‘Occupy Gezi’ talks at Salt Galata venue



Gezi Resistance events are the main focus of Salt Galata workshop.

Gezi Resistance events are the main focus of Salt Galata workshop.

Salt has created an archive of the Gezi resistance with photographs and videos. The “Save as: Social Memory” symposium at Salt Galata, which takes place tomorrow, brings together artists, curators and academics to discuss the archive.

One of the major concerns during the Gezi resistance was how to keep the memories of pain, grief, anger, gains and losses alive. There were attempts to preserve the experiences and present them through numerous media; however, critically approaching the growing archives or creating technologically-enhanced curated content was not possible, due to the lack of time and means.

The symposium brings together three artists, a curator and an academic who work in the area of software art, archiving, and media archaeology. Cultural practices that use the language of technology and digital-born content from different perspectives of preservation and memory will be debated.
Panelists will discuss the topics of archiving the present as we experience it, algorithmic curating in crisis, critical collective intelligence, and the language of technology as a thinking tool.

On June 27 the program starts with Joasia Krysia’s talk on “Speculations on Algorithmic Curating” and will continue with Burak Arıkan.