Barzani & Maliki to sign accord on Oil and Gas Law

20.7.2013 – Kurdpress – The President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al- Maliki are to sign an agreement over the Oil and Gas Law, al- Monitor quoted a high- ranking source in Maliki’s office as saying on the condition of anonymity.

“Prime Minister Maliki and KRG President Massoud Barzani discussed during the latter’s latest visit to Baghdad an amended draft of the Oil and Gas Law and agreed on showing it to their partners, so that is can soon be passed in the Iraqi Parliament, before the current legislative session ends in early 2014,” the source said. “The current phase is witnessing an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil regarding the Oil and Gas Law,” Kurdish MP Farhad Atroushi told al- Monitor.An MP in the Iraqi Parliamentary Oil Committee, Atroushi added the Iraqi federal government tries to reach a final decision to legislate the Oil and Gas Law.

“I cannot say that Barzani and Maliki have agreed on passing the Oil and Gas Law, but they see eye to eye on this matter,” Atroushi went on to say.

The Kurdish official added the issue will be settled during the discussions of the sub- committees that were set up for this purpose between Baghdad and Erbil.

In parallel, Jamal Bahaaddin, a member of Maliki’s State of Law Coalition said meeting on the oil and gas legislation are taking place, denying to give further details. “The heads of Iraq’s political blocs must take advantage of the political calm that followed the visit of the Kurdistan Region’s President to Baghdad to pass the Oil and Gas Law,” a member of the Oil Committee, Furat al- Shahra said. He added the Parliamentary Oil Committee is discussing the law and every one opposes transferring the law to the next parliamentary session.