Human Rights Week in Turkey: 181 custodies, 100 arrests

ISTANBUL (DIHA) 17.12.2012 – The Human Rights Week being celebrated everywhere with activities passed in Turkey with arrestments and detains. Only in a week, at least 181 people were taken into custody and of these people 100 were arrested and sent to prison.

Various activities are organized for the Human Rights Week, which announced on 10 December 1948 by United Nations (UN) announcement, and the Human Rights Week is being celebrated by millions every year. While, the emphasis is on the human rights every where in the world, in Turkey human rights violation increased even in this week. People met the week with home raid, detainments and arrestments from Istanbul to Hakkari. “KCK” operations were made in lots of the cities and dozens of people detained. This week, raids were made by police and soldiers in firstly Batman, Siirt, Mardin, Istanbul, Mersin, Adana, Dersim, Diyarbakir and Urfa. In these raids electeds, municipality labourers, mayors. Totally, at least 181 people were taken into custody and of these people 100 were arrested and sent to prison.