»Spey« – Assisting victims of the chemical attacks on Halabja / Demonstrating in Front of German Consulate
Citizen activism is a requisit for a democratic society. Building civil society structures and assisting groups to form associations are part of WADI’s democratization programm. In November 2009, WADI assisted a first meeting between representatives from villages and towns which had been the target of poison gas attacks at the end of the 1980s. The delegates decided to found a non-governmental organization. Their aim was to enhance the development of the completely destroyed and depopulate region and to deal with the consequences of the chemical attacks. Yet, the government delayed the NGO’s registration. On December 29th, the activists took it upon themselves and declared to be an NGO according to Iraqi-Kurdish law. Representatives of chemical gas victims are demonstrating in front of the German consulate in Erbil
Twenty-five years after the gas attacks on Halabja, the population still suffers the consequences. During and immediately after the attacks of 1988 several thousands of civilians were poisoned and killed by chemical bombs. Survivors fled for long years of exile and life in refugee camps in Iran and the Eastern provinces of Iraqi-Kurdistan. In 1991, Iraqi-Kurdistan became de facto autonomous, and thus many of Halabja’s refugees were able to return to their town. However, the area soon came under the control of Ansar al-Islam, a fundamentalist group that imposed a rule by force and fear. Reclaiming History
Oxford Research Group, 12.1.2013: The Halabja Project: Uncovering the Truth 25 Years Later Ekurd, 6.12.2012: The Swedish parliament recognizes the Anfal Campaign as genozide on Kurds BBC, 3.12.2012: Halabja chemical weapons: A chance to find the men who armed Saddam Halabja, the lost children (Trailer) – ein Film von Akram Hidou (Irak/Deutschland 2011) Human Rights Watch, 11.3.1991: Whatever happened to the Iraqi Kurds? Very little has been done for the inhabitants of Halabja during the two decades since the attacks on the city. The harm caused by the chemical bombs is long-lasting. Cancer, eye, skin, bone and blood diseases, still-birth and infertility are commonplace among those who survived the attacks. Today, the younger generation in Halabja takes initiative to improve the situation in their town by studying, petitioning, taking part in local democratization projects and getting media attention for the difficulties their community is constantly facing. Halabja has become an official symbol for the persecution of the Kurds. Yet, the town and its population have been neglected even by the regional authorities. Only in 2006, after local demonstrations and clashes with the security forces, the regional government launched some infrastructure and water projects, but there are still no projects for better medical supply and special medical and psychological treatments. The 20th anniversary of the attack, in March 2008, was marked by conferences in Switzerland and Germany, with the participation of people from Halabja. Now, the 25th anniversary is coming up on March 16th. Preparations are in full process. One of the organizers is the newly founded NGO “Spey”. In Winter 2009/10 representatives of different areas formerly attacked by chemical bombs founded the organisation. The name means “white” and stands for the color of the gas but also symbolizes hope. The new organisation demands a thourough inquiry of the impact of poison gas on human beings and the environment. »Spey« wants to coordinate regional activities and strenhgthen citizens rights and demands by networking with other groups in the region. Another aim is to document the history of the attacks and to develop a culture of commemoration.
Manifesto We, who signed this paper, as inhabitants of the Kurdish regions, that were attacked by poisenous gas, or as relatives of Victims of this attacks, have gathered at the 20th of November, in the office of WADI in Suylemaia, to found a NGO with a humanitarian agenda. Our aim is the further development of the regions, attacked by Gas, and the follow up of the progress there. The other direction of our intentions is the recognition of this poisonous gas attacks as an International crime, a crime against humanity. Also, local and international awareness of the situation in the areas, that were hit by gas is needed. We want to engage ourselves for the collection of all remnants and memorys concerning the gas attacks, including reports, articles, documents. Al this must be collected and preserved. At the same time, a scientific research and an analysis of the humanitarian problems of the people in this regions must be undertaken. It should be clear, that the gas attacks against the civilian population in the years of 1987 and 1988 were strongly connected to the slaughters and displacements of the Anfal-campaign. This Campaign with the gas attacks in their center was a genocide. The use of poisonous gas and other weapons of mass destruction against a civilian population ist a violation of international law in any case. It is a crime. Today, the impact of this gas attacks on the still suffering victims and the environment still needs to be investigated. For the work already done in helping the areas, that were attacked by gas, and the families of the victims in the fields of reconstruction, humanitarian support, researches, or press coverage, we want to thank all the people and organisations, that were involved in the past. And we want to emphasize, that we are eager to cooperate with all active groups or organisations, that are willing to something for our regions in the future.
Our manifest is not only aiming at making our registration public, we also want to clarify, that all our activities will be open to the public. It was a Genozid, that happened in Kurdistan, and it should be remembered as one. For supporting our work and agenda, we need assistance from abroad as from within.
In promoting our agenda, we want to give a signal for peace and become a part of the worldwide movement against the proliferation and the use of weapons of mass destruction. Yet, the first obstacle the new organsation had to overcome was registration. Even though any group is entitled by law to form an NGO and get registered as such, “Spey” waited for three years in vain for the registration to take place. On December 29th 2012, they took it upon themselves and declared Spey an NGO on the occasion of the first conference they had organized. “Spey” is now WADIs partner organisation in implementing and developing new projects for the villages and places still haunted by the gas.
In cooperation with Radio Dange Nwe and the Halabja women centre, Spey recently organised a public event about mass graves in Halabja and health issues as part of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the gas attacks.
In December, Radio Dange Nwe announced to conduct a study about the life of Halabja’s citizens today and the services they receive. 5000 questionnaires will be handed to people asking how the government and non-government-organisations are dealing with the tragedy and the recognition of the bombing as an international crime against humanity and how to provide assistance and help to the citizens of Halabja in their daily life’s. The results will be used to bolster demands and exert pressure on the regional government.
WADI supports Halabja´s community by several different projects: • Radio Dange Nwe (2004) • Halabja Women Center (2004) • Halabja Women´s Café (2007) • Legal Aid Programme (2007) • Women-led Mobile Teams (2003) • FGM Awareness Teams (2005) Thanks to funding from Green Cross, a special programme for the victims of the gas attacks started in Halabja.