WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) : MESOPOTAMIA NEWS BACKGROUNDER : US and SDF can’t comprehend where so many ISIS supporters in Baghuz came from – by Seth Frantzman
The US and SDF are finally admitting they were surprised by the numbers of people from Baghuz who surrendered in recent weeks. It is “never ending” one article says. Mustafa Bali writes ” total of 2.600 people including Daesh militants and their families were evacuated from #Baghouz on March 6 and 7.” With my comments! ‘Never-ending’ numbers in last ISIS scrap shock US-backed fighters @AFP #TwitterKurds https://t.co/BqwiJQDyY7 — Mutlu Civiroglu (@mutludc) March 9, 2019 Large numbers of ISIS members are also hard core supporters, supporting genocide and slavery. One woman tells a reporter ‘“They [Yazidis] are property. In Islam you are allowed to use them. It’s not rape in Islam.” Then she says she doesn’t read the Quran. Another foreign colonizer who came to harm locals. IS woman in Baghouz justifies the enslavement of Yazidi women. ‘“They [Yazidis] are property. In Islam you are allowed to use them. It’s not rape in Islam.” Good luck reintegrating them into society. pic.twitter.com/uxrkKu50Yj — Brenda Stoter Boscolo (@BrendaStoter) March 9, 2019 The numbers are endless Still more #ISIS Fighters and their families are surrendering to #SDF pic.twitter.com/eWMbr6RKKv — Renas (@RE_N_AS) March 9, 2019 A US official has also admitted errors, “We’ve been consistently wrong, as have our SDF partners, on how big this is.” You don’t say:”We’re pretty confident ISIS leadership not still down in this tiny little hellhole that remains,” US defense official said. As for everything else, “We’ve been consistently wrong, as have our SDF partners, on how big this is” https://t.co/0HIdprNera by @jseldin — Josie Ensor (@Josiensor) March 9, 2019 And more European ISIS. NEW: Isis member who spoke to ITV News last week as she left Baghouz and claimed to be British is 37 year old Lisa Smith from Dundalk, a former soldier who served on the Irish Government jet, reports Irish Independent https://t.co/iZkcGp8TQV — Rohit Kachroo (@RohitKachrooITV) March 9, 2019 And scenes of sadness among the young children freed from captivity. These are very difficult scenes but #ISIScrimes must be remembered and documented #AfterISIS https://t.co/4XJ3vQDEy4 — Seth Frantzman (@sfrantzman) March 9, 2019 |