“KNOW BETTER WITH MESOP” – Arguments and Analysis

How the failed coup affects Syrian refugees in Turkey” (Veronique Barbelet, Overseas Development Institute)
“The three-month state of emergency declared on 21 July is the first step towards the planned extraordinary emergency measures announced last week. These will most likely result in a closure (or at least reduction) of the working space for civil society. The few centres where refugees can ask for help and get some support in this fast-changing policy environment are run by Turkish NGOs. Their ability to continue their work providing support and aid for those who came to Turkey to seek refugee may soon be in serious jeopardy. The future of Turkey and of all its inhabitants, including Syrian refugees, is uncertain — a challenge many Syrian refugees were already finding difficult to manage in their new lives in Istanbul.” Read more https://www.odi.org/comment/10427-how-failed-coup-affects-syrian-refugees-turkey?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=%2AMideast%20Brief