PJAK: We stick to our self-defence strategy – (PEACE WITH TEHRAN)
ANF – News Desk 11.11.2013 – Evindar Renas a coordination member of PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) said that “PJAK will stick to its strategy of self-defence”. In an interview with ANF, the PJAK senior member analysed the recent changes in the region.
Underlining the party is following changes in the Iranian regime’s behaviour Renas stated they would continue to observe the self defence rule they have been following for some time now. This despite the executions of two PJAK members in Urmiye and also the operations of Iranian forces against their guerrillas.
“PJAK called a ceasefire after the Kandil war in 2011 following the changes happening in the region. – Renas said – We called a ceasefire in order to let the peace process not become the victim of changes in the region. Yet, in the last 4 months -since the Rouhani government was elected and even sometime before- the Iranian regime has changed its behaviour. They launch operations against our guerrilla forces, torture the political prisoners and even execute them. These actions of Iran would alter the ceasefire agreement, but we still want to act sensitively and carefully”. Renas underlined PJAK “believe that the changes in the region have worried Iran which has been pushed in a critical situation following the economic sanctions. Without ceasefire, we believe, instead of Syria, it was Iran who would have faced the changes”. Renas recalled that “Iran has increased its aggressive polices against political prisoners; the executions of Bahoz Sine (Hebibulla Gulperipur) and Reza Mamedi (Ismaili) is showing a policy of hate against us”.
The senior PJAK member went on underlining that “Iran uses aggressive policies against its people inside its territory while shows more flexibility towards in its international policies. They reconsidered their actions with America and have been more moderate with them”. As to Syria, Renas underlined that “Iran has tried to have a good relation with Turkey. As we know, the KCK called a ceasefire last March, yet Iran did not see all these and has not changed its policy towards Kurds. Tehran tried to quash the ceasefire while trying to blame us for this”.
Speaking about the execution of PJAK members Reza Ismaili and Bahoz Sine Renas said “They struggled heroically. The regime had tortured them cruelly hoping to break them and force them to abandon their struggle. They tried to scare Kurds by these executions”. Renas ended by saying that “The international powers are also willing to see a war between Kurds and Iran. Iran has started to suppress the Kurds, Arabs and Baluchs cruelly executing them we call this a national genocide. If Iran does not reconsider its actions, it will hurt itself as it will become a tool other powers will play with”.