Gültan Kışanak expected to join BDP delegation on 6th İmralı visit
25 May 2013 /TODAYSZAMAN.COM, İSTANBUL – Co-chair of the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Gültan Kışanak, who appeared in a video last year hugging terrorists from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), is expected to join the BDP delegation that is getting ready to pay its sixth visit to İmralı Island where PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan is in prison.
BDP Co-chairman Selahattin Demirtaş has said they applied to the Justice Ministry for their next visit, which is part of the ongoing settlement process between the government and the PKK. Media reports said on Saturday that Gülten Kışanak, who has never met Öcalan as part of the process, will join the delegation members, Demirtaş and other BDP deputies Pervin Buldan and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, who are expected to travel to the İmralı Island next week.
A video which made its way into the Turkish media in August last year showed several BDP deputies, led by Kışanak, and a group of PKK terrorists chatting and hugging each other along a highway in the Şemdinli district of the southeastern province of Hakkari.