Decentralized Rent-Seeking in Iraq’s Post-ISIS Economy


MESOP NEWS MUST READ “THIS IS GREAT”! “ : Militia checkpoints are hurting #Iraq‘s recovering private sector. Read our latest #IIR by fellow @mdeweaver here:

Decentralized Rent-Seeking in Iraq’s Post-ISIS Economy

IRIS Non-Resident Fellow, Dr. Mark DeWeaver, an emerging-markets fund manager, ISX investor, independent economist and author, authored this IRIS Iraq Report (IIR) titled: “Decentralized Rent Seeking in Iraq’s Post-ISIS Economy: A Warning from the Concrete Block Industry.”  This report is based on fieldwork conducted in Iraq is March 2017, with the assistance of Shwan Lacky.

Since 2014, the success of Iraq’s militias in combatting the Islamic State (ISIS) has greatly strengthened their power relative to the central government. Their successes on the battlefield have made them indispensable in the fight to regain control of ISIS-held areas. They have consequently become an even greater force to be reckoned with as victory is achieved. This IRIS Iraq Report (IIR) illustrates the economic implications of this weakening of the Iraqi state through the specific example of the concrete block industry in the disputed town of Tuz Khurmatu.

Click here or on the image below to download the full report. …