EAST KURDISTAN (IRAN) : Gulperipur vanished to an unknown direction

NEWSDESK – MESOP  – 12.5.2013 – :  Kurdish political prisoner Hebibulla Gulperipur who has been held in Simnan prison was taken to an unknown location by the prison officials.

Mr. Gulperipur was arrested by the Intelligent Services in Mahabad city on 2009. He was convicted and sentenced to death by Islamic Revolutionary Court for his alleged affiliation with Kurdistan’s Free Life Party (PJAK). Due to his alleged membership in PJAK, Mr. Gulperipur was convicted on the charge of mohareb (enmity with God) and was given death penalty.

While held in prison he was going through the severest psychological and physical torture by the prison authorities. According to our correspondents, Mr. Gulperipur has been taken to an unknown place. No reason for his transferring is yet given. But since he is on death row, concern over the implementation of his execution is raised. Based on sharia law of Iran, those sentenced to death by Islamic Revolutionary Court could be executed at any moment. Until now the Iranian regime had secretly plunged many political prisoners to the gallows without informing their family or lawyers.