PKK leader Kalkan says everybody should make their part in the process
Source: Firat News – 27.2.2013 – QANDIL,— PKK rebel leader and Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Duran Kalkan spoke to ANF about the recent developments in the process of talks aiming to a solution of the Kurdish question.
Referring to the recent call by jailed Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, who said that prisoners should be released soon through the BDP delegation that visited him on 23 February, Kalkan said that Öcalan made this call to both Turkish and Kurdish sides. Kalkan pointed out that the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) was open to release the prisoners, adding “However, nobody should expect us make an unilateral move”.
“There is a determination for the solution of the Kurdish question – he said – but this is still the beginning of the process, actually better said it is a search to begin a process. Efforts are being made to establish and environment of hope and a new beginning but this intention requires to take challenging steps about a number of psychological and political obstacles in order for politics to be viable in the search for a solution. It is obvious – he added – that the Kurdish leader is making an all-out effort to overcome these obstacles to ensure the beginning of a new process. The Kurdish side has no ambiguity or objection in this respect because all Kurds, whether siding with PKK, democratic politics and different tendencies, insist on a democratic political solution on the way to peace. However, none of these efforts can produce a solution if taken unilaterally”, he underlined.
Kalkan remarked that for a political solution to be on the table, it takes both sides to act politically. Referring to debate on PKK’s alleged withdrawal from Turkish borders, KCK Executive Council member Kalkan said those involved in this debate should also address other issues such as whether Turkish military and police forces will also withdraw from Kurdistan and leave the government of the Kurdish region to Kurds. “This is an approach which can help to come up with a solution. If everybody do what is required to do, I can say on behalf of the PKK that the Kurdish armed movement will never pose an obstacle to the democratization of Turkey and the solution of the Kurdish question. The PKK and its leaders are determined to struggle until the Kurdish people gain freedom”.
Kalkan said that Kurds, including the PKK movement, should express their opinion on how a solution could be achieved, noting that PKK will agree to any agreement rooted on the will of the Kurdish people. Kalkan noted that Kurds should develop their approach towards assimilation which -he underlined- is related to the lack of not only language but also a free mentality.