3.4.2013 – MESOP – Istanbul- Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will conduct his expected visit to Washington on May 16 to discuss issues with US President Barack Obama, Hurriyet daily said on Wednesday.

The daily said the Turkey ministry and the office of Erdogan are working on the program of the premier who is expected to go to Washington one or two days ahead of his scheduled meeting with Obama. Quoting sources, the daily said the visit was scheduled on the day that Israel apologized to Turkey on March 22 for killing 9 Turkish activists by Israeli forces in an attack on Turkish Mavi Marmara ship that was heading to Gaze trip two years ago to take humanitarian aid to the people of the trip. -Erdogan is expected to discuss Turkey peace talks with Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) jailed Leader Abdullah Ocalan as well as 2- year crisis in Syria.