AMUDE REACTIONS : PYD IS “TOTALITARIAN & STALINISTIC” (Omar Sheikmous – Wellknown Syrian Kurd)


Dear Friends,

Please, let us put an end to the misinformation and lies that are spread by PYD and Salih Muslim about the events in Amouda.

PYD opened fire on a peaceful demonstration for the release of three activists that were members of the Amouda Coordinating Committee and arrested on fabricated charges.

They brought a large militia force into Amouda and opened fire on a peaceful demonstration that killed eight people and wounded around fifteen people. More than a hundred people are still in their prison. They are subjected to extremely inhuman treatment and torture. This is confirmed by some of the people that have been released from their detention. Some are very ill and they are denied access to their medicines.  They imposed a state of emergency in the town and positioned their snipers on rooftops. The whole scenario of an ambush for their units by a brigade of FSA is fabricated and has no truth.

They not only attacked civilians and party offices in Amouda, but they have also attacked civil society and women organisations in both Amouda and qamishly.

PYD is a stalinist and a totalitarian organisation in collusion with the Syrian regime and should be unmasked as such.

With best wishes.

Omar Sheikhmous