not true that we are separatists, we do not want to divide the country. It is not true, we do not want to separate not before the revolution and not even now. We are against the Dividing Project. We live in Syria and Syria is our country and homeland. There is no difference between Arabs, Kurds and Turkmans. We are all one hand and we will resist together until the regime comes down and all the Syrian people get their rights. Towards a civil democratic Syria.
