FULL REPORT : Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT) November 2013
01 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/001) The case on the explosion in Güngören in Province…
Seventeen people were killed, 154 people were wounded in the bomb attack in Güngören District of İstanbul Province on 29 July 2008.
On 31 October 2013 İstanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 12 went on hearing the case against 9 defendants -3 pre-trial detainees- as the perpetrators of the attack. The prosecutor, in the previous hearings, had asked life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole for 17 times and an imprisonment up to 1800 years for the two defendants Hüseyin Türeli and Nusret Teriş each.
The court sentenced Nusret Tebiş and Hüseyin Türeli to 17 times life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole each, and for the 79 wounded people in the incident, to 1283 years of imprisonment each.
Defendants Ziya Kiraç and Abdurrahman Oral to 12 years of imprisonment each on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC; Şerafettin Kara to 11 years and 3 months of imprisonment on charges of “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7 and “opposition to the Law on Fire Arms”; Aydın Ağlar to 9 years of imprisonment on charges of “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7; Mehmet Salih Yanak to 19 years and 6 months of imprisonment on charges of “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7, “opposition to the Law on Fire Arms” and “false ID”; Cihan Aydın to 15 years and 9 months of imprisonment with the same charges; Şaban Güneş to 2 years and 1 months of imprisonment on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC. Cevat Aydın was acquitted. Te court released pre-trial detainee Mehmet Salih Yanak, taking the time he spent in prison into consideration.
(11/002) Coercion in prison…
24 pre-trial detainees in Kırıklar (İzmir) F Type Prison who had been detained in connection with the Gezi Park acitons were put into solitary confinement on the grounds that they had broken the cameras inside their cells reported on 31 October 2013.
(11/003) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli, Mazlum Dinç and Hüseyin Boğatekin were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 31 October 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to Imralı Island was out of order.
(11/004) Convicted reporter…
On 30 October 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 7 Doğan News Agency’s (DHA) Diyarbakır reporter Ferit Aslan to 10 months of imprisonment in connection with published in Radikal Newspaper’s website radikal.com.tr on 5 June 2012 about the conviction of K.A. (16) Şırnak Heavy Penal Court on the grounds that he had published the names of the judges on charges of “showing the personnel working in the fighting with terror as targets to the illegal organisation” under Article 6 of the FTL.
(11/005) Intervention to the action in İstanbul Province…
Police teams interfered to the action of the members of the Solidarity Association of the Prisoners’ Families (Tutuklu Hükümlü Aileleri Yardımlaşma Derneği (TAYAD)) to call attention of the hunger strike they had started to prevent the extradition of the prisoners in Greece to Turkey in front of the Consulate of Greece in İstanbul Province on 31 October 2013 and detained 5 people.
(11/006) Şırnak Home raid in Province…
Five out of the nine people who had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Special Task Force Department teams on the grounds that they were “members of Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement” in Şırnak Province on 29 October 2013 were arrested on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC on 31 October 2013.
(11/007) Home raid in Diyarbakır Province…
Aram Publisher worker Hüseyin Caruş was detained in home raid in Diyarbakır Province on 31 October 2013.
(11/008) Work accident in Antalya Province…
Abdurrahman Kıllı and İsmail Kıllı died with the collapse of the cement tower in Yelten Minicipality of Antalya Province on 31 October 2013.
(11/009) Work accident in Sivas Province…
Excavator operator Sultan Topcu (24), who has been working in the construction hydroelectric power plant died after he was hit with the rock that collapsed from the hill he was working in Sivas Province on 31 October 2013.
02-04 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/010) Murder by unknown assailants in Batman Province…
Hacı Ali Evgün, the owner of the oil station on the road between Batman and Kozluk was killed by unidentified people in Kozluk District of Batman Province on 2 November 2013. Electricity was cut off before the murder and it was claimed that the deceased may be killed by the temporary village guard who had asked for money before.
(11/011) Armed atack in Batman Province…
Özcan Temel (28) was killed with the fire of a group on the wedding ceremony in Ipragaz Quarter of Batman Province on 2 November 2013. Four people were wounded in the attack. Six members of the HÜDA-PAR were detained on the grounds that they were the perpetrators.
(11/012) The investigation on the murder of Ahmet Cömert…
Ahmet Cömert (22) was killed with gas bomb canister in Hatay Province on 3 June 2013. The autopsy was finalised on 5 October 2013 and documented the incident.
Three police officers Ahmet Kuş, Hacı Ali Demir and Mustafa Kızıltepe gave their legal arguments as suspects reported on 3 November 2013.
The police officers, who have given legal arguments on 3-4 October 2013, claimed that they did not target anyone that day and fired the bombs behind the crowd; they had been trained for firing gas bombs and they do not know whether the canisters are lethal or not.
(11/013) The clashes in Syria…
During the clashes between the al-Nusra Front, a group loosely aligned with al-Qaida and the PYD (the Syrian Democratic Party, which is affiliated with PKK) in Kurdish-controlled territories, Sevgi Evgül (15) was wounded with a bullet as he was in her home in Ceylanpınar District of Şanlıurfa Province, fired from Serekaniye (Resulayn) Town in Syria on 3 November 2013.
(11/014) Coercion in prison…
Sami Hoştan had been a defendant in the Ergenekon case and sentenced to ten years. He had been arrested from another operation and reportedly had liver metastasis and he has medically treated in Edirne Medicine Faculty Oncology Department on 23 October 2013.
Four gendarmerie soldiers have been accompanying him in the hospital in last 28 days and his family applied for his release to Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 23. The court declined the application on 1 November 2013.
(11/015) Tried judge…
On 1 November 2013 Sincan (Ankara) Heavy Penal Court No. 1 began to hear the case against The Chairperson of the Judges Trade Union and Çankırı Judge Ömer Faruk Eminağaoğlu in connection with his words on Erzurum Heavy Penal Court No. 2 Republican which has been trying People Party (CHP) Denizli Deputy Ilhan Cihaner on charges of “insulting a public officers working as a board due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC. The court heard the legal argument of the defendant and adjourned the hearing.
(11/016) Administrative fine in Batman Province…
Five executives of the Education and Science Workers Trade Union (Egitim-Sen) were sentenced to a fine of 7500 TL in connection with the Kurdish posters they had hanged to the billboards they had hired on the panel “Dengbejs in Kurdish Verbal Literature” Batman Province on 29 September 2013 reported on 1 November 2013.
(11/017) Convicted people…
On 5 October 2013 Giresun Penal Court of Peace No. 1 sentenced 7 juveniles to 7 months and 25 days of imprisonment each in connection with the “lamp [it is the symbol of the Justice and Development Party (AKP)] Tayyip” slogan they chanted during a public statement of the Young Hope (a proleftist group) in Giresun Province on 2 January 2011 on charges “insulting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC.
(11/018) Tried people in connection with Gezi Park actions…
On 1 November 2013 Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 9 began to hear the case against 20 people in connection with the solidarity actions with the Gezi Park Actions in Istanbul Province on 7 July 2013 on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “resisting police officer” and “attempting to harm public goods”. The court determined the identities and heard the legal arguments of the defendants before adjourning the hearing for the missing documents.
(11/019) Tried people in connection with Gezi Park actions…
On 1 November 2013 Izmir Heavy Penal Court No. 12 began to hear the case against 14 people -7 pre-trial detainees- in connection with the solidarity actions in Izmir Province with the Gezi Park Actions on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “resisting police officer” and “attempting to harm public goods”. The Socialist Party of the Oppressed’s (ESP) Province Branch Chairperson Pınar Türk, the ESP members Seyithan Korkmaz, Sercan Üstündaş, Süleyman Göksel Yerdut, Mehmet Polat, Görkem Özer and Gizem Türkmen were released in the hearing.
(11/020) Intervention to the action in Istanbul Province…
Police teams interfered to the action of the members of the Solidarity Association of the Prisoners’ Families (Tutuklu Hükümlü Aileleri Yardımlaşma Derneği (TAYAD)) to call attention of the hunger strike they had started to prevent the extradition of the prisoners in Greece to Turkey in front of the Consulate of Greece in Istanbul Province on 2 and 3 November 2013 and detained 10 people.
(11/021) Home raids in Hakkâri Province…
Nine people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on the grounds that they had participated in several actions in Hakkâri Province on 1 November 2013.
(11/022) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Fourteen people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Special Task Force Department teams in Silopi District of Şırnak Province on 2 November 2013 on the grounds that they had participated in several actions.
(11/023) Home raids in Kayseri Province…
Police teams raided on The Association of The League of Workers/Işçilerin Birliği Derneği and houses and detained Haydar Baran, Uğur Candar and the chairperson of the association Hacı Bora Koç on charges of “acting on behalf of an illegal organisation” in Kayseri and its Talas District on 1 November 2013
(11/024) Home raids in Siirt Province…
Seven people including Aram Publisher worker Hüseyin Caruş, the BDP’s Party Assembly member Mahir Bekleviş and the BDP’s General Centre worker Sıdık Eren had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in the framework of the KCK investigation in Siirt Province on 2 November 2013 and they had been arrested on charges of “establishing province court” on 3 November 2013.
(11/025) Ongoing 3rd KCK/TM Main Case Istanbul Province…
Thirty-six out of the 49 journalists who had been detained in the raids on the offices of the Dicle Haber Ajansı/News Agency (DIHA) in 8 provinces in the framework of the KCK investigation on 20 December 2011 had been arrested on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” by Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 9 on 24 December 2011.
The 800-page indictment against 44 defendants on charges of “being a member and an executive of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC was accepted on 11 May 2012 by Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 and the first hearing was held on 10 September 2012.
The court declined the demand of the defendants to make their legal argument in Kurdish as in other KCK cases. The court took the demands of the lawyers to be the intervening party and heard the defendants. The court declared that it will announce its interim verdict on 13 September 2012 and adjourned the hearing to 11 September 2012.
On1 November 2013 Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 went on hearing the case against the 46 defendants -20 pre-trial detainees and prolonged the pre-trial detention process of 22 defendants. The hearing was adjourned to 2 December 2013.
(11/026) Workers died/wounded in the traffic accident…
Thirty-three workers were wounded in the accident of the bus that was carruing in Dörtyol District of Hatay Province on 3 November 2013. (11/027) Work accident in Karaman Province…
Cemal Evcen (34) died as he was cleaning the mortar mixing machine in Karaman Province on 3 November 2013.
(11/028) Workers died/wounded in the traffic accident…
Twenty workers were wounded in the accident of the minibus that was carrying them in Turgutlu District of Manisa Province on 2 November 2013.
(11/029) Şanlıurfa Work accident in Province…
Osman Rusvay (26) died due to the landslide as he was working in the infrastructure in Karaköprü District of Şanlıurfa Province on 2 November 2013,
(11/030) Suspicious death of a soldier in Hakkâri Province…
Ömer Faruk Biçer who has been serving his compulsory military service in Yeşiltaş Army Unit in Dağlıca Region in Yüksekova District of Hakkâri Province on 1 November 2013 allegedly committed suicide.
05 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/031) Ongoing Murder by unknown assailants’ case, the murder of Cem Ersever…
The prosecutor decided not to apply 20 years of limitation of time to the investigations of the murders of Cem Ersever, Neval Boz and Murat Demir on the grounds that they are “crimes against humanity” in line with the decisions of the ECHR reported on 4 November 2013.
(11/032) Armed attack in Batman Province…
Özcan Temel (28) was killed with the fire of a group on the wedding ceremony in Ipragaz Quarter of Batman Province on 2 November 2013. Four people were wounded in the attack. The number of the members of the HÜDA-PAR who had been were detained on the grounds that they were the perpetrators, became 15.
(11/033) Coercion in prison…
Five prisoners -Azad Dündan, Ergin Sönmez, Anış Demiral, Ali Ertunç and Reşit Dayan- in Van F Type Closed Prison were sentenced to solitary confinement for ten days on the grounds that they “harmed the facilities, tools and materials of the institution” reported on 4 November 2013.
(11/034) Convicted newspaper and radio workers…
On 4 November 2013 İstanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 10 went on hearing the case against 26 executives and workers of the Atılım Newspaper and Özgür Radio who had been detained and eventually arrested in the framework of Gaye Operation on 10 September 2006 on charges of being a member of Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP).
The court sentenced Ali Hıdır Polat, Naci Güner, Ziya Ulusoy, Bayram Namaz, Arif Çelebi, İbrahim Çiçek, Füsun Erdoğan to life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole and approximately 300 years of imprisonment each in connection with 155 actions.
The court also sentenced Erkan Özdemir to life sentence and 3 years and 1 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Serkan Gündoğdu to 13 years and 1 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Arzu Torun to 14 years and 3 months of imprisonment; Bilgi Tağaç to 11 years and 9 months of imprisonment; Elif Almakça to 29 years and 1 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Erkan Salduz to 21 years and 9 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Fatma Siner to 10 years and 7 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Fethiye Ok to 10 years and 7 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Hasan Ozan to 14 years and 4 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Hatice Bolat to 29 years and 1 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Mehmet Ali Polat to 31 years and 5 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Meral Siner, Rıza Bozkurt, and Sedat Şenoğlu to 7 years and 6 months of imprisonment each; Seyfi Polat to 37 years and 9 months of imprisonment; Soner Çiçek to 10 years and 7 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Sultan Ulusoy to 14 years and 4 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Turaç Solak to 30 years and 1 months and 15 days of imprisonment; Uğur Kayacı to 10 years and 1 months and 15 days of imprisonment.
(11/035) Intervention to the action in Istanbul Province…
Police teams interfered to the action of the members of the Solidarity Association of the Prisoners’ Families (Tutuklu Hükümlü Aileleri Yardımlaşma Derneği (TAYAD)) to call attention of the hunger strike they had started to prevent the extradition of the prisoners in Greece to Turkey in front of the Consulate of Greece in Istanbul Province on 4 November 2013 and detained 16 people.
(11/036) Convicted persons…
On 4 November 2013 Erzurum Heavy Penal Court No. 4 sentenced pre-trial detainees M.Ö., K.K. and S.E. to18 years of imprisonment each; H.Ç. to 15 years of imprisonment; S.O. to 12 years of imprisonment on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC. F.K. and E.E. were acquitted. Seven students of İbrahim Çeçen University had been detained in Ağrı Province in 2011.
(11/037) Person detained in İstanbul Province…
Police teams detained Çağdaş Küçükbattal, a member of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), in home raid in İstanbul Province on 4 November 2013 without showing any reason.
(11/038) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Fourteen people –including 9 juveniles- had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Special Task Force Department teams in Silopi District of Şırnak Province on 2 November 2013 on the grounds that they had participated in several actions. They were arrested on 4 November 2013.
(11/039) Work accident in Ankara Province…
Musa Şimşek (24) died after falling from the 6th floor of the scaffold of the construction site in Polatlı District of Ankara Province on 4 November 2013.
06 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/040) The case on the murder of Hrant Dink…
On 5 November 2013 Istanbul Heavy Penal Court for Juveniles No. 2 went on hearing the case against Ogün Samast in connection with the murder of Hrant Dink on 19 January 2007 on charges of “being a member of an organisation and committed the murder in the framework of it”. Ogün Samast did not participate. The court decided to ask the National Intelligence Organisation (MIT) about the confidentiality status of the documents they had sent to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) on the murder of Hrant Dink.
(11/041) Investigation on the forced disappearance in detention in Şırnak…
Six peasants had been detained in Derecik Region of Görümlü Village of Silopi District of Şırnak Province on 14 May 1993 with the order of former Şırnak Brigade Commander Mete Sayar on the grounds that they had been “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” and no one knows their whereabouts since then.
A case was launched three days before the limitation of time against Mete Sayar, Görümlü 1st Mechanised Infantry Battalion Commander retired colonel Hasan Basri Vural, 3rd Company Team Commander Lieutenant Ibrahim Kıraç, Captain Murat Ali Yıldız, Lieutenant Serdar Tekin and 2nd Commando Battalion Command Tansel Erok and the prosecutor asked for life sentence reported on 23 June 2013.
On 5 November 2013 Şırnak Heavy Penal Court began to hear the case and adjudicated to transfer the case to Ankara Province, on the grounds that the lives of the defendants are under risk.
(11/042) Excessive use of force by law enforcement officers…
B.Y. (14) was shot from his left eye with a plastic bullet used by the police during the intervention to the protest in Adana Province on 3 November 2013. He lost his sight.
(11/043) Death in prison…
Convict H.B. (72) allegedly died after a cardiac attack in Samsun E Type of Closed Prison on 2 October 2013.
(11/044) Coercion in prison…
Contemporary Lawyers Association’s Chairperson Selçuk Kozağaçlı who had been detained in the DHKP/C operation in the morning of 18 January 2013 and in Kandıra (Kocaeli) F Type of Closed Prison since then, could not call his wife Betül Vangölü Kozağaçlı who is also a pre-trial detainee in the same case on the grounds that “convicts could not be called from outside” reported on 5 November 2013.
(11/045) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli, Şaziye Önder and Mazlum Dinç were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 5 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to Imralı Island was out of order.
(11/046) Tried deputy…
Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 4 sentenced Van Deputy Aysel Tuğluk to 14 years and 6 months of imprisonment in connection with 12 different speeches of her in Diyarbakır Province between the years 2005 and 2009 on charges of “committing offence on behalf of an organisation although he is not a member” under Article 220/6 of TPC and “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Fighting with Terrorism Law on 12 June 2012.
The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Penal Chamber No. 6 had crashed the verdict and the court restart to hear the case on 5 November 2013.
The court, after hearing the legal argument of the prosecutor on the essence of the case and the lawyers, adjudicated to drop some of the charges due to the amendment of the FTL and postponed the others.
(11/047) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 5 November 2013 Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 28 began to hear the case against 5 people -Ali Polat, Talip Söylemez, Ferdi Turhan, Alper Kırıcı and Armağan Altun- on the grounds that they had participated in actions in Gezi Park in Istanbul Province, on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “harming public goods” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and heard their legal arguments before acquitting them due to lack of evidence.
(11/049) Hindered TTB Committee…
Eight members of the Turkish Medical Association/Türk Tabipler Birliği (TTB) Committee -Chairperson Özdemir Aktan and the chairpersons of the regional medical chambers- were not allowed to visit Nusaybin Mayor Ayşe Gökkan on 5 November 2013.
Ayşe Gökkan has been conducting hunger strike in the border against the wall that has been constructed between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Region of Syria
(11/050) Detained people in Erzincan and Istanbul Provinces…
Özgül Ülgen and Uğur Ülgen, the members of the Socialist Youth Association/Sosyalist Gençlik Derneği (SGD) were detained in connection with “Gezi Park actions” in Tercan District of Erzincan and Istanbul Provinces on 5 November 2013.
(11/051) Home raids in Erzincan Province…
Sixteen people were detained in Konya, Istanbul and Diyarbakır Provinces in the Al-Qaida operation conducted from Erzincan Province on 5 November 2013.
(11/052) Home raids in Hakkâri Province…
Ten detainees -7 of them juveniles- who had been detained in home raids of Fighting with Terror Department in Hakkâri Province on 1 November 2013 were arrested on charges of “participating in the actions on 5 November 2013.
(11/053) Suspicious death of a soldier in Diyarbakır Province…
Faruk Eraslanoğlu who had been serving his compulsory military service in Abalı Gendarmerie Headquarters, allegedly killed by his soldier friend as they were kidding in Lice District of Diyarbakır Province on 4 November 2013 committed suicide.
(11/054) Workers died/wounded in the traffic accident…
Seven workers died and 14 others were wounded in the accident of the minibus that was carrying them in Bozova District of Şanlıurfa Province on 5 November 2013.
07 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/055) The case on the massacre of Zirve Press…
On 6 November 2013 Malatya Heavy Penal Court No. 3 went on hearing the case against 19 defendants -13 pre-trial detainees- in connection with the murder of three Christians -Tilman Ekkehart Geske, Necati Aydın Uğur Yüksel- on the grounds that they have been working as missionaries in Zirve Press in Malatya Province on 18 April 2007.
The court heard the demands of the both sides and some records. The court also released Hüseyin Yelki and adjourned the hearing to 16 December 2013.
(11/056) Acquitted writer…
On 7 November 2013 İstanbul Penal Court of Peace No. 18 began to hear the case against Writer Emrah Serbes in connection with his remarks on the May Day incidents and saying “Recop Tazyik Gazdoğan” on charges of “insulting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC. The court acquitted the writer.
(11/057) Intervention to the protest against the Higher Education Council (YÖK)…
Several protests were conducted against the Higher Education Council (YÖK) in its anniversary of foundation in several provinces on 6 November 2013.
Six people were detained in the protest in Yüksel Street in Ankara Province.
Police teams interfered to the students who had occupied the room of the Dean of Ankara University Faculty of Letters with gas bombs and detained 8 students.
A student was wounded and 5 students were detained in the intervention of the private security officers and police teams in Akdeniz University in Antalya Province.
(11/058) Banned march in Mardin Province…
On 6 November 2013 Mardin Governorate banned the meeting of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) which would be held in the border between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Province of Syria to to protest the wall that has been constructed in the border and support Nusaybin Mayor Ayşe Gökkan who has been on hunger strike to protest the wall on 7 November 2013.
(11/059) Detained person in İstanbul Province…
Doğan Yıldız was detained in Gazi Quarter of Sultangazi District of İstanbul Province on 6 November 2013, on the grounds that he had participated in the funeral of Hasan Ferit Gedik who had been killed by drug sellers.
(11/060) Home raids in Van Province…
Twelve people were detained in home raids by the soldiers on the grounds that they had protested the extra-judicial killing of Iranian Senar Xalibi by the soldiers of Iran who “had been in Heretîl (Kapıköyü) Village to smuggle oil” in Saray District of Van Province on 6 November 2013.
(11/061) Fired police officers…
Five police officers were dismissed from the profession by the Security General Directorate’s High Discipline Board on the grounds that they “became members of the Security Trade Union and disobey orders” on 30 October 2013, reported on 6 November 2013.
(11/062) Closure demand of an association…
Batman Chief Public Prosecution Office demanded the closure of the Mesopotamia Solidarity and Support Association for the People who lost their Next-to-Kin’s (MEYA-DER) Batman Branch from the Batman Law Court of First Instance No. 1 reported on 6 November 2013.
(11/063) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Two out of the five people who had been detained in home raids by Special Task Force teams on the grounds that “they had participated in various demonstrations” in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 6 November 2013 were arrested on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC.
(11/064) Home raids in Kayseri Province…
Police teams raided on The Association of The League of Workers/Işçilerin Birliği Derneği and houses and detained Haydar Baran, Uğur Candar and the chairperson of the association Hacı Bora Koç on charges of “acting on behalf of an illegal organisation” in Kayseri and its Talas District on 1 November 2013.
Haydar Baran and Uğur Candar out of the five detainees were arrested on 4 November 2013.
(11/065) Detained person in Kocaeli Province…
Taylan Çetiner, a member of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), was detained by police teams without any explanations after he had visited his friends in Kandıra (Kocaeli) F Type Prison on 6 November 2013
(11/066) Work accident in Tokat Province…
Suat Bahar (27) who had been working for an elevator firm, died in the accident in the depot of the firm in Tokat Province on 5 November 2013.
08-11 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/067) The case on the extra-judicial killing of Cem Aygün…
Cem Aygün (22) was shot death from the back of his neck on the grounds that he did not obey the stop warning as he was driving car in Keçiören District of Ankara Province on 30 August 2012. He had been sentenced to 13 months of imprisonment and he had to give signature to the Police Station every day. Police officer claimed that he had collapsed and his firearm had fired.
Ankara Chief Public Prosecution Office had decided nolle prosequi for police officer O.H. and for police officer Fatih Yılmaz had asked 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment on charges of “homicide with excessive use of force without intention and with reasons that annul penal responsibility”.
On 20 June 2013 Ankara Heavy Penal Court No. 4 went on hearing the case against police officer Fatih Yılmaz. The defendant claimed that “I fired my firearm aiming Cem Aygün’s leg in order to stop him”. Mustafa Sarı, the witness of the incident, claimed that the officer fired not aiming to his leg but his back.
The court had declined the demand of the Türkiye Insan Hakları Vakfı (TIHV) to be the intervening party in the previous hearing. The hearing was adjourned to 26 September 2013.
The court went on hearing the case on 7 November 2013 and the defendant Fatih Yılmaz did not participate the hearing. The court heard the statements of the lawyers and declined the demand to issue an arrest warrant before adjourning the case to 5 December 2013. The court adjudicated to evaluate the scene of crime to be in line with the decisions of the ECHR.
(11/068) JITEM Case on the murder by unknown assailants in Cizre…
On 8 November 2013Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 6 went on hearing the Gendarmerie Intelligence and Fighting with Terrorism Department (JITEM) case on the 20 murder by unknown assailants in Cizre District of Şırnak Province between 1993 and 1995 during the period of Cizre Gendarmerie District Commander Cemal Temizöz.
The court heard the legal arguments of the 7 defendants -5 pre-trial detainees- and released the pre-trial detainees Hıdır Altuğ and Fırat Altın before adjourning the hearing.
(11/069) Coercion in prison…
Pre-trial detainees and convicts from political cases objected to the camera that were put into airing common areas in Sincan (Ankara) F Type of Closed Prison No. 1. Gendarmerie soldiers attacked on 60 prisoners and put them into solitary confinement on 7 November 2013.
(11/070) Coercion in prison…
Thirteen prisoners, who had attempted to run away from Bingöl M Type of Closed Prison with a tunnel and then put into Van F Type of Closed Prison after they were caught, were reportedly kept in cold cells without hot water and insufficient clothes. They launched hunger strike to protest the policy reported on 29 October 2013.
The number of hunger strikers became 48 reported on 8 November 2013.
(11/071) Coercion in prison…
Sixty-one prisoners were transfered from Muş E Type of Closed Prison to Tekirdağ F Type of Closed Prison against their will, reported on 8 November 2013.
(11/072) Coercion in prison…
Özlem Taşdemir who has been Gebze (Kocaeli) Prison for Women sentenced to 11 days of solitary confinement on the grounds that she pinned a cockade to her collar that calls for “freedom for revolutionary lawyers” on charges of carrying the symbol of the illegal organisation reported on 7 November 2013.
(11/073) Coercion in prison…
S.Ş.G. (17) had been seriously wounded in the fire that was sparkled with the riot of the juveniles against torture in Ceyhan (Adana) M Type of Closed Prison in February 2013. S.Ş.G. had been medically treated in Balcalı Training and Research Hospital in last nine months but he was transferred to Sincan (Ankara) Prison for Juveniles without his discharge from hospital, reported on 9 November 2013.
(11/074) Coercion in prison…
Four convicts from PKK case were beten on the grounds that they objected to be medically treated with their hands cuffed in Şakran (Izmir) T Type of Closed Prison reported on 9 November 2013.
(11/075) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli, Mazlum Dinç and Şaziye Önder were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 7 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to Imralı Island was out of order.
(11/076) Tried publishers…
Sel Publication owner Irfan Sancı and translator Ismail Yerguz had been tried in connection with publishing Guillaume Apollinaire’s Exploits of a Young Don Juan on charges of “obscenity “ under Article 226 of the TPC and acquitted. The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Penal Chamber No. 14 crashed the verdict of the local court. Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 2 restarted to hear the case on 7 November 2013. The court adjourned to hearing to 17 December 2013 to complete the missing documents.
(11/077) Tried person…
Antalya Heavy Penal Curt No. 5 accepted the indictment against E.Y. in connection with chanting “A Thousand Salutes to Imralı!” slogan in the Labour Day in Antalya Province on 1 May 2013 on charges of “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Anti-Terror Law reported on 8 November 2013. The first hearing will be held on 28 November 2013.
(11/078) Intervention to the march in Mardin Province…
On 6 November 2013 Mardin Governorate had banned the meeting of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) which would be held in the border between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Province of Syria to to protest the wall that has been constructed in the border and support Nusaybin Mayor Ayşe Gökkan who has been on hunger strike to protest the wall on 7 November 2013.
On 7 November 2013 police teams interfered to the march with real bullets, gas bombs and water cannons on the grounds that it was banned on 6 November 2013. Six people were wounded in the intervention and authorities stated that the construction of the wall was halted. Ayşe Gökkan finalised her hunger strike which lasted 9 days after the statement.
(11/079) Intervention to the action in Istanbul Province…
Police teams interfered to the action of the members of the Solidarity Association of the Prisoners’ Families (Tutuklu Hükümlü Aileleri Yardımlaşma Derneği (TAYAD)) to call attention of the hunger strike they had started to prevent the extradition of the prisoners in Greece to Turkey in front of the Consulate of Greece in Istanbul Province on 10 November 2013 and detained 3 people.
(11/080) Intervention to the protest against the Higher Education Council (YÖK)…
Several protests were conducted against the Higher Education Council (YÖK) in its anniversary of foundation in several provinces on 6 November 2013.
Police teams had interfered to the students who had occupied the room of the Dean of Ankara University Faculty of Letters with gas bombs and had detained 8 students. Seven out of the 8 students were arrested on 9 November 2013.
(11/081) Person detained in Diyarbakır Province…
The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Hayati Yıldız and yhe High School Students League (LÖB) member M.A. were detained on the grounds that that had been hanging posters for the panel “Women’s Revolution and Resistance from Rojava to Gezi” in Diyarbakır Province on 7 November 2013.
(11/082) Ongoing KCK/TM Main Case in Istanbul Province…
Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 went on hearing the case against 205 defendants -23 of them were fugitives- on 8 November 2013.
Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı is among the defendants and charged with “being the executive of the illegal organisation”.
Istanbul Chief Public Prosecution Office had finalised the indictment against 193 people -147 of the pre-trial detainees- who had been detained in various dates in the framework of KCK investigation and sent the 2401 pages of indictment for the evaluation of Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 on 19 March 2012. Writer Ragıp Zarakolu had been charged with “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7 and Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı had been charged with “being an executive of illegal organisation”.
Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 had released Writer Ragıp Zarakolu, Muhsin Yenisöz, Irfan Hülakü, Lütfü Balbal, Ali Geritli, Songül Karatagna, Nahit Onat, Zeynal Çelik, Neci Elmas, Burhanettin Toprak, Ismail Zeybek, Evrim Öztürk, Yasin Yalçın, Cemalettin Görbegir, Alaattin Güneş on the grounds that the probability that the qualification of the charges could be change and the conditions of the evidences as well as taking the period of time spent in prison as pre-trial detainees.
The court after hearing the arguments of the defendants and adjourned to 11 November 2013. The hearings will be without any break till 22 November 2013.
(11/083) Home raids in Van Province…
Fifteen people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in Van Province on 10 November 2013. The authorities did not make any explanation on the reason of detention.
(11/084) Home raids in Hatay Province…
Eleven people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in the framework of the DHKP/C investigation in Hatay Province on 8 November 2013.
(11/085) Arrested party executive…
Vahide Erdem, the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Beytüşşebap District Branch Vice Chairperson, who had been detained in the road control in Uludere District of Şırnak Province, was arrested 7 November 2013.
(11/086) Person detained in Istanbul Province…
Fedat Kıltepe, a member of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), was detained in Gazi Quarter of Sultangazi District of Istanbul Province on 6 November 2013. The authorities did not make any explanation on the reason of detention.
(11/087) Officer shot in Şırnak Province…
Lieutenant I.K. was shot by his friend as they were kidding in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 10 November 2013.
(11/088) Work accident in Gaziantep Province…
Workers Ibrahim Gemici and Mehmet Alakırık died and 45 other workers were wounded in the fire in the textile centre in Gaziantep Province on 7 November 2013.
(11/089) Extra-judicial killing in Hakkâri Province…
Yücel Ertuş (29) and Specialised Sergeant Erhan Yürüdür (41) were killed in the incident in the vicinity of Üzümcü Village of Hakkâri Province on 6 November 2013. According to the authorities, the minibus, that was carrying Yücel Ertuş, did not obey the stop warning and the soldiers opened fire.
(11/090) Work accident in Kocaeli Province…
Nizamettin Önelge died after falling from scaffold in Gebze District of Kocaeli Province on 8 November 2013.
(11/091) Work accident in Tekirdağ Province…
Hasan Civelek, Musa Gürsoy and Adem Altundağ were wounded with the boiling water that came out from the steam generator due to excessive pressure in a textile factory in Çerkezköy District of Tekirdağ Province on 8 November 2013.
(11/092) Work accident in Van Province…
Three workers were seriously wounded in the landslide during the construction of the sport complex in Edremit District of Van Province on 7 November 2013.
(11/093) Racist attack in Kahramanmaraş Province…
Six Kurdish workers, who have been working in the construction of the Tufanbeyli Termal Power Plant, were attacked by approximately 100 people in Göksun District of Kahramanmaraş Province on 9 November 2013. Workers left the district after their medical treatment in Göksun State Hospital.
12 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/094) Finalised Engin Çeber’s Case…
Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals 8th Penal Chamber announced its verdict on Engin Çeber case. The court approved the life sentences for guardians Selahattin Apaydın and Sami Ergazi as well as former prison warden Fuat Karaosmanoğlu. “Warden Karaosmanoğlu did not participate in the torture sessions. He was merely the superior of those who tortured [Çeber] and failed to stop them when he could. He consequently received a life-time sentence. This verdict has gone quite far, and if authorities follow through with it, then a security office director, for instance, can also receive as hefty a sentence as the police officer who commits the actual torture. This represents a significant step in preventing torture,” Tanay said on October 1.
The Supreme Court of Appeals ruled that those who neglect torture or decline to stop are also liable. Supreme Court approved other life sentences.
In 2012, Nihat Kızılkaya has been released considering his prison term after being convicted to 2.5 years of prison. Police officers Mehmet Pek and Abdülmuttalip Bozyel were also convicted of torture and ordered to serve 2.5 years of prison multiplied to three. The aforementioned sentences were approved by the supreme court as well.
Previously, police officer Aliye Uçak received 5 months of prison for “excessive force”, a sentence that was suspended. The Supreme Court also overthrew this verdict, saying that it was “an intended assault”.
Officials took Çeber under custody on Sept. 28, 2008 on the grounds that he had participated in a press meeting and distributed the Yürüyüş magazine. He was tortured incessantly until Oct. 7, 2008 in both the İstinye Şehit Muhsin Bodur Police Department and the Metris Prison.
He passed away at the Şişli Etfal Hospital on Oct. 10, 2008, while expert reports also confirmed that torture was the cause of his death.
A suit was subsequently filed at the Bakırköy 14th High Criminal Court against a total of 60 suspects, including 39 prison guards, three wardens, 13 police officers, four troops and one doctor.
The first trial in the case concluded in June 2010 when the court found four of the officials guilty of causing death through torture, and handed down life sentences.
But in late 2011, Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals used legal technicalities as a basis for overturning the ruling and ordering a re-trial which began in February this year.
On June 10, 2010, a court ruled to sentence prison guards Selahattin Apaydın and Sami Ergazi as well as deputy warden Fuat Karaosmanoğlu to life-time imprisonment for torturing journalist Engin Çeber to death.
Other defendants were convicted of torture, planned assault and abuse of duty and sentenced to 7.5 years (Yavuz Uzun, Murat Çise, Abdulmuttalip Bozyel and Mehmet Pek 7.5 years) and 2.5 years (Aliye Uçak) (torture), Prison doctor Yemliha Söylemez was sentenced to 3 years and 9 months of prison for providing fake documents.
On September 28, 2011, Supreme Court of Appeals 8th Penal Chamber overthrew the verdict. The first hearing was set to February 20, 2012.
On October 1, 2012, Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court reached a new verdict in the case.
(11/095) Coercion in prison…
Sixteen prisoners were transferred from Batman M Type of Closed Prison to Tekirdağ F Type of Closed Prison against their will reported on 11 November 2013.
(11/096) Coercion in prison…
Seventy-two prisoners were transferred from Siirt E Type of Closed Prison to Bandırma (Balıkesir) T Type of Closed Prison against their will reported on 11 November 2013.
(11/097) Coercion in prison…
Fifty prisoners were transferred from Mardin E Type of Closed Prison to Tekirdağ Type of Closed Prison No. 2 on the grounds that they had protested the wall that had been constructed in the border between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Province in Syria, reported on 11 November 2013.
(11/098) People sentenced to a fine…
On 11 November 2013 nine poeple were sentenced to a fine of 186 TL each according to the Law on Misdemeanour in connection with the protesting Adana Governor Coş during the activities for 10 November 2013 (the anniversary of the demise of the founder of Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk). Judicial proceedings were started for another person.
(11/099) Convicted people…
Turgutlu Penal Court of First Instance sentenced 5 defendants to 11 months and 20 days of imprisonment each in connection with chanting slogans in the protest for the anniversary of the Roboski Massacre in Turgutlu District of Manisa Province on 30 December 2011 on charges of “insulting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC, reported on 11 November 2013.
(11/100) Tried person…
On 11 November 2013 Samsun Heavy Penal Court No. 3 went on hearing the case agianst Utku Kalı in connection with leaking the confidential documents concerning the bomb attack that killed 53 people in Reyhanlı District of Hatay Province. Utku Kalı who had been under medical treatment in hospital due to torture inflicted on him in prison, participated for the first time in the hearing. The court released Utku Kalıafter hearing his legal argument.
(11/101) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 11 November 2013 Adana Heavy Penal Court No. 10 began to hear the case against 12 people on the grounds that they had participated solidarity actions with Gezi Park in Adana Province on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “harming public goods” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and heard their legal argument and released 8 pre-trial detainees before adjourning the hearing to 17 February 2014.
(11/102)Arrested people in Tunceli Province…
On 12 November 2013 7 Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) members and a member of Halk Cephesi were arrested in connection with the murder of Prosecutor Murat Uzun in Ovacık District of Tunceli Province on 19 September 2012.
(11/103) Home raids in Hakkâri Province…
Fifteen people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in Yüksekova District of Hakkâri Province on 12 November 2013. The authorities did not make any explanation on the reason of detention.
(11/104) Home raids in Hatay Province…
Eleven people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in the framework of the DHKP/C investigation in Hatay Province on 8 November 2013. Nine of them were arrested on 12 November 2013.
(11/105) Attack on Kurdish students in Sivas Province…
Right wingers attacked on the Kurdish students with choppers and knives, who were protesting the wall that had been constructed in the border between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Province in Syria, and wounded two students in Sivas Cumhuriyet University on 11 November 2013.
(11/106) Attack on Kurdish students in İstanbul Province…
Two Kurdish students were seriously wounded in the attacked of the right-wingers in Marmara University in İstanbul Province on 11 November 2013.
(11/107) Work accident in Diyarbakır Province…
Orhan Sürer (13) died after falling from the 7th floor of the building under construction in Bismil District of Diyarbakır Province on 11 November 2013.
(11/108) Work accident in İzmir Province…
Oğuzhan Karayiğit Ulaş (27) died after falling from the fifth floor of the domestic flights department of the Adnan Menderes Airport which is under construction in İzmir Province on 11 November 2013.
(11/109) Work accident in Denizli Province…
Mehmet Emin Çoban (47) died after falling from the 3rd floor of the building under construction in Denizli Province on 11 November 2013.
13 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/110) The investigation on the murder of Ali İsmail Korkmaz by unknown assailants…
Ali İsmail Korkmaz (19) who had been battered by the unidentified people after the protest Eskişehir Province on 3 June 2013 for the Gezi Park, died in the hospital on 10 July 2013.
The indictment against 8 people -5 pre-trial detainees (one of them police officers) and three other police officers- on charges of homicide was presented to be evaluated to Eskişehir Heavy Penal Court No. 2. The prosecutor asked life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole against police officer Mevlüt Saldoğan (41).
Eskişehir Heavy Penal Court No. 2 asked Eskişehir Governor Güngör Azim Tuna his opinion whether the province is suitable for the proceedings for security reasons. The Governor ckaimed that Ali İsmail Korkmaz was “wounded in the protest and died in the hospital and marginal and illegal organisations have been using it a propaganda material” and the proceedings should take place in another province on the grounds that the judges and prosecutors could be effected, reported on 1 October 2013.
The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Penal Chamber No. 5 decided to transfer the case to Kayseri Heavy Penal Court on 12 November 2013.
(11/111) Finalised case on the bomb attack on police shuttle in Diyarbakır Province…
Five people were killed and 25 others were wounded in the bomb attack on police shuttle in Diyarbakır Province on 8 October 2008.
On 12 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 5 went on hearing the case against 13 defendants in connection with the attack. The court declined the demand of the lawyers of the defendants to have more time to prepare their defences and adjudicated to separate the case of the pre-trial detainees who were not in the hearing -Neytullah Bayram, Murat Yıldeniz and Ramazan Benice.
The court sentenced Ali Nergiz and Halis Yıldeniz to six times life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole and 375 years of imprisonment each. Halis Yıldeniz was also sentenced to 6 years and 8 months of imprisonment.
Defendant Mevlüt Özbey was sentenced to 8 years and 9 months of imprisonment. İhsan Bayram, Bayram Engin, Kamile Bayram, Refika Nergiz, Maşallah Yıldeniz, Şevki Yıldeniz, Emiş Bayram and Arap Yıldeniz were acquitted in the hearing.
(11/112) Armed attack in Batman Province…
On 12 November 2013 V.G. (40) a member of the HÜDA-PAR was arrested on the grounds that he had been one of perpetrators of the attack on the wedding ceremony and the murderer of Özcan Temel (28) in Batman Province on 2 November 2013.
(11/113) Ongoing case on torture and ill-treatment in detention…
Murat Şalcı (24), Mervan Kurt (35) and Ahmet Usal (31) from Şırnak Province were beaten and detained by police officers in Beyoğlu District of İstanbul Province on 6 June 2012. Three people who had been taken to Taksim Police Station were beaten with their hands cuffed in the fourth floor of the building. So that Murat Şalcı was hospitalised due to cerebral haemorrhage reported on 11 June 2012.
According to the report of the police officers the three people hit the officers swearing and Ahmet Şalcı “harmed himself by hitting his head to the ground”.
On 16 May 2013 İstanbul Penal Court of Peace No. 8 went on hearing the case against the three victims which was launched with the complaint of officers on charges of “intentionally wounding” and insulting”. The p0olice officers claimed that Murat Şalcı hit his head to the wall and they hindered him who had a cerebral haemorrhage after the incident.
The victims claimed that they were not informed about the case so they could not participate in the first hearing. Because of this claim the tension aroused and the court adjourned the hearing to 10 September 2013.
A case was launched against four police officers -Murat Turan, Levent Karadeniz, Burak Mugul and Erdem Ata- on charges of “intentionally wounding” reported on 9 August 2013. The prosecutor asked their imprisonment up to 15 years each 13 months after the incident.
On 12 November 2013 İstanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 27 began to hear the case against the officers and heard their legal arguments. The hearing was adjourned to 25 February 2014.
(11/115) Coercion in prison…
Ten prisoners were transferred from Muş E Type of Closed Prison to Oltu (Erzurum) T Type of Closed Prison and Sincan (Ankara) Prison for Females against their will reported on 12 November 2013.
(11/116) Coercion in prison…
Sixty-one prisoners were transferred from Diyarbakır D Type of Closed Prison to Edirne F Type of Closed Prison against their will reported on 13 November 2013.
(11/117) Ongoing KCK case in Şırnak Province…
On 2 January 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 6 had finalised the case against 55 defendants -41 pre-trial detainees- who had been detained in the framework of the KCK investigation in Şırnak Province on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC.
The court sentenced 40 defendants to imprisonment varying from 6 years and 3 months to 17 years on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC and “having explosives”
The pronouncement of the sentences of 12 defendants -including Şırnak Deputy Faysal Sarıyıldız- was postponed on the grounds that they were not present in the hearing. The court released Rıdvan İnal, and adjudicated not to convict Ayhan Deniz on the grounds that he does not have criminal responsibility to drop the case against deceased Yusuf Kulu and acquitted Mehmet Emin Ülger.
On 12 November 2013 the court went on hearing the case against 12 defendants -including Şırnak Deputy Faysal Sarıyıldız- whose pronouncement of the sentences was postponed. The court heard the legal argument of the defendants and the prosecutor on the essence of the case before adjourning the hearing to 7 January 2014.
(11/118) Tried people…
On 11 November 2013 Van Heavy Penal Court No. 5 went on hearing the case against Seyran Demir, Mesut Demir, Erdem Altı and Mahsun Çapa who had been arrested in Yüksekova District of Hakkâri Province in February 2013 on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC and “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Anti-Terror Law. The court released leukaemia patient Seyran Demir. The hearing was adjourned to 7 January 2014.
(11/119) People detained in Hakkâri Province…
Four people -2 of them juveniles- were detained on the grounds that “introduce cadres to the illegal organisation” in Derecik Municipality of Şemdinli District of Hakkâri Province on 12 November 2013.
14 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/120) Case against the people who were beaten in prison…
Two pre-trial detainees -İlhan Kaya and Barış Önal- in Sincan (Ankara) F Type of Closed Prison No. 1 and their friends who went to prison for table talk -Özkan Kayoz, Ezgi Antmen, Murat Egemen Akkuş, Mayıs Kurt, Zeynep Arslan and Aydın Doğan- were beaten by the guards on the grounds that they sat together on 10 January 2013. The visitors and the detainees objected to the guards by saying that they know each other and would like to sit together. Mayıs Kurt’s finger bone was fractured in the incident.
The prosecutor finalised the indictment against the visitors Özkan Kayoz, Ezgi Antmen, Murat Egemen Akkuş, Mayıs Kurt, Zeynep Arslan and Aydın Doğan and their imprisonment on charges of “insulting”, “wounding” and “resisting” officer on duty. Sincan Penal Court of First Instance No. 2 will be hearing the case on 21 November 2013.
(11/121) Convicted people…
The case on the letter of Hacı Aslan in Gümüşhane E Type of Closed Prison which was sent to Mehmet Sait Uğurlu in Erzurum E Type of Closed Prison was heard on 13 November 2013.
Erzurum Heavy Penal Court No. 4 sentenced Hacı Aslan to 13 years and 6 months of imprisonment on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC and “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Anti-Terror Law and Mehmet Sait Uğurşu to 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment on charges of “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7.
(11/122) Intervention to the action in Istanbul Province…
Police teams interfered to the action of the members of the Solidarity Association of the Prisoners’ Families (Tutuklu Hükümlü Aileleri Yardımlaşma Derneği (TAYAD)) to call attention of the hunger strike they had started to prevent the extradition of the prisoners in Greece to Turkey in front of the Consulate of Greece in Istanbul Province on 12 November 2013 and detained 3 people.
(11/123) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 13 November 2013 Gaziantep Penal Court of First Instance No. 19 began to hear the case against 16 people on the grounds that they had participated in actions in Gezi Park in Istanbul Province, on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “insulting the members of the government” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and heard their legal arguments before adjourning the hearing to 19 February 2014.
(11/124) Van Home raids in Province…
Two out of the 15 detainees who had been detained in home raids of Fighting with Terror Department in Van Province on 10 November 2013 were arrested on charges of “acting on behalf of an illegal organisation” on 13 November 2013.
(11/125) Tried people…
On 13 November 2013 İzmir Heavy Penal Court No. 12 went on hearing the case against 22 defendants -9 of them pre-trial detainees- who had been detained in the operation against the Democratic Rights Federation and its members in Tunceli, Ankara, İzmir, Sivas, İstanbul, Uşak, Mersin, Adana, Antalya, Zonguldak, Çanakkale and Isparta Provinces on 13 November 2012 on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation -Maoist Communist Party (MKP)” under Article 314 of TPC. The court went on evaluating the evidences before adjourning the hearing.
(11/126) Home raids in Mardin Province…
Six people were detained in the home raids in Nusaybin District of Mardin Province on 13 November 2013.
(11/127) Work accident in İstanbul Province…
Rukiye Şimşek (42) died after falling from the fourth floor as she was cleaning the windows of the flat she was working in, in Bostancı Quarter of Kadıköy District of İstanbul Province on 13 November 2013.
(11/128) Work accident in İstanbul Province…
Two workers died with the hit of the falling elevator as they were maintaining the elevator in the exhaust factory İkitelli Quarter of Küçükçekmece District of İstanbul Province on 13 November 2013.
15 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/129) Armed attack in Istanbul Province…
Worker Erdal Arslan (23) was killed and another worker Serkan Özcan was wounded in the armed attack of the drug sellers in Gazi Quarter of Sultangazi District of Istanbul Province on 14 November 2013.
(11/130) Operations and clashes in South-east…
Turgay Karaca (24) who had been wounded in the clash in Şemdinli District of Hakkâri Province on 22 August 2012, died in the hospital on 14 November 2013.
(11/131) Ongoing JITEM case…
On 14 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 6 went on hearing the Gendarmerie Intelligence and Fighting with Terrorism Department (JITEM) case against 16 defendants in connection with the murders by unknown assailants in Diyarbakır, Mardin, Batman and Şırnak Provinces between 1989 and 1994.
The court read the legal argument of the retired Colonel Arif Doğan and adjudicated to perpetrate the abduction warrant for Mahmut Yıldırım, Hacı Hasan, Mehmet Zahit Karadeniz and Muhsin Gül and the arrest warrant for Abdülkadir Aygan. The hearing was adjourned.
(11/132) Coercion in prison…
Ali Gülmez a prisoner in Tekirdağ F Type Closed Prison was sentenced to ban of visit for one month on the grounds that he objected to the order of the second director of the prison, Haydar Ali Ak, to take away the plants that he had cultivated in his unit reported on 14 November 2013.
(11/133) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli, Mazlum Dinç and Serbay Köklü were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 14 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to Imralı Island was out of order.
(11/134) Tried people…
On 14 November 2013 Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No. 24 went on hearing the case against Neslihan Uyanık and Nebiye Merttürk who had thrown eggs to the Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Melih Gökçek in connection with his statement against abortion Izmir Street in Ankara Province on 2 June 2012 on charges of “simple wounding”, “threatening” and “insulting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC.
Melih Gökçek did not participate in the hearing and the court adjourned the hearing to call him to give his legal argument.
(11/135) Intervention to the protest in Mardin Province…
Suêt Mehemed Êli Sadik was wounded with the fire of the police teams that interfered the protest against the construction of the wall in the border in Kızıltepe District of Mardin Province on 14 November 2013.
(11/136) Home raids in Mersin Province…
Two out of the three detainees who had been detained in home raids of the Special Task Force teams in Mersin Province on 13 November 2013 were arrested on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” on 14 November 2013.
(11/137) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Six people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Special Task Force Department teams on the grounds that they had participated in various actions in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 14 November 2013.
(11/138) Home raids in Mardin Province…
Two out of the 6 detainees who had been detained in home raids of Fighting with Terror Department in Nusaybin District of Mardin Province on 13 November 2013were arrested on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” on 14 November 2013.
(11/139) Ongoing KCK Case in Şanlıurfa Province…
On 14 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 5 went on hearing the case against Şanlıurfa Ibrahim Ayhan and Mahmut Çelik who had been subjected to KCK investigation in Şanlıurfa Province in 2010 on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC.
The court heard the legal arguments of the defendants on the essence of the case and prolonged the pre-trial detention period of the defendants and adjourned the hearing to 23 January 2014.
(11/140) Work accident in Ardahan Province…
kalan Ibrahim Uzun (33) and Hakan Kuruçayırlı (34) died in the landslide as they were working in the infrastructure construction of the Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ) in the vicinity of Yünbüken Village of Hanak District of Ardahan Province on 14 November 2013.
16-18 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/141) Extra-judicial killing in Mardin Province…
Three Kurdish citizen of the Syria were killed by Special Task Force police officers on the grounds that they did not obey the stop warning as they were trying to pass the border from Hîmo Village of Qamişlo Province in Syria to Nusaybin District of Mardin Province on 16 November 2013.
(11/142) Situation of the ill prisoners…
Ali Haydar Yıldız who had been paralysed and Ergin Aktaş who does not have two of his hands began hunger strike for three days in Metris (İstanbul) R Type Prison on 14 November 2013 on the grounds that they did not release despite the report of the Forensic Medicine Institute.
(11/143) Torture and ill-treatment in detention…
The Peoples Democratic Party’s/Halkların Demokratik Partisi (HDP) İzmir Province Branch Chairperson Cavit Uğur stated that he was beaten and harassed in the 100. Yıl Police Station when he went there to get information about the situation of a student of Ege University who had been detained recently in Bornova District of İzmir Province on 17 November 2013.
The student was also beaten.
(11/144) Torture and ill-treatment in detention…
Vedat Aslan attempted to burn himself by pouring oil on him in front of Beşocak Şehit Veli Ataşçı Police Station in which he was forced to strip and tortured in Adana Province on 14 November 2013.
(11/145) Violations of temporary village guards…
Two representatives of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the MEYA-DER Bitlis Branches went to monitor the incidents in the rural part of Olek Village of Bitlis Province on 15 November 2013 with the reporter of Dicle News Agency. They were taken as hostages by temporary village guards and threatened and they were not released before the call from the governorate.
(11/146) Convicted person…
12 November 2013 Konya Penal Court of Peace No. 7 sentenced Osman Garip (24) to 12 months and 15 days of imprisonment in connection with the phrase he used for PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in his facebook account during the Gezi Park actions on charges of “insulting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC.
(11/147) Convicted person…
On 11 May 2012 Galatasaray University student Cihan Kırmızıgül, had been sentenced to 7 years and one month of imprisonment by İstanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 14 in connection with the incidents in İstanbul Province on 20 February 2010. He had been a pre-trial detainee for 25 months until the hearing on 23 March 2012. The only evidence against him was the pushi he had been wearing. The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Penal Chamber No. 9 had crashed the verdict and the local court began to hear the case again on 15 November 2013.
İstanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 14 sentenced Cihan Kırmızıgül to 6 years, 4 months and 20 days imprisonment on charges of “committing offence on behalf of an organisation although he is not a member” under Article 220/6 of TPC and “harming public goods”
(11/148) Home raids in Hakkâri Province…
Ten out of the sixteen people who had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on the grounds that “they had thrown stones to the public officers” in Yüksekova District of Hakkâri Province on 12 November 2013 were arrested on 16 November 2013.
(11/149) Attack on the protest in İstanbul Province…
Berkin Elvan (14) had been wounded from his head with a gas bomb canister during the Gezi Park actions in Okmeydanı Quarter of Şişli District of İstanbul Province and he has been in coma in last 153 days. Police teams attacked on the justice march to the Çağlayan Court for him with gas bombs and water cannons on 16 November 2013. A person’s leg bone was fractured and 19 people were detained. Three of the detainees were arrested on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations” on 17 November 2013.
(11/150) Ongoing KCK case in Batman Province…
On 15 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 9 went on hearing the case against 38 defendants -18 pre-trial detainees- who had been subjected to the KCK operation in Batman Province in 2011. The court released Süleyman Arslan, İsa Nergiz and Mekiye Ormancı.
(11/151) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Three out of the six detainees who had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 14 November 2013 were arrested on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, reported on 16 November 2013.
(11/152) Home raids in Osmaniye Province…
Five people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in Osmaniye Province on 15 November 2013.
(11/153) Suspicious death of a soldier in Siirt Province…
İlyas Özsoy (22) was allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in Siirt Şehit Astsubay Mansur Aydın Kışlası Askeri Gazinosu on 17 November 2013.
(11/154) Work accident in Adıyaman Province…
Ali Gürbüz (42) was seriously wounded in the landslide in Tut District of Adıyaman Province on 17 November 2013.
(11/155) Racist attack in İzmir Province…
Three Kurdish students of Ege University were seriously wounded in the attack of right wingers with choppers in Bornova District of İzmir Province on 15 November 2013.
(11/156) Attack on Kurdish students in İstanbul Province…
Two Kurdish students of the Marmara University (in İstanbul Province) were seriously wounded in the attack of the right-wingers with choppers as they were waiting public transport bus on 15 November 2013.
(11/157) Attack on Kurdish students in Sivas Province…
Right wingers had attacked on the Kurdish students with choppers and knives, who were protesting the wall that had been constructed in the border between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Province in Syria, and wounded two students in Sivas Cumhuriyet University on 11 November 2013. Police teams detained 25 Kurdish students since that day reported on 16 November 2013.
(11/158) Work accident in İstanbul Province…
Eren Eroğlu (17) died with electric shock as he was hanging the board of a private hospital (Özel Doğa Hastanesi) in Esenyurt District of İstanbul Province on 31 October 2013, reported on 16 November 2013.
(11/159) Lynch attempt in Kahramanmaraş Province…
Peace and Democracy Party’s (BDP) Province Branch office was besieged by approximately 300 right-wingers after the second province congress of the party in Kahramanmaraş Province on 17 November 2013. Five people inside the office had to wait several hours in the office which is in the opposite of the governorate building.
(11/160) Work accident in Gaziantep Province…
Osman Efe and Salih Eroğlu who had been wounded in the fire in textile mall in Gaziantep Province on 7 November 2013, died on 17 November 2013. The number of workers died in the fire became 4.
19 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/161) The investigation on the murder of Ali İsmail Korkmaz by unknown assailants…
Ali İsmail Korkmaz (19) who had been battered by the unidentified people after the protest Eskişehir Province on 3 June 2013 for the Gezi Park, died in the hospital on 10 July 2013.
The indictment against 8 people -5 pre-trial detainees (one of them police officers) and three other police officers- on charges of homicide was presented to be evaluated to Eskişehir Heavy Penal Court No. 2. The prosecutor asked life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole against police officer Mevlüt Saldoğan (41).
Eskişehir Heavy Penal Court No. 2 asked Eskişehir Governor Güngör Azim Tuna his opinion whether the province is suitable for the proceedings for security reasons. The Governor claimed that Ali İsmail Korkmaz was “wounded in the protest and died in the hospital and marginal and illegal organisations have been using it a propaganda material” and the proceedings should take place in another province on the grounds that the judges and prosecutors could be effected, reported on 1 October 2013.
The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Penal Chamber No. 5 decided to transfer the case to Kayseri on 12 November 2013. It is reported that Kayseri Heavy Penal Court No. 3 will be hearing the case reported on 18 November 2013.
(11/162) Torture and ill-treatment in detention…
Fahriye Yıldırım, the mother of Medeni Yıldırım who had been killed in the protest against the construction of the new headquarters referred as kalekol (a neologism produced with merging two words karakol and kale -headquarters and fortress- to refer to the strength of the building) in Hezan Village of Lice District of Diyarbakır Province on 28 June 2013, protested PM Recep Tayip Erdoğan in front of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality building on 16 November 2013.
She was detained and released three hours later. According to Medine Yıldırım police officers made fun of and insulted her. They also blamed with trying to make her advertisement.
(11/163) Situation of the ill prisoners…
Ali Haydar Yıldız who had been paralysed and Ergin Aktaş who does not have two of his hands began hunger strike for three days in Metris (İstanbul) R Type Prison on 14 November 2013 on the grounds that they did not release despite the report of the Forensic Medicine Institute. Ergin Aktaş was transferred from Metris (İstanbul) R Type of Closed Prison to Ümtaniye T Type of Closed Prison on the grounds that he broke the peace in the prison with hunger strike reported on 18 November 2013.
(11/164) Coercion in prison…
A total number of 99 prisoners were transferred from Mardin E Type of Closed Prison on 10 November 2013 and and from Muş E Type of Closed Prison on 12 November 2013 to Tekirdağ F Type of Closed Prison No. 1 and 2. The prisoners were beaten by the soldiers and the guards on the grounds that they had objected cavity search reported on 18 November 2013.
(11/165) Attack on Kurdish students in Sivas Province…
Right wingers had attacked on the Kurdish students with choppers and knives, who were protesting the wall that had been constructed in the border between Nusaybin District of Mardin Province and Qamişlo Province in Syria, and wounded two students in Sivas Cumhuriyet University on 11 November 2013. Police teams detained 25 Kurdish students since that day reported on 16 November 2013.
Six out of the 25 detainees were arrested on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC on 18 November 2013.
(11/166) Work accident in İstanbul Province…
Ten workers were hospitalised after they had been affected from the smoke due to the fire in the factory in Silivri District of İstanbul Province on 18 November 2013.
(11/167) Armed attack in İstanbul Province…
On 19 November 2013 E.O. was detained as the suspect of the murder of Hasan Ferit Gedik who had been killed in the attack of drug sellers in Gülsuyu Quarter of Maltepe District of İstanbul Province on 28-30 September 2013.
20 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/168) Extra-judicial killing in Şanlıurfa Province…
Hasan Bakdur (16) was chased as he was returning from the field by an army’s armoured vehicle on the grounds that he was a smuggler was killed with the hit of the vehicle in Çömlükçü Village of Öndül Municipality of Akçakale District of Şanlıurfa Province on 12 November 2013. The incident was revealed with the application of the family to the Human Rights Association’s (IHD) Şanlıurfa Branch.
(11/169) Situation of the ill prisoners…
Lokman Akbaba who has been an ALS patient was not released from Tekirdağ F Type Closed Prison No. 1 despite the applications reported on 19 November 2013.
(11/170) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli, Mazlum Dinç and Suna Bilgin were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 19 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to Imralı Island was out of order.
(11/171) People tried for Gezi Park Actions…
On 19 November 2013 Adana Heavy Penal Court No. 8 began to hear the case against 27 people -14 pre-trial detainees- in connection with the solidarity actions for the Gezi Park protests in Hatay Province. The court released all the pre-trial detainees after hearing their legal argument.
(11/172) Intervention to the protest in Antalya Province…
Villagers have been protesting the construction of the hydroelectric power plant in Ahmetler Canyon Manavgat District of Antalya Province. The private security officers and the gendarmerie soldiers attacked on the villagers and wounded two of them o on 19 November 2013.
(11/173) Intervention to the protest in Giresun Province…
Police teams attacked on the members of the Student Collective as they were protesting PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in connection with his words on students’ houses, with gas bombs and detained 13 students in Giresun Province on 19 November 2013. Two female students were hospitalised.
(11/174) Adana Home raids in Province…
Eight people –six juveniles- were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on the grounds that they had participated in the demonstrations in Seyhan District of Adana Province on 19 November 2013.
(11/175) Home raids in Bolu Province…
Three Kurdish students of Abant İzzet Baysal University were detained on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” in Bolu Province on 20 November 2013.
(11/176) Detained people in Hakkâri Province…
Three people were detained on the grounds that they have been promoting people for the membership of the illegal organisation in Hakkâri Province on 19 November 2013.
(11/177) Work accident in Muğla Province…
Ali Abay (30) died and three others were wounded in the landslide in the chrome mine in Beyobası Municipality of Muğla Province on 19 November 2013.
(11/178) Work accident in Gaziantep Province …
Nahsan Bulut (48) died after falling from the 5th floor of the building under construction in Gaziantep Province on 19 November 2013.
(11/179) Armed attack in İstanbul Province…
On 19 November 2013 E.O. was detained as the suspect of the murder of Hasan Ferit Gedik who had been killed in the attack of drug sellers in Gülsuyu Quarter of Maltepe District of İstanbul Province on 28-30 September 2013. He was arrested the same day.
21 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/180) The investigation on the murder of Ali İsmail Korkmaz by unknown assailants…
Ali İsmail Korkmaz (19) who had been battered by the unidentified people after the protest Eskişehir Province on 3 June 2013 for the Gezi Park, died in the hospital on 10 July 2013.
The indictment against 8 people -5 pre-trial detainees (one of them police officers) and three other police officers- on charges of homicide was presented to be evaluated to Eskişehir Heavy Penal Court No. 2. The prosecutor asked life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole against police officer Mevlüt Saldoğan (41).
Eskişehir Heavy Penal Court No. 2 asked Eskişehir Governor Güngör Azim Tuna his opinion whether the province is suitable for the proceedings for security reasons. The Governor claimed that Ali İsmail Korkmaz was “wounded in the protest and died in the hospital and marginal and illegal organisations have been using it a propaganda material” and the proceedings should take place in another province on the grounds that the judges and prosecutors could be effected, reported on 1 October 2013.
The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Penal Chamber No. 5 decided to transfer the case to Kayseri on 12 November 2013. It is reported that Kayseri Heavy Penal Court No. 3 will begin to hear the case on 3 February 2014.
(11/181) Violations of temporary village guards…
Two representatives of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the MEYA-DER Bitlis Branches went to monitor the incidents in the rural part of Olek Village of Bitlis Province on 15 November 2013 with the reporter of Dicle News Agency. They were taken as hostages by and threatened and they were not released before the call from the governorate.
A temporary village guard opened fire on the villagers who have been pasturing their herds in his fields and wounded Abdullah Yağarcık in Bozalan Village of Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 20 November 2013.
(11/182) Tried judge…
On 20 November 2013 Kırıkkale Heavy Penal Court began to hear the case against the Chairperson of the Judges Trade Union and Çankırı Judge Ömer Faruk Eminağaoğlu in connection with “resisting public officer” during the solidarity actions with Gezi Park in Ankara Province. The defendant judge participated in the hearing and gave his legal argument. The hearing was adjourned to 15 January 2014.
(11/183) Excessive use of force by law enforcement officers…
Police teams interfered to the action with gas bombs and water cannons in Yüksekova District of Hakkâri Province on 20 November 2013 and an asthma patient, who had been affected from the gas bambs, fainted.
(11/184) Coercion in prison…
Twelve prisoners had been transferred from Bingöl M Type of Closed Prison to Bolu F Type of Closed Prison against their will. Their clothes were not given to them yet, reported on 20 November 2013.
(11/185) Coercion in prison…
Serhat Karsu, Orhan Yakışır and Mehmet Öztekin who had attempted to run away from Bingöl M Type of Closed Prison with a tunnel and then put into Van F Type of Closed Prison after they were caught, were reportedly sentenced to solitary confinement for 20 days and Mehmet Öztekin was sentenced to ban of communication for one mouth reported on 20 November 2013.
(11/186) Detained person…
Ozan Uğur Taş, a member of Socialist Youth Association/Sosyalist Gençlik Derneği (SGD) had been arrested in connection with the solidarity protests with Gezi Park in Hatay Province and released by Adana Heavy Penal Court No. 8 on 19 November 2013. Gendarmeire soldiers detained him as he released from the prison in connection with the Newroz Celebrations in İskenderun District in 2012 and transferred him to the court to be arrested. Ozan Uğur Taş was released by the court.
(11/187) People tried for Gezi Park Actions…
On 20 November 2013 0 İzmir Heavy Penal Court No. 12 began to hear the case against 4 people -3 pre-trial detainees- in connection with the solidarity actions for the Gezi Park protests in İzmir Province on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “resisting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” and “harming public goods”.
The court prolonged the pre-trial detention period of the defendants -Görüş Akıcı, Yasin Singer ve Orhan Yıldız after the identity check and the legal arguments. The hearing was adjourned to 13 February 2014.
(11/188) People tired in connection with Hopa incidents…
The fourth investigation on the protest against the murder Metin Lokumcu in Hopa District of Artvin Province on 31 May 2011 had been finalised on 29 June 2012.
The indictment against 50 people -3 of them lawyers- on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “resisting public officers due to his duty”, “harming public goods” and “intentionally wounding public officer” had been sent to Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No. 24 to be merged with the case against 48 defendants in connection with the same incident.
Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No. 24 adjudicated to merge the two cases on the hearing on 19 October 2012.
The files of the six lawyers were separated and the court went on hearing the case against 92 defendants on 19 November 2013. The court heard the legal arguments of the defendants and the hearing was adjourned to 25 February 2014.
(11/189) Arrested juvenile in Mersin Province…
M.K. (17) who had been wounded from his jaw with a gas bomb canister during the intervention of police teams to the protest as he was passing by with his motorbike in Mersin Province in August 2013, was arrested reported on 12 November 2013. His medical treatment was not over and the platinum in his jaw was not taken out.
(11/190) Ongoing KCK case in Mersin Province…
On 20 November 2013 Adana Heavy Penal Court No. 10 went on hearing the case against 58 defendants who had been subjected to KCK investigation in Mersin Province in 2012.
The court heard the legal argument of the defendants in Kurdish and evidences were presented. The hearing was adjourned to 28 February 2014.
(11/191) Detained people in Hakkâri Province…
One of the three people who had been detained on the grounds that they have been promoting people for the membership of the illegal organisation in Hakkâri Province on 19 November 2013, was arrested on 20 November 2013.
(11/192) Ongoing DHKP/C investigation in Ankara Province…
On 20 November 2013 Ankara Heavy Penal Court No. 10 began to hear the case against 15 members of the Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK) who had been subjected to the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front -Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Parti/Cephesi (DHKP/C) operation in Ankara Province on 19 February 2013. The court heard the legal arguments of the defendants and suspended their probation and ban of leaving Turkey. The hearing was adjourned to 26 February 2014.
(11/193) Racist attack in Bolu Province…
Five workers from Tunceli Province came to Göynük District of Bolu Province to work in the construction of the coal-fired thermal power plant were beaten by the workers reported on 19 November 2013. Hüseyin Doğan who is under medical treatment stated that the perpetrators were shouting “hit that communist Aleviis!”
22 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/194) Mehmet Ayvalıtaş Case…
Mehmet Ayvalıtaş (21) was killed with the hit of a car whose driver attempted to pass through the demonstrators during the Gezi Park actions in Ümraniye District of İstanbul Province on 2 June 2013.
On 21 November 2013 Anadolu Heavy Penal Court No. 8 began to hear the case against Mehmet Görkem Demirbaş (19) and Cengiz Aktaş the two drivers. Police officers interfered to the family of Mehmet Ayvalıtaş and the people who came to observe the hearing with gas bombs. The doors of the hearing room were locked. The court heard Mehmet Görkem Demirbaş and declined the demand to arrest the defendants and adjourned the hearing to 5 February 2014.
(11/195) Tried students…
On 21 November 2013 Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No. 7 began to hear the case against 13 students in connection with throwing eggs to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey’s (GNAT) Constitution Commission Chairperson Burhan Kuzu in Ankara University Political Science Faculty on 8 December 2010. The 11 student who were charged with “insulting public officer” were acquitted. The other two who were charged with “resisting public officer to prevent him from doing his job” sentenced to 6 months and 20 days of imprisonment each.
(11/196) Work accident in Gaziantep Province…
Muharrem Dursun (14) who had been wounded in the fire in textile mall in Gaziantep Province on 7 November 2013, died on 21 November 2013. The number of workers died in the fire became 5.
(11/197) Violence in middle school…
Atatürk Middle School student M.Ç. (12) was allegedly beaten by his religion teacher S.Ö. on the grounds that he talked with his friend in class in Ergani District of Diyarbakır Province on 21 November 2013.
(11/198) ) People tried for Gezi Park Actions…
On 21 November 2013 Sakarya Penal Court of First Instance No. 4 began to hear the case against 24 people in connection with the solidarity actions for the Gezi Park protests in Sakarya Province. The court adjourned the hearing after hearing their legal argument.
(11/199) Tried people…
On 21 November 2013 İstanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 23 went on hearing the case against 14 people -6 pre-trial detainees- in connection with the bomb attack in İstanbul University Law Faculty that wounded three people on 8 May 2012.
The court heard the legal arguments of the defendants in Kurdish and prolonged the pre-trial detention period of the defendants. Pre-trial detainees Emel Çetin, Raziye Ay and cancer patient Uğur Tidal are charged with the bomb attack and the prosecutor asked life sentence. The other students have been tried in connection with the fight with right wingers on 4 June 2012.
23-25 November 2013-Daily Human Rights Report
(11/200) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli and Mazlum Dinç and Suna Bilgin were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 21 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to İmralı Island was out of order.
(11/201) Acquitted people…
The leaders of the generation of 1968, Mahir Çayan, Hüdai Arıkan, Cihan Alptekin, Nihat Yılmaz, Ertan Sarıhan, Ahmet Atasoy, Sinan Kazım Özüdoğru, Sabahattin Kurt, Ömer Ayna ve Saffet Alp, had been killed in Kızıldere Village on 30 March 1972.
On 22 November 2013 Antalya Heavy Penal Court No. 5 acquitted 8 defendants who had been tried in connection with commemoration action for the Kızıldere Massacre in Konya Province on 30 March 2013 on charges of “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Anti-Terror Law on the grounds that they had used their freedom of expression according to the court.
(11/202) Convicted person…
On 22 November 2013 İstanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 55 went on hearing the case against Nilgün Soydan the daughter of Kemal Türkler, the General Chairperson of the Federation of Revolutionary Workers’ Trade Union (DİSK) who had been killed in the armed attack in front of his house in İstanbul Province on 22 July 1980, in connection with her speech in the anniversary of the murder of his father in front of the tomb of Kemal Türkler 22 July 2012 on charges of “threatening” and “insult”.
The case was launched with the official complaint of the Nationalist Action Party’s (MHP) İstanbul Deputy Celal Adan, who had been tried as the murderer of Türker but acquitted.
The court adjudicated to postpone the case against Nilgün Soydan for three years basing its verdict on the Law on postponing the Cases and Sentences for the Crimes Perpetrated via Media.
(11/203) Intervention to the action in Ankara Province…
Police teams interfered to the march of the teachers from Tandoğan Square to the Ministry of National Education in Ankara Province on 23 November 2013 with gas bombs and water cannons. Several people were affected from the gas and 7 people were wounded and 2 others were detained. A teacher was wounded from his/her head and another had her/his leg fractured and another one has been having temporary blindness due to the hit of the gas bomb canisters.
(11/204) Convicted persons…
On 22 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 8 sentenced Mahmut Üçler to 4 years, 7 months and 15 days of imprisonment on charges of “committing offence on behalf of an organisation although he is not a member” under Article 220/6 of TPC and “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Anti-Terror Law and Mehmet Güzel to 3 years, 1 month and 15 days of imprisonment and to a fine of 9.000 TL on charges of “committing offence on behalf of an organisation although he is not a member” under Article 220/6 of TPC.
The defendants had been tried in connection with the protest against the Higher Education Council (YÖK) in Dicle University in Diyarbakır Province on 6 November 2010.
(11/205) Ongoing KCK/TM Main Case in İstanbul Province…
Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 went on hearing the case against 205 defendants and 23 of them were fugitives- on 22 November 2013.
Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı is among the defendants and charged with “being the executive of the illegal organisation”.
Istanbul Chief Public Prosecution Office had finalised the indictment against 193 people -147 of the pre-trial detainees- who had been detained in various dates in the framework of KCK investigation and sent the 2401 pages of indictment for the evaluation of Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 on 19 March 2012. Writer Ragıp Zarakolu had been charged with “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7 and Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı had been charged with “being an executive of illegal organisation”.
Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 15 had released Writer Ragıp Zarakolu, Muhsin Yenisöz, Irfan Hülakü, Lütfü Balbal, Ali Geritli, Songül Karatagna, Nahit Onat, Zeynal Çelik, Neci Elmas, Burhanettin Toprak, Ismail Zeybek, Evrim Öztürk, Yasin Yalçın, Cemalettin Görbegir, Alaattin Güneş on the grounds that the probability that the qualification of the charges could be change and the conditions of the evidences as well as taking the period of time spent in prison as pre-trial detainees.
The court released Abdulmecit Yılmaz, Ahmet Sağnıç, Hikmet Kaymaz, Talip Mikailoğulları, İhsan Yiles, Übeyd Kutum, Galip Atış and Erdal Özsekmez taking their long pre-trial detention process, after hearing the arguments of the defendants and adjourned to 9 December 2013. The hearings will be successive till 20 December 2013.
(11/206) Ongoing KCK Case in Van Province…
On 22 November 2013 Van Heavy Penal Court No. 6 went on hearing the case against 16 people -8 pre-trial detainees- who had been subjected to KCK investigation Van Province and in its districts on 26 November 2012.
After hearing the legal arguments of the defendants in Kurdish the court released Vaqn Metropolitan Municipality Vice Mayor Sait Kantarcıoğlu, Naci Erkol, MEYA-DER Chairperson İbrahim Alkan, İsmail Demir, Hüseyin Dağ, Naif Uğraş, Çelebibağ Mayor Veysel Keser and Naim Işık. The court adjourned the hearing to 24 January 2014.
(11/207) Ongoing KCK Case in Şırnak Province…
The investigation against 68 people -including Şırnak Mayor Ramazan Uysal, Balveren Mayor Abdurrezak Yıldız, Kumçatı Mayor Mehmet Demir ve BDP Province Branch Chairperson Agit İke- who had been subjected to KCK investigation in Şırnak Province and its district in 2011 reported on 20 January 2012.
On 22 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 6 went on hearing the case against 68 defendants -37 pre-trial detainees on charges of “being a member and an executive of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC, “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” under Article 7/2 of Anti-Terror Law. The court prolonged the pre-trial detention period of the defendants and adjourned the hearing to 28 February 2014.
(11/208) Home raids in Van Province…
Fifteen people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in Van Province on 22 November 2013.
(11/209) Detained people…
Twelve people were detained in home raids with the order of Ankara Chief Public Prosecution Office’s Bureau for the Information Crimes in several provinces, especially İstanbul, İzmir and Ankara, on the grounds that they are members of “RedHack” group on 22 November 2013.
(11/210) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Six people -4 of them juveniles- were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 25 November 2013
(11/211) Home raids in Batman Province…
Two people were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Batman Province on 22 November 2013.
(11/212) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Three people -one of them is juvenile- were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in İdil District of Şırnak Province on 22 November 2013.
(11/213) Work accident in Bitlis Province…
Harbinaz Ekinci (53) and Ferhat Dündar (21) died due to the landslide in Kavakbaşı Municipality of Mutki District of Bitlis Province on 24 November 2013.
(11/214) Work accident in İzmir Province…
Two workers were wounded in the fire in the heat isolation factory in Tire District of İzmir Province on 24 November 2013.
(11/215) Suspicious death of a soldier in Edirne Province…
Mahsun Yap (from Tunceli) died after he was hit by a vehicle in Edirne Motorised Infantry Brigade No. 54 on 24 November 2013.
26 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/216) Explosion in Şırnak Province…
A soldier was allegedly killed with the explosion of the land mine in the vicinity of Mergeh Village of Uludere District of Şırnak Province on 23 November 2013.
(11/217) Ongoing extra-judicial killing case in Van Province…
Soldiers had raided on Buğulukaynak (Kel) Village of Çaldıran District of Van Province on 6 October 2009 and had killed unarmed HPG militants Sunullah Keserci, Necmeddin Ahmed Hasan and İbrahim Atabay (18) who had been living in the village. Former Minister of Interior Affairs Beşir Atalay had claimed that they had been killed in the clash.
With the official complaint of the soldiers who had participated in the murder, Erciş Chief Public Prosecution Office had called 18 soldiers to give their testimonies and all of them, except former Van Province Gendarmerie Regiment Commander retired Colonel Vecihi Halil İyigün, were released on 24 May 2012.
In the indictment the prosecutor had asked three times life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole for each of the 18 defendants.
Erciş Heavy Penal Court accepted the indictment against 18 soldiers but the case was transferred to Ankara due to security reasons.
On 25 November 2013 Ankara Heavy Penal Court No. 6 went on hearing the case and heard the confidential witnesses before adjourning the hearing to get the missing documents.
(11/218) Restriction of access to website…
Adana Penal Court of Peace No. 9 restricted access to the video sharing website dailymotion.com reported on 25 November 2013.
(11/219) Intervention to the protest in Muğla Province…
Eight people were wounded in the intervention of the police teams with gas bombs and water cannons to the workers’ protest against the plans to privatize the Yatağan, Yeniköy and Kemerköy coal-fired thermal power plants and the coal mines affiliated to the plants in Muğla Province on 25 November 2013.
(11/220) Detained executives of association…
TUHAD-DER’s (Solidarity Association of Prisoners’ Families) Ankara Representative Havva Özcan and one of the executive of the association Daimi Göre were detained on the grounds that there was an official complaint against them as they were waiting to visit their relatives in front of E Type Closed Prison in Afyonkarahisar Province on 25 November 2013.
(11/221) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Two persons were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Şırnak Province on 25 November 2013.
(11/222) Work accident in Yozgat Province…
Nuh Toprakseven (36) died after falling from the 10th floor to the elevator shaft in Yozgat Province on 25 November 2013.
27 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/224) Torture and ill-treatment in detention…
Sercan Gören (23) was detained on the grounds that he did not have his ID on in Beyoğlu District of İstanbul Province on 24 November 2013. His two friends -Rıdvan Yılboğa (16) and Yusuf İmir (22)- went to Taksim Police Station to be informed about the well-being of their friend and they were beaten by the police officers in front of the cameras.
(11/225) Violence in high school…
İ.B. (15) a student of Anadolu İmam Hatip High School was beaten by the director of the school on the grounds that the female drawing on his licence plate of his motorbike is “pornographic” in Tekirdağ Province on 26 November 2013.
(11/226) The situation of the ill prisoners…
Hasan Kaçar had been brought to Metris (İstanbul) T Type Prison to be medically examined by the İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institute on 28 June 2013. Hasan Kaçar could not stand up or move his neck due to the illness he has. On 27 November 2013 the chorn disease was reportedly diagnosed.
(11/227) Coercion in prison…
The article written by Arif Çelebi to be published in Atılım Newspaper was confiscated by Tekirdağ F Type Closed Prison No. 1 reported on 26 November 2013 öğrenildi.
(11/228) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli and Mazlum Dinç and Abdulmecit Yıldırım were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 26 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to İmralı Island was out of order.
(11/229) Acquitted person…
On 26 November 2013 İstanbul Penal Court of Peace No. 17 acquitted Halil Savda in connection with his articles in http://www.savaskarsitlari.org/ on charges of “alienating people from military service” under Article 318 of TPC.
(11/230) Intervention to the protest in Muğla Province…
Fourteen workers were wounded in the intervention of the police teams with gas bombs and water cannons to the workers’ protest against the plans to privatize the Yatağan, Yeniköy and Kemerköy coal-fired thermal power plants and the coal mines affiliated to the plants in Muğla Province on 26 November 2013.
(11/231) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 26 November 2013 Mersin Penal Court of First Instance No. 8 began to hear the case against 54 people on the grounds that they had participated solidarity actions with Gezi Park in Mersin Province on 1 June 2013, on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “harming public goods” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and began to hear their legal argument and adjourned the hearing to 11 February 2014.
(11/232) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 26 November 2013 İzmir Heavy Penal Court No. 12 began to hear the case against 7 people on the grounds that they had participated solidarity actions with Gezi Park in İzmir Province on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC, “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “harming public goods” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and began to hear their legal argument and released pre-trial detainees Burcu Koçlu and Hüseyin Gülbitti before adjourning the hearing to 7 February 2014.
(11/233) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 26 November 2013 Uşak Penal Court of First Instance No. 3 began to hear the case against 3 juveniles -H.K. (17), E.K. (17) and M.B. (17)- on the grounds that they had participated solidarity actions with Gezi Park in Uşak Province, on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “insulting public officials” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and began to hear their legal argument.
(11/234) Ongoing KCK case in Mersin Province…
On 26 November 2013 Adana Heavy Penal Court No. 8 went on hearing the case against 12 defendants -8 of them pre-trial detainees- who had been subjected to KCK investigation in Mersin Province in 2011.
The court, after hearing the legal arguments, prolonged the pre-trial detention period of the defendants and adjourned the hearing to 25 February 2014.
(11/235) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Five people -2 of them juveniles- were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Silopi District of Şırnak Province on 26 November 2013.
(11/236) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Nine juveniles were detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 26 November 2013.
(11/237) Work accident in Bartın Province…
Ali Gümüştaş (43) died in the accident in the coal mine in Amasra District of Bartın Province on 26 November 2013.
(11/238) Workers died/wounded in the traffic accidents…
Twenty-six (26) workers were wounded inside the factory shuttle in the traffic accident in Yenice Municipality of Tarsus District of Mersin Province on 26 November 2013.
28 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/239) Ongoing murder by unknown assailants case in Ankara Province…
First investigation on the murders by unknown assailants in Ankara Province in 1990s –including the murder of Altındağ Population Director Mecit Baskın on 30 September 1999- was finalised on 20 September 2013.
The indictment, which was finalised just ten days before the time limitation of the murder of Mecit Baskın by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecution Office (Authorised by the Article 10 of the ATL), is againt 12 suspects -including Mehmet Ağar, Korkut Eken as first and second suspects. Other suspects are former special task force police officers, İbrahim Şahin, Ercan Ersoy, Ayhan Çarkın, Ziya Bandırmalıoğlu, Ayhan Akça, Seyfettin Lap, Alper Tekdemir, Uğur Şahin, Ayhan Özkan and Ahmet Demirel. The prosecutor demanded life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole against all suspects.
Ankara Heavy Penal Court No. 13 accepted the indictment against 12 defendants on 2 October 2013.
Second investigation on the 15 murders by unknown assailants in Ankara Province in 1990s was finalised 13 October 2013.
Ankara Heavy Penal Court No. 13 began to hear the case against 12 defendants on 27 November 2013. The court released Ziya Bandırmalıoğlu and prolonged the pre-trial detention process of Ayhan Çarkın and adjourned the hearing to 19 February 2014.
The indictment covers the murders of Lawyer Yusuf Ekinci, Lawyer Faik Candan, Inspector Namık Erdoğan, Businessperson Behçet Cantürk and his driver Recep Kuzucu, Constructor Fevzi Aslan, Şahin Aslan, Lawyer Medet Serhat, İsmail Karaalioğlu, Savaş Buldan, Hacı Koray, Adnan Yıldırım, Iranians Lazem Esmaeli and Asger Simitko, Motherland Party’s/Anavatan Partisi Keskin (Kırıkkale) District Chairperson Metin Vural.
(11/240) The situation of ill prisoners…
Salih Tuğrul (57) who had been partially paralysed after having a heart attack in prison and who lost his reflexes and his memory due to cerebral haemorrhage in Metris (İstanbul) R Type of Closed Prison was not released despite the report of İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institute that he cannot survive in prison because Siirt Security Directorate suggested that he is dangerous for the society on 26 November 2013.
(11/241) Coercion in prison…
At least ten prisoners in Kandıra (Kocaeli) F Type of Closed Prison No. 1 were sentenced with ban of communication for 45 days each in connection with they chanted slogans and hit the doors to support the prisoners in Sincan (Ankara) F Type of Closed Prison who had been beaten by the guardians on the grounds that they had objected to the cameras in their cells reported on 27 November 2013.
(11/242) Convicted party executive…
On 27 November 2013 Diyarbakır Penal Court of Peace No. 4 sentenced the BDP’s Diyarbakır Province Chairperson Zübeyde Zümrüt to 12 months of imprisonment on the grounds that he had insulted Diyarbakır former Governor Mustafa Toprak in an activity in Diyarbakır Province on 11 June 2011 on charges of “insulting a public officer due to the performance of his public duty” under Article 125 of TPC. The sentence then commuted to a fine of 7080 TL and postponed for 5 years.
(11/243) Tried organising committee…
On 27 November 2013 İzmir Penal Court of First Instance No. 8 began to hear the case against 10 people (nine members of the organising committee and the speaker of the meeting) in connection with th slogans chanted in the Peace meeting organised by the Peoples’ Democratic Congress/Halkların Demokratik Kongresi in İzmir Province on 22 June 2013 on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”.
After checking the Ids of the 9 defendants the court adjourned the hearing to 18 December 2013.
(11/244) Intervention to the meeting in Bitlis Province…
Police teams argued with the executives of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) on the place of the meeting in order to introduce the candidates of mayors in Ahlat District of Bitlis Province on 27 November 2013 and interfered to the group with gas bombs and water cannons. Two officers and three civilians were wounded in the intervention.
(11/245) Ongoing KCK case in Batman Province…
On 27 November 2013 Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No. 7 went on hearing the case against 25 defendants -9 pre-trial detainees- who had been subjected to the KCK operation in Batman Province in 2011. The court released Şükrü Yılmaz and adjourned the hearing to 12 February 2014.
(11/246) Detained party executive…
Fadime Çelebi, the Vice Chairperson of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), was detained in Çankaya Police Station on the grounds that there is a warrant against her in Ankara Province on 27 November 2013.
29-30 November 2013 Daily Human Rights Report
(11/247) The case on the explosion in Kumrular…
On 29 November 2013 Ankara Regional Heavy Penal Court No. 13 went on hearing the case against 15 defendants -5 pre-trial detainees- in connection with the explosion in Kumrular Street in Ankara Province on 20 September 2011 which was undertaken by TAK (Freedom Hawks of Kurdistan/Kürdistan Özgürlük Şahinleri). Five people were killed and 32 others were wounded in the bomb attack.
The court heard the legal arguments of the defendants and prolonged the pre-trial detention period till the next hearing.
(11/248) Finalised case on the bomb attack in Izmir Province…
A person was killed and 23 others were wounded in the bomb attack in Konak District of Izmir Province on 21 August 2008.
On 20 September 2013 Izmir Heavy Penal Court No. 10 sentenced Gökhan Dönmez, Zeki Bulut, Mehmet Sürme and Takyeddin Sürme to two times life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole and 410 years of imprisonment each. Other 16 defendants were also sentenced to various sentenced.
The file of the Bünyamin Sürme was separated on the grounds that his lawyer was not present n the hearing.
On 29 November 2013 Izmir Heavy Penal Court No. 10 sentenced Bünyamin Sürme to two times life sentence in solitary confinement and with no possibility of parole and 509 years and 4 months of imprisonment after hearing his legal argument on the essence of the case in the presence of his lawyer.
(11/249) Coercion in prison…
On 13 November 2013, 60 prisoners who had been transferred from Diyarbakır D Type of Closed Prison to Edirne F Type of Closed Prison were subjected to cavity search and they were beaten on the grounds that they objected to the practice reported on 29 November 2013.
(11/250) Coercion in prison…
Mehmet Yavuz, Mahmut Baran, Cemal Gürsel, Selahattin Elma, Ahmet Taş and Sefkan Becerikli were beaten in the prison shuttle by soldiers as they were taken from Şakran (Izmir) T Type Closed Prisons No. 2 and 3 to a hospital for medical treatment reported on 30 November 2013.
(11/251) Coercion in prison…
Lawyers Rezan Sarıca, Cengiz Yürekli and Mazlum Dinç and Abdulmecit Yıldırım were not allowed to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan on 28 November 2013 on grounds that the ship that would carry them to Imralı Island was out of order.
(11/252) Tried lawyers…
A case was launched against the 18 members of the Contemporary Lawyers Association/Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği (ÇHD) who had opened the placard “Freedom for Arrested Lawyers” in the opening ceremony of the judicial year in Izmir Courthouse on 2 September 2013 on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations” reported on 20 November 2013.
Izmir Penal Court of First Instance No. 13 accepted the indictment against Serdar Gültekin, Nergiz Tuba Aslan, Mehmet Cemal Doğan, Gurbet Uçar, Abdulhadi Çetin, Azat Elçi, Fatma Demirer, Dinçer Çalım, Imdat Ataş, Mehmet Güner, Şule Aslan Hızal, Zöhre Dalkıran, Anıl Güler, Oktay Uysal, Canan Uçar, Nezahat Paşa Bayraktar, Ilhan Gül Kireçkaya and Hüseyin Korkmaz and will begin to hear the case soon.
(11/253) Tried People…
On 28 November 2013 Samsun Penal Court of Peace No. 2 went on hearing the case against two students Yıldırım Beyazıt Besim and Mert Deniz Özkaya who had used the photograph of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as a target in dart game as a protest to the new education system in Samsun Province in 2012 on charges of “insulting public officers due to his duty” under Article 125 of the TPC.
The court heard the lawyers of the defendants and acquitted them.
(11/254) Acquitted person…
On 28 November 2013 Anadolu Penal Court of Peace No. 35 acquitted H.A. in connection with the mobile phone message on charges of “helping and harbouring an illegal organisation” under Article 220/7 on the grounds that the sender could not be identified and due to the principle that “the defendants benefit from suspect”.
(11/255) Detained newspaper distributor…
Azadiya Welat distributor Ömer Baran was detained on the grounds that he has been making propaganda of the illegal organisation in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 28 November 2013.
(11/256) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 29 November 2013 Adana Heavy Penal Court of No. 10 began to hear the case against 13 defendants on the grounds that they had participated solidarity actions with Gezi Park in Adana Province, on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “harming public goods” and “resisting public officers due to his duty”.
The head of the court check the IDs of the defendants and heard their legal argument and prolonged the pre-trial detention process of the Murat Akıncı and Mahmut Yiğit. The next hearing will be on 7 March 2014.
(11/257) People tried in connection with Gezi Park Actions…
On 27 September 2013 Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 50 declined the indictment against 36 people in connection with the protests in Istanbul Province on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, “harming public goods”, “resisting public officers due to his duty” on the grounds that the evidences –mask, helmet, sea mask, motor biker’s helmet, etc.- mentioned in the indictment are not the weapons cited in the law.
The prosecutor rearranged the indictment and claimed that the suspects had occupied the Gezi Park; harmed the public and private property; attacked on the law-enforcement with sticks, Molotov Cocktails, sound bombs and sling and as a reply to the judges who had declined the indictment, the suspects had not been going to Taksim Square with sea masks to swim.
Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No. 50 will begin to hear the case against 23 people.
(11/258) Banned demonstrations, detained people, raided institutions in Muğla Province…
Muğla Governorate stated that all the meeting, demonstrations and public statements were banned for the visit of PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Muğla Province and its districts of Province between 29 November and 2 December 2013.
Polis teams detained 32 people on the grounds that they could perform actions and torn down the posters prepared by the preparation courses.
(11/259) Convicted person…
Izmir Heavy Penal Court No. 10 sentenced Şiyar Alkan to 42 years 6 months of imprisonment in connection with the incidence after a concert [he had participated with his mother] in Izmir Province in 2011 on charges of “being a member of an illegal organisation” under Article 314 of TPC, “harming public goods” and “having explosives, reported on 30 November 2013.
(11/260) Acquitted trade unionists…
Police teams detained 18 workers of the Yurtiçi Kargo (Domestic Cargo) who had been laid off on the grounds that they had become members of Revolutionary Land Transport Workers Trade Union of Turkey/Türkiye Devrimci Kara Nakliyat Işçileri (Nakliyat-Iş) in Istanbul Province on 19 February 2013. The workers were detained from the roof of the French Consulate on the grounds that the French Post Office hold the 25% of the lots of Yurtiçi Kargo.
On 28 November 2013 Çağlayan Penal Court of First Instance No. 45 acquitted all the 18 defendants from the charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”.
(11/261) Detained, arrested, released party member…
The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Izmir Branch member Dilek Keskin was detained in Izmir Province on 28 November 2013. She was arrested on the grounds that there is conviction against her for “making propaganda of an illegal organisation” for ten months and she was released on 29 November 2013.
(11/262) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Five out of the 6 people who had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Silopi District of Şırnak Province on 26 November 2013 were arrested on charges of “opposing to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations” and “resisting public officers due to his duty” on 28 November 2013.
(11/263) Adana Home raids in Province…
Y.D. who had been detained with three other juveniles in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams in Adana Province on 29 November 2013 was arrested on charges of “attended to an illegal demonstration” the same day.
(11/264) Detained person in Şırnak Province…
The Peace and Democratic Resolution Group member Mehmet Adamış was detained in home raid on the grounds that “there is a warrant against him” in Uludere District of Şırnak Province on 30 November 2013.
(11/265) Home raids in Şırnak Province…
Seven juveniles out of the ten people who had been detained in synchronised home raids of the Fighting with Terrorism Department teams on charges of “being a member of the illegal organisation Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement/Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareketi (YDG-H)”, in Cizre District of Şırnak Province on 26 November were arrested on 29 November 2013.
(11/266) Arrested person…
Taylan Kulaçoğlu who had been detained in the operation against RedHack with the order of Ankara Chief Public Prosecution Office Cyber Crimes Bureau on 22 November 2013 and who had been released on 28 November 2013 with 11 others was arrested on the grounds that “he is the person who had been using the Manyak nick in RedHack” on 29 November 2013.
(11/267) Work accident in Muğla Province…
Sadettin Bilgiç a crane operator was wounded with the fall of the roof tile on himself in Fethiye District of Muğla Province on 28 November 2013.
(11/268) Work accident in Zonguldak Province…
Naci Güledağı died in the landslide in the illegal coal mine in Gelik Municipality of Zonguldak Province on 29 November 2013.
(11/269) Suspicious death of a soldier in Tunceli Province…
Gendarmerie Commando Soldier Muhammet Akçal (from Erzurum Province) allegedly died with the fire of his rifle during his patrol in Gendarmerie Commando Brigade in Ovacık District of Tunceli Province on 28 November 2013.