Frauenrechte & Praktizierte Political Correctness
von Thomas von der Osten-Sacken – WADI IRAQ / GERMANY : Die Frauenrechtlerin Leyla Hussein führte beeindruckend vor, was political correctness, oder besser vermeintliches Verständnis für andere Kulturen, für Folgen haben kann. Sie, die selbst in ihrer Kindheit genitalverstümmelt wurde, sammelte in einem Experiment Unterschriften für die Legalisierung der Praxis in England.
She decided to conduct an experiment to see “how crazy political correctness has become” but was left in tears by the end.
Approaching shoppers with the petition supporting FGM, she told them she wanted to protect her “culture, traditions and rights”.
In only 30 minutes 19 people signed it with some saying they believed FGM was wrong but because it was part of Ms Hussein’s culture they would add their names. Only one person refused to sign.
Speaking after the experiment in Northampton, Ms Hussein broke down and said she was scared by people’s reactions.
Würde so etwas in Berlin oder Frankfurt anders verlaufen? Wohl kaum.