Diyarbakır Police Chief Celebrates Women’s Day in Kurdish

9.3.2013 – BIANET – Police Chief Recep Güven placed a classified ad on a Güneydoğu Güncel localnewspaper in Diyarbakır province, which celebrated International Women’s Day both in Turkish and Kurdish.

“With my whole heart, I celebrate this special day of women whose presence we feel from birth to death and who truly make us who we are. Roja xede wan daye û heya mirinavan her vext jineme jiyanaxe mere nin em vi rojevan ji dil de pirox dikin,” the ad said.  In 2012, Diyarbakır police chief Güven sparked acclaims as well as criticism when he said “If you don’t feel grief when a terrorist dies on the mountain, you are not a human being.”