Barzani-backed Kurdish parties meet with PKK in Qandil mountains / ENKS visited KCK executives

6 March 2014 –  hawarnews  – A delegation from the Syrian Kurdish National Council (Encumena Niştîmanî ya Kurd li Sûriyeyê-ENKS) has met with officials of the KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council in Kandil. The delegation, consisting of representatives of 12 parties met KCK Executive Council Co-chair Cemil Bayık and KCK Executive Council members Zeki Şengali and Besta Fırat.

Members of the delegation included Democratic National Party (PND) Secretary General Tahir Sfook, Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (KDPS) Secretary General Nasreddin Ibrahim, Kurdish Unity Party (PYK) Secretary Ibrahim Bro. KCK Executive Council member Zeki Şengali issued a short statement after the three-hour meeting, saying the meeting had taken place at the request of the ENKS delegation, adding that subjects such as internal problems of the parties in Kurdistan, the Geneva II meeting and the Sêmalka border crossing had been discussed. Zeki Şengali said: “The situation in Rojava and our views regarding the importance of the revolution in Rojava Kurdistan were explained to them. Rojava is going through a sensitive time and in order for it to become the driving force of the Kurdish nation it is necessary for the gains made there to be safeguarded and developed.”
Şengali: ENKS should see Rojava revolution as its own gains
Şengali continued, emphasising the importance of taking possession of the gains made in Rojava, adding that it was the task of parties in other parts of Kurdistan to fulfil their patriotic duty and support the Rojava revolution. Şengali said: “The prime force must be the forces in Rojava Kurdistan. ENKS should see the gains as their own. It is necessary to resolve existing problems with dialogue.”
ENKS: It was a mistake not to come earlier
Syrian Kurdish Democratic Progressive Party (PPDKS) central committee member Ali Shamdin spoke on behalf of the ENKS, saying they were pleased to have met the KCK delegation and that there had been a warm, friendly atmosphere. He added that the KCK was the most influential force in Kurdistan and that they had requested the meeting as the KCK could play a positive role in resolving the problems between the MGRK and ENKS. Shamdin added that the KCK delegation had criticised them, saying: “We were very late in asking for a meeting. If we had met earlier the problems wouldn’t have been so major. Their criticism was justified.”

YEKITI MEDIA: (pro-KNC): خاص يكيتي ميديا … هولير قام وفد من المجلس الوطني الكردي متمثلاً بـاثنا عشر حزباً بزيارة إلى قنديل واللقاء مع رئيس منظومة المجتمع الديمقراطي KCK جميل بايق، وتأتي هذه الزيارة ضمن سلسلة اللقاءات مع الاحزاب الكردستانية ومن خلالها شرح وفد المجلس الوطني الكردي موقفهم من الإدارة الذاتية التي اعلنها ب ي د واستفرادهم بالقرارات من جانب واحد وأنّهم وحدهم يتحملون نتائجها وكذلك تم شرح الموقف من مؤتمر جنيف2 ودور المجلس الكردي فيها وخاصة أنّ الحركة السياسية الكردي امام مرحلة استحقاقات تاريخية، كما تم الوقوف على المواقف السلبية لمجلس شعب غرب كردستان تجاه الوفد الكردي المتمثل في جنيف على عكس ما تم الاتفاق عليه في هولير2 بأن أي وفد تسنح له الفرصة بالذهاب إلى جنيف سوف يمثل جميع الكرد. ومن جهة ثانية عبر جميل بايق بأنّهم لن يكونوا طرفاً من الصراع وبأنهم يريدون ان يكونوا طرفاً في التقارب بين المجلسين الكرديين وخاصة بالنسبة لهذه الظروف الحساسة والمستجدات المتسارعة، وأنّه ليس من الضروري ان يكون كل ما يفعله PYD صحيحاً، كما انتقد ايضاً مشاركة المجلس الكردي في جنيف لهذا جاءت الإدارة الذاتية كردة فعل على ذهاب المجلس الكردي إلى جنيف. source.