ANF – HEWLER 23.12.2013 – Talks are continuing in South Kurdistan between the Rojava Peoples Assemblies (MGRK) and the Syrian Kurdish National Council (SKNC). The focus is currently on discussions going on within the SKNC. Ilham Ehmed, a member of the Kurdish Supreme Council, told the ANF about ongoing talks and efforts made by the Syrian National Coalition.
Ilham Ehmed said that certain groups, instead of recognising the revolution in West Kurdistan, wanted to call it by a different name. He stressed the importance of everyone accepting the fact that the Kurdish people had carried out a Rojava revolution, and of supporting it.
He said the approach of Ahmad al-Jarba, of the Syrian National Coalition, should be seen as part of efforts to divide the Kurdish people, adding: “They want to create a new Lausanne through a fait accompli by preventing the unity of the Kurds.”
Some progress made on participation at Geneva
Ilham Ehmad said some progress had been made as regards attending Geneva II, adding: “The main aim is to participate at Geneva II as an independent delegation and to make the Kurdish question one of the main items on the agenda. We believe this should be a pre-condition of attendance, as do not want another Lausanne to be imposed on the Kurds.”
Ehmed continued: “It is not possible to establish a democratic Syria without resolving the Kurdish question. Consensus has been reached on this point, but discussions are continuing on the form it will take.”
SKNC discussing the subject of the transitional administration
“The second subject on the agenda in Hewler is the administration set up in West Kurdistan. There is the question of the SKNC recognising this and of whether it will be involved in it. They accept that West Kurdistan needs an administration, but there are problems regarding how they will take part in it. The correct way is for this administration to be elected by the people. Let the people choose who they wish. This will not be a problem for us. However, discussions are continuing within the SKNC on this subject.”
The reality that is the revolution in West Kurdistan
Ahmed emphasised that another important item on the agenda was the values created by the revolution, and that everyone must defend these. He added: “A revolution has taken place in West Kurdistan. There is the reality of a people in struggle and a defence force organising resistance. Everyone need to take possession of this. Every party, every movement and organisation needs to support and take possession of it. This is one of the main items on the agenda. The recognition of those involved in the resistance is on the agenda. Certain parties and organisations do not want to call it by this name.”
A reply to Ahmad al-Jarba
Ilham Ehmed recalled that in the recent past there had been certain attitudes that avoided using the term revolution to describe the struggle in West Kurdistan and its achievements as a revolution, adding: “there are those that want to call it the Syrian revolution, or some other name. We cannot accept this. What has emerged is the West Kurdistan revolution carried out by the Kurdish people. We consider it important that everyone accept this.”
Ilham Ehmed said the following regarding Syrian National Coalition President Ahmad al-Jarba’s statement yesterday: “Al-Jarba assessed the situation as regards the transitional administration, questioning how there could be such an administration when regime forces are still present. We find such a statement meaningful at a time when the Kurds are holding talks. Just as they split the Kurds at the beginning and attached some of them to themselves, now when unity efforts have been intensified they are trying to prevent it happening.”
“The new administration is not as they describe it. It is very democratic, with many parties involved in its foundation. I don’t think Ahmad al-Jarba is aware of this. He also asks how an administration can exist while regime forces are present. Well, we would like to ask him a question: ‘how did you form and declare a government when the regime and the Syrian army was in every city?’ He claims he has been misquoted, but what has been reported reflects their wishes. “They want to create a new Lausanne through a fait accompli by preventing the unity of the Kurds.” Ilham Ehmed said that talks within the SKNC were continuing and that it was difficult to predict what the outcome would be, as a consensus had not yet been reached.