December 25, 2013 – BAGHDAD, Shafaaq News – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki agreed with Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani, on settling all outstanding issues between Kurdistan region and Iraqi central government.
An Informed source told National Iraqi News on Wednesday, Dec. 25, that Maliki met with Nechirvan Barzani discussing outstanding issues between Kurdistan region and the Federal Iraq; and they have agreed on general settlement.
Nechirvan Barzani arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday noon, on the head of a delegation consisting of Deputy Prime Minister, Imad Ahmed, and a number of ministers, specialists and advisors to discuss outstanding issues between Iraq and Kurdistan. Last Sunday, the Cabinet announced settling discussion on the draft Budget Law for the year 2014, after concluding talks with Kurdistan Region’s delegation.
Kurdistan government spokesman Safeen Dizayee, said the visit comes within a series of mutual visits between the two sides and include discussions on the independent oil pipeline between Kurdistan Region and Turkey, in addition to the federal budget bill for 2014.
It is worth mentioning that voting on the draft of the federal budget for 2014 have been delayed due to differences among the political blocs on a number of contentious issues that happens every year as many of them are related to disputed issues between Erbil and Baghdad on the share of the first of the budget, the issues of the budget, the salaries of the Kurdish security forces, Peshmerga and dues of oil foreign companies that work in the region,