GOOD NEWS ! KDP + PUK JOINTLY CONTRA SHIA MILITIA IN KIRKUK – Kurdish Official: Deployment of Shiite Militia in Kirkuk is “Dangerous”

Deployment of Shiite militia group in Kirkuk banned by President Barzani, says KDP official – Basnews | Hoshmand Sadiq 16.02.2015 – KIRUKU – Member of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) political bureau Sa’di Ahmed Pira warns that the threatened deployment of the Hashdi al-Sha’bi Shiite militia to the Kirkuk Province will destablise the area further. “Hashdi al-Sha’bi is for the provinces in which it is organized, and they should only be deployed there,” said Pira to BasNews. “In the constitution of Iraq, Hashdi al-Sha’bi is a force that combats terrorist groups like Iraqi army.” “After the Iraqi army left Kirkuk last year, the Peshmerga have protected the province and will continue to do so,” he said.

“Hashdi al-Sha’bi is supported by the federal government. If the militia’s deployment to the province is for a military operation against Islamic State (IS) insurgents, it is normal. However, if they are being deployed to remain in the province for the long term, then it causes dangerous uncertainty,” added Pira. He suggested a joint force consist of Kurds, Turkmen, Sunni Arab and Shiite Arabs, declaring that forces from outside Kirkuk, other than the Peshmerga, will not be tolerated. Previously, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) official in Kirkuk Mohammed Kamal told BasNews, “The Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani banned the deployment of Hashdi al’Sha’bi to Kirkuk.” Iraqi local media reported that Shiite Badr militia Brigadier Hadi Amri revealed that Hashdi al-Sha’bi will enter Kirkuk soon.