Haitham Al Maleh will be Syria’s Envoy to Arab League: Coalition says

Zamanalwsl – 26-2-2014 – Political Committee Secretary of the National Coalition has asked the key opposition members to vote yes or no over the nomination of Haitham al-Maleh as Syria’s envoy to the Arab League.Mr. Hadi al-Bahra, in a message sent Friday to NC’s members and seen by Zaman Alwasl,  said the political committee  had agreed on a proposal by Ahmad Jarba, NC leader, and Badr Jamous, secretary general, to appoint the director of Coalition legal bureau as Syria’s envoy to Arab League.

The 22-member League suspended the government of Bashar Assad in 2011 after it unleashed a bloody crackdown on a pro-democracy movement that sparked a violent uprising. The League subsequently granted the seat to the Coalition but postponed full participation in the body’s activities until a provisional government was formed. That has now been accomplished, according to Arab News.

In relevant development, Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil al-Arabi has invited Mr. Jarba during the last meeting between them in Cairo  February 5 to attend the next Arab summit on March 25 in Kuwait as well to address Arab leaders, source said. Al-Maleh, 83, is a Syrian democracy activist and former judge. He has been imprisoned by the Syrian government as a political prisoner on several occasions since the 1960s. He earned a degree in law and a diploma in international law. He has received many awards for his defense of human rights in Syria. http://www.zamanalwsl.net/en/news/3884.html