ABDULLAH ÖCALAN’S MESSAGE : “Resolution Process on Its Second Stage”

BIANET – 25.6.2013 – PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan released a mesage through a Peace and Democracy Party, saying that he was supporting the transparancy in peace process – which he named it to be on its second stage.

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Co-Chairperson Selahattin Demirtaş and BDP Group Interim President Pervin Buldan set off to Imrali Island yesterday to meet Abdullah Öcalan in his solitary confinement. The mesage that Öcalan released through a Peace and Democracy Party is as follows:

“First, I am sending my regards and love to you all. For us, the [peace] process is continuing.” “We have transitioned to the second stage now. I have submitted to state officials our recommendations on how it should unfold.” “Personally, I am supporting the idea that the process should unfold transparently on all  stages. I hope the [Turkish] state will evaluate our recommendations correctly and reached correct conclusions.”

“The [Kurdish] Question is 100 years old. It has certain facts that are rooted in historical and concrete issues. Thus, it should be approached with a sense of seriosity.” “Our recommedations is a product of a research that aimed to represent 90 percent of all Turkey’s peoples.” “Depsite some authorities’ blocking efforts, I am determined to resume this proces. I certainly believe that we will succeed.”  “If I had the possibility, I would like to inform the public every week.”

“We can kick off discussions on the secong stage now. I wish everyone who is rooting for democracy, resolution and peace to join these discussions, and send all my distinguished regards within this perspective.”