3rd World Kurdish Congress: First announcement and call for papers
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
3rd World Kurdish Congress (WKC2013) invites all Kurdish scholars with a minimum degree of Master of Science or Arts (M.Sc. or MA) or Ph.D. from various disciplines to submit extended abstracts. Following acceptance of your abstract, you will be invited to participate at the congress.
For the first time in our history, the 2nd World Kurdish Congress (WKC2012) in Erbil provided a unique opportunity for the Kurdish diaspora, from 27 counties around the world, including, scientists, businessmen, academicians and members of the cultural community and regional government to participate in an academic and scientific congress. We discussed the future of the Kurdish nation through scientific and cultural lenses with Massoud Barzani as well as several ministers of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).
The outcome of the WKC2012 in Erbil will be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing – a UK based international publisher. The papers from the 1st WKC2011 in Amsterdam have been published in Volume I of the series “Perspectives on Kurdistan’s Economy and Society in Transition” by NOVA Science Publishers – New York. Volume II of the series includes a collection of 26 articles with 580 pages. The two volumes will be available at the 3rd congress in Stockholm. Publication of the series aims to bring global recognition to Kurdistan as a nation dedicated to progressing through science and culture toward become an active participant in modern society.
The WKC mission is to provide creative and scientific solutions to existing problems so that Kurdish society and culture can integrate into the modern world and achieve international recognition. The WKC as an organization strives to bring forth the diaspora’s capacities, through an independent channel in order to build a bridge between Kurdish society and those abroad. Thus the WKC seeks to serve as a “Think Tank” that offers the Kurdish leadership scientific-based guidelines and long-term strategies to deal with vital issues for all Kurds and Kurdistan as a whole.
In focusing on the international and regional politics, economy and social relations, there are currently a number of emerging factors that are vital for Kurdistan. In Northern Kurdistan (Kurdistan in Turkey) the peace process between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is progressing so impressively that the mainstream US publication Time magazine recently named Abdullah Öcalan as one of the top 100 most influential persons in the world. In addition, on April 17, 2013 the European parliament’s “2012 Turkey Progress Report” stated on page 112: “The process is still in a delicate phase and the obstacles to achieving a breakthrough are formidable. However, the call by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan to the PKK to lay down arms and withdraw beyond Turkey’s borders, as well as the positive reactions to that call, are encouraging and to be welcomed.”
In our view, the Norwegian committee for the Nobel Peace Prize should carefully consider the nominations of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the 2013 peace prize since both are working to bring peace to the region and solve the Kurdish issue in the North Kurdistan region.
We have renewed our commitment to our people and are delighted to receive your contributions for the 3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress (WKC2013). The congress will be held in Stockholm (October 11-13, 2013). This is a gathering of Kurdish academics and professionals who wish to actively participate in the rehabilitation, reconstruction and development process of Kurdistan.
The most important challenges of Southern Kurdistan (Kurdistan in Iraq) are the disputed territories and the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution related to these areas and the oil and gas law. The latter has moved to the forefront of the debate creating almost a state of war between the central and regional governments. In addition to receiving advice and support from the diaspora, the KRG needs development and policy plans; management, skill and technology transfer; human resources and the capacity to build, establish and operate public institutions. Among such institutions are the National Research Council and National Research Institute. These should facilitate research on priority areas such as reconstruction and sustainable development based on extractions from natural resources and their utilization for the industrial, economic and social development of Kurdistan.
In Eastern Kurdistan (Kurdistan in Iran) our people are struggling against a barbaric regime that uses constant persecution and incarcerates thousands of Kurdish men and women. Today the Kurds in the Eastern region are suffering from the lack of a political vision and agenda that can create international recognition for our cause. The political parties lack the necessary capacity and relevant policy, and thereby have no impact on society and its development. Unfortunately, no serious efforts have been made by the current leadership to resolve the problem by raising the leadership’s capacity through training.
Our people in Western Kurdistan (Kurdistan in Syria), after decades of horrific dictatorship without any civic rights, are struggling against a totalitarian regime, and within a civil war containing many political fractions. Many have lost their lives or have been imprisoned due to their political beliefs or are in refugee camps in neighboring countries. Whatever the outcome, the situation of the Kurds in Western Kurdistan should be better than under the totalitarian regime of Assad. In most of the regions of Kurdistan mentioned above, there is a mismatch between our available resources and those required for a successful transformation of our nation. The main reasons have been attributed to the Kurdish leadership’s low understanding of international politics and organizational capacity, and inability to manage the Kurdish issues. As a result no serious efforts have been made for Kurdistan to become an integral part of change in the Middle East region in the aftermath of the Ottoman Empire’s breakdown. Another equally important factor has been the passivity on the part of Kurdish intellectuals. These were and still are causal factors leading to the reality that we Kurds have never realized our dreams of having our own country and being capable of ruling ourselves.
In our view, the unity of Kurdish people around national interest and obligation is the most important factor in creating our nation. The diversity of opinion on how to run the country would come after. Our people have suffered heavily mainly because of our own lack of priority in serving our nation. We believe strongly that the Kurdish diaspora could and should unite, and through science and culture lead to our self-determination. Thus, it is crucial to understand the new culture of our world that is more than ever interconnected to knowledge exchange in a global or “Google society”. The way that we create our future is strongly related to the rest of the world.
It is our national duty to engage in a pragmatic way that supports the process of nation building. There is a need for the diaspora to critically review this process and play an active role with its knowledge and expertise of science and culture. The activities should be based upon scientific knowledge and research which creates a new culture inspiring progress and change within our society towards a progressive and healthy society in the future.
The diaspora’s intellectual capital has not yet been considered as a key contribution to the process of nation building. Our mission is to reach this goal and inspire the next generation for our nation builders.
Call for Papers
The 3rd World Kurdish Congress (WKC2013) invites researchers and professionals to submit extended abstracts and advanced project proposals in various disciplines aimed at enhancing the progress of science and culture in Kurdistan.
The organizing committee initially requests the receipt of extended abstracts and in a second phase full papers for the 3rd World Kurdish Congress. Papers that address several interrelated topics of Kurdish society will be given preferential attention. All proposals shall be peer reviewed and selected by the scientific committee. We are looking forward to your participation in the WKC2013, in Stockholm, Sweden on October 11-13, 2013. For more detailed information please see our website or contact the congress secretariat at: info@kurdishcongress.org
Requirements for Paper Submission:
• TIMELINE: Abstracts are due by July 30, 2013
• You can submit an extended abstract of 300-400 words in English in word format
• Or you can submit your full paper
• Abstract should clearly state the objectives, problems and goals, methods and data used, expected results and conclusions.
• We request that papers be geared to a broad audience with diverse background, interests and disciplines.
• We are looking for presentations that focus on the practical importance of issues and problems discussed in such way that are relevant for application in Kurdistan. Please submit your abstract or full paper as an attachment to info@kurdishcongress.org Each submission should have a separate title page which includes:
• title of the submission, • two or three keywords that describe the areas of research submitted, • name(s) of the author(s),
• department(s) and affiliation(s), • mailing address(es), • email address(es), • phone number(s), • corresponding author, if different than leading author
IMPORTANTWe will only accept abstracts and papers that have completed the requested requirements.
Correspondence regarding the receipt of submission will be made by email unless otherwise requested. A number of papers will be selected for an oral presentation with a time limit of 15-20 minutes. There will be a 10 minute discussion with the audience at the end of each session monitored by a chairperson. The rest of submitted abstracts, if suitable, will be accepted as posters.
A selection of the presented papers will be considered for publication in the conference volume by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2014.
The preliminary program will be distributed at the end of August 2013 and will provide complete information concerning the conference venue, accommodation forms and social programs
Objectives of the Conference
• To provide a highly visible forum for establishing new contacts among Kurdish academics to share their knowledge and expertise as well as contacts, to support each other through networking.
• To work towards creating an international Kurdish lobby to gain support from other international communities like the Jewish and Armenian diaspora to serve our nation
• To encourage participants to be proactive and create diverse think thank groups in their own area of expertise The World Kurdish Congress (WKC) intends to restructure its organization with new leadership. Another major task of the congress will be the realization of the first annual meeting to choose the new leadership since the current president and founding director of the WKC Prof. Alan Dilani will leave after completing his three-year term. This change will inspire the new generation to develop a vital network lobby for the Kurdish Diaspora. This general meeting will be held on Sunday, July 13 from 13.00-17.00 to select the new leadership and decide the future task and location of the WKC2014. WKC2013 requests candidates and volunteers who are interested in supporting the World Kurdish Congress in the following committees:
• Scientific committee for the WKC2013 and for the future
• Research committee for the WKC to establish a research fund for research groups
• Organizing committee for the WKC2013 and for the future
• Hospitality committee for the WKC2013 and for the future
• Nomination Committee for the WKC2013 and for the future
• Media and communication committee for the WKC2013 and for the future
All requests should be sent by e-mail to info@kurdishcongress.org and will be carefully evaluated. The applicants will be notified by e-mail and the final outcome will be suggested to the congress during the annual meeting. The WKC2013 will not cover flight nor hotel expenses. However we will facilitate accommodation in the homes of Kurds who live in Stockholm. We will also recommend reasonable hotels in case you would prefer this option.
Language: The presentation at the conference will be in English and in exceptional cases if necessary in Kurdish. Translation to English will be provided.
Contact details E-mail: info@kurdishcongress.org Tel. +46 70 453 90 70 Mailing address: World Kurdish Congress – Box 7196 – SE-103 88 Stockholm – Sweden – www.kurdishcongress.org