Reuter / AFP / shafaaw news – February 10, 2013 – SULÊMANÎ,:  Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani confirmed on Sunday that he felt in recent period that there are some media that provokes people against us, while denied his relationship of targeting the 1st independent Kurdish Nalia TV channel (NRT), as he said that if he was subjected to such things, he would choose to resort to law and the judiciary.

The spokesman of the party, Abdul Wahab Ali said in a press conference held midnight in Sulaimaniyah, that was devoted to clarify his position on recent events and targeting Nalia TV channel, that “KDP did not have knowledge and did not have any Instructions on this regard.” “If such things happened with KDP, especially in Sulaimaniyah region or other areas in Kurdistan, the only way that we would take in dealing with the situation is through the law and the judiciary.”

Ali pointed out that “”we say very clearly that it is a media that wants to provoke people against the party (KDP).”

   The statements come just hours after dozens of people gathered in front of the head of Nalia TV Kurdish office to express their rejection to the talk of some people during a program aired by the channel and uttered inappropriate words against late Kurdish leader, Mullah Mustafa Barzani and his son President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani.

In February 20, 2012, the Kurdish NRT TV station signal blocked while commemorating attack on the station in 2011.

A group of armed men have attacked the office of Nalia TV and Radio (NRT) Channel in northern Sulaimaniyah in February 20, 2011, completely burning it and wounding one of its guards, a security source said.The channel had started launching programs Feb.17, 2011 broadcasting the deadly confrontation between the Kurdish security and the demonstrators on the first day of recent protest rallies in Kurdistan.

Since February 2011, till middle April 2011, thousands of protesters gathered daily in Sulaimaniyah and other parts of Kurdistan against corruption and the lording over Kurdistan region by two main parties KDP and PUK. Kurdish protestors demand the ouster of the local Kurdistan government KRG, calling for improving services and living conditions and fighting corruption.

After 62 days of protests, the Governorate of of Sulaimaniyah has banned unlicensed demonstrations in the city. Heavy Kurdish forces deployed in Sulaimaniyah city to prevent any demonstrations, and occupied the city center and other parts of Sulaimaniyah. The Security Committee in Sulaimaniyah banned on April 18 all sorts of protests.

Most of the demonstrators opposed Massoud Barzani, and the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party KDP. Ten people were killed and more than 700 others wounded and 220 more have been arrested in clashes between demonstrators and Kurdish security forces during a wave or protests that swept Sulaimaniyah. The Kurdish security forces (Asayish) arrested and tortured a lot of activists andjournalists.  For decades, the KDP of regional president Massoud Barzani and the PUK of Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani have lorded over the region.

Massoud Barzani and his relatives control a large number of commercial enterprises in Kurdistan-Iraq, with a gross value of several billion US dollars. The family is routinely accused of corruption and nepotism by Kurdish media as well as international observers. Iraq’s Kurdish regional government has near total autonomy and is funded by a share of the country’s oil revenue. The two parties that share power each command former guerrilla militias that have been given the status of regional security forces.