BDP, DTK leaders meet PKK officials without Ocalan’s letter / NO MAIL TODAY
7.7.2013 – Kurdpress – The co-leaders of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Gultan Kisanak and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Ahmet Turk met on Friday the leading officials of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Qandil Mountains in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The two leaders arrived in Erbil on Thursday and two BDP deputies were due to join them with a letter of PKK jailed leader Abdullah Ocalan for the outlawed party’s leading officials.
The BDP deputies Pervin Buldan and Idris Balekun did not receive Ocalan’s letter which was expected to be delivered to them by Turkey Intelligence Organization (MIT). The letter, however, were not given to the BDP deputies for unknown reason.Speaking to reporters before departing Erbil for Istanbul, Kisanak said the PKK officials are worried about the peace process, as no step has been taken by the government to convince the PKK. She further said the PKK is worried and expects concrete steps by the government. “The PKK worries and expectations are understandable. They believe the government has not heeded to the Kurds demands, ” she went on to say.
The Kurdish officials, which were planned to meet Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, returned Istanbul right after their return from Qandil.