Some important initiatives on “TURKEY – KURDS dialogue” which will take place next week in the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT in Strasbourg (France), during the forthcoming Plenary Session (4-7 February 2013).- First of all, a formal European Parliament debate on “Dialogue for a peaceful solution of the Kurdish question in Turkey” will take place next Wednesday 6 oh February, at 15h00. I attach the final agenda of the European parliament, for your information.

The debate will be opened by an official statement of Commissioner Stefan Füle on behalf of the European Commission, followed by another official statement of the Irish Presidency of the EU Council (only next Monday we’ll have the name of the Irish Minister doing the statement on behalf of the EU Council).

After the statements, MEPS of all E.P. Political Groups will take the floor.

It’s the first time that EU institutions will present their views on the issue, and more especially on the dialogue between Turkish governement and Abdullah Ocalan.

A delegation of the BDP Party, led by its co-chair MP Selahattin DEMIRTAS, will be in Strasbourg to closely follow the above-mentioned debate. Some activities have been organised with the BDP, and more especially the following ones:

* Tuesday 5th February, at 14h30, an open meeting with MP Demirtas has been called by MEP Klute (coordinator of the EP-Kurds Friendship Group, GUE/NGL), MEP Howwitt (Socialists and Democrats), MEP Lambsdorff (Liberals) and MEP Flautre (Greens-EFA).

During the meeting , Members of the European parliament will have the possibility to discuss with MP Demirtas the BDP assessment of the “Imrali process”.

* Wednesday 6th February, at 17h00 (“just after the above-mentioned parliamentary debate”), MEPS will host a press conference with MP Demirtas (EP Press Room in Strasbourg). So MP Demirtas will have the opportunity to give us his assessement on the parliamentary debate.A formal invitation will follow. The BDP Delegation will also meet important representatives of the three EU institutions.