Open letter to the French president François Hollande / By Dr. Salar Basira – Scientist – Germany

To French messages French Foreign Office / President of France, Mr. François Hollande  – the general public 

Dear Mr. president François Hollande your viste in the DKP of Kurd’s leader “ Barzani puts many questions.

1)    you visited Barzani for the second time, or you invited him personally to Paris, although his term of office has run off according to the constitution for a long time, however, he is not ready to deliver the power.

The region Kurdistan Iraq owns defacto neither government nor parliament, then it puts to itself the question whom have you visited, actually?

Since almost to one year no full salary is paid to the population, and the policy of the hunger is pursued.

4)    Barzani represents merely the interests of his clan, that has got rich at the expenses of the civil population, and transfers billions to foreign banks. You know this Mr. president better than I, this starves all during the population. This also counts to the Talabanis clan, but Barzani has the upper hand.

5)    The human rights are kicked by the so-called political system of Kurdistan Iraq with feet. I myself was poisoned because of my criticism in Barzani-KDP in the Turkish-Kurdish border control by KDP Secret Services.

6)   B. has pursued bewiesenermaßen trade with the IS, and has the Jeziden place Schengal to the IS without a fight leave, so that thereby the Jeziden were put out to the genocide by the IS.

Now the question positions itself what get you to visit Mr. president, according to a clan? Was that a private visit in the name of the state? Many state politicians pursue private shops to own advantage under use of the preexisting political contacts, above all after her office times. I hope, Mr. president, you do not fall under this category Politician.

The B. Clan sells our oil fields, not only to get rich, but also to find lobbyists for his families. Every such business with not state actors is in my opinion a criminal act, this is a robbery in the population property.

Mr. president of France, we have expected from you, as a representative of a secular and democratic state that you speak about the striking injuries of human rights and corruption in my native country by these traditional rulers!

KDP-Barzani fights brutally together with Erdogan against the Kurdish liberation movements also in Turkey and in Syria.

Last I ask you, how does it come that you visit merely Barzani, and not the other Kurdish majority parties of the land? I hope that you Mr. president, in addition an answer have for the general public.

Yours sincerely

Prof. dr. Salar Basira  – Policy scientist, Germany  –  04.01.2017
