Guerrillas: warplanes activity is a provocation
ANF – Behdinan 27.03.2013 – Speaking at a press conference with the press in West Kurdistan on Monday, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council President Murat Karayılan said that all the guerrilla forces in North Kurdistan would abide by the ceasefire announced on 23 March.
Referring to the Turkish warplanes flying over the guerrilla-controlled Media Defense Areas during the press conference, Karayılan said the activity of Turkish warplanes was meaningful in terms of timing. Karayılan said they sided with peace, but that they were also ready for war should the Kurdish issue not be solved. Asked about the process of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s liberation and the withdrawal of guerrilla forces from Turkish borders, Karayılan said this process involved three phases, and that their main purpose was to ensure Öcalan’s liberation.
Asked about the attitude of political parties in South Kurdistan towards the ongoing process, Karayılan said the circles here also supported the process despite some concerns they had. Karayılan stated that this process was for the benefit of the entire Middle East territory, including Iran, which- he said- they hoped would show support to the process. Speaking after, KCK Executive Council member Ronahi Serhat said that the ongoing activity of Turkish warplanes in Media Defense Areas was a provocation and didn’t serve the purpose of creating an environment of trust. Serhat reminded that guerrilla forces would have the right to reprisal if attacked by the Turkish army.Serhat added they expected the Turkish side to abide by the ceasefire as well.