EAST KURDISTAN (IRAN) MESOP : Iranian FM meets Iraqi PM Haider Abadi

25 Feb 2015 – Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif visited Tuesday night February 25 Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Baghdad, where the two sides called for better cooperation between the two neighboring states.

al-Abadi termed the US sanctions against Iran as unjust and called for lifting of the sanctions.Al-Abadi, referring to the experience of the Iraqi people of such sanctions, said the sanctions have put economic pressure on the Iranian people, stressing that the sanctions which harm the people should be removed, IRNA reported.Hailing Iran’s ‘excellent and effective’ role in fighting international terrorism in the region, Abadi also underlined the need for cooperation of regional countries in this respect. He recalled Iran’s assistance to his country in the course of the war on terror, and pointed to the recent visit of First Vice-President Ishaq Jahangiri to Iraq and emphasized on continuation of bilateral cooperation in all fields. Zarif, for his part, assured that Iran will not leave Iraq alone in the war against terrorism. Zarfi arrived in Baghdad on Tuesday afternoon for a day-long visit and met with the Iraqi prime minister and foreign minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.