APO : ‘Rojava is the future of the Middle East’

Öcalan: Everyone must do their bit for Rojava, the future of the Middle East

ANF – ISTANBUL 04.03.2014 – Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan was visited by his brother Mehmet yesterday on İmralı island. Mehmet Öcalan told DİHA about his visit. 

The Kurdish leader told his brother Mehmet Öcalan that: “We discuss the process and make evaluations, but this is actually illegal. It is not taking place within a legal framework. The infrastructure must be made ready so that the second phase may commence within a legal framework. Öcalan also called on everyone to make a contribution to the revolution in Rojava, which he called the “Future of the Middle East”.

‘The process is moving forward illegally’

Mehmet Öcalan said his elder brother Abdullah Öcalan had emphasised the importance of a legal framework in order for the process to move forward, adding that he had said: “The biggest gain is the fact there has been no loss of life for a year. The first stage of the process is over, but we have not progressed to the second stage. In order for this to happen the infrastructure must be prepared. We discuss the process and make evaluations, but this is actually illegal. It is not taking place within a legal framework. If the infrastructure is made ready the second phase can start within a legal framework. But I have not had any contact with any official from the authorities for 3 weeks.”

‘Support for the HDP alliance could bring great gains on behalf of democracy’

Öcalan said his brother had mentioned the attacks on the HDP, saying: “Perhaps they are causing problems for the HDP in the cities of Turkey. If this alliance had been formed 10 years ago such attacks would not have happened, there would have been great gains. There was only a weak alliance before. If this alliance had existed the election threshold would have been lifted by now. It is therefore important for everyone to work towards the progress of this alliance. If this alliance had existed before the Kurdish question would have been resolved democratically and Turkey, too, would have freedom. Turkey’s problems will not be resolved until there is a resolution of the Kurdish question. Therefore everyone must contribute during the sensitive election period. If this happens great gains may be secured on behalf of democracy.”

Mehmet Öcalan said his brother had proposed in particular that importance be given to election campaigning in the Adıyaman, Malatya, Antep and Maraş regions and that BDP campaigners be sent to strengthen election work in Urfa.

‘There must be a spirit of mobilisation for the elections’

Mehmet Öcalan said that PKK leader Öcalan had asked him about election work in the region. Mehmet Öcalan continued: “He said: ‘everyone must treat the elections with a spirit of mobilisation. It is very important for the future for all Kurds, Turks, Arabs and Armenians. There are only 25 days left. There may have been problems over choosing the candidates but this must be forgotten. These 25 days must be utilised well. For instance, there is an Arab population in Urfa. A prominent Arab could have been considered as a co-candidate. But it is still not too late. Certain persons could be included as co-deputy mayors within the BDP. It would be positive for everyone if they do this.'”

‘Rojava is the future of the Middle East’

Mehmet Öcalan added that the PKK leader had said the following regarding Rojava: “Rojava is the future of the Middle East. Everyone should take it as an example. Assyrians, Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen are living and will continue to live together fraternally. It is a great example for the Middle East. It is a revolution, which is a victory for all the peoples of the Middle East. It must be supported. We have to consolidate this revolution.”