Hezbollah: We Are Collaborating with Kurdish Militia YPG (PKK/PYD)


2 April – 2017 – By Scott Lucas – eaworldview – Two Hezbollah commanders have revealed collaboration with the Kurdish militia YPG over the past The Assad regime has denied any arrangements for co-operation with the YPG, formally rejecting any autonomous Syrian Kurdistan.However, the Hezbollah commanders said they directly coordinated with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, led by YPG, as they advanced in northern Syria against the Islamic State and clashed with Syrian rebels.“We share intel…everything,” one commander said. “These people [the YPG] will take from whoever will serve their interests.”

A lengthy article in The Nation on Hezbollah did not reveal where the coordination was occurring. However, in a sign of de facto cooperation earlier this month, the SDF handed over villages to the regime, west of the city of Manbij in eastern Aleppo Province. The transfer helped establish a buffer zone against any attack by rebels and Turkey, who consider the YPG part of the Turkish Kurdish insurgency PKK.

Rebels and pro-opposition activists have long claimed that the YPG, which has fought with rebels across northern Syria since early 2016, is tacitly cooperating with regime forces and their allies. http://eaworldview.com/2017/04/syria-daily-3rd-set-of-forced-removals-from-al-waer-in-homs/