Iran Intensifies Militia Presence West of Euphrates – Asharq al Awsat – Tuesday, 23 October, 2018 – 10:45 – Iranian militias have intensified their presence west of the Euphrates River in Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said, noting these militias’ presence in al-Bokamal and al-Mayadin east of Syria near the borders with Iraq.
Backed by the US-led coalition against ISIS, Arab-Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces are in control of areas east of Euphrates River, a third of Syria’s 185,000 square kilometers area. The Observatory said these militias’ deployment is not only limited to the military aspect but it also includes other aspects for the purpose of evading regional and international monitoring.
The sources confirmed that the Iranian forces and militias have intensified their presence in two main areas, Bokamal and Mayadin, where they constitute important areas for the Iranians.
Battles to take control of Bokamal had been led by Iranian General Qasim Soleimani, as reliable sources confirmed to the Observatory that the Iranian Forces control the way of life within “Bokamal and the security and economic aspects within the city as well, not to mention their control of the military aspect and the leadership of forces located at this place.”
SOHR indicated it monitored Iranians’ positioning at key points in Mayadin area to the west of Bokamal, which is represented by an Afghani charitable kitchen where Iranian-backed Afghani militias prepare and distribute meals to the people and the displaced people.
Sharia Secondary School of Mayadin city has been transformed into an affiliation center for the Iranian and Shiite militias and it sometimes hosts Shiite-related symposia and conferences.
Iranian forces and Asian gunmen are located in Hawi area as reliable sources confirmed that the “Iranians set up a shrine in Nabe’ Ayn Ali, which is located between Mayadin and Mahkan.”
“Iranian Forces are deployed in the area between the sheep market and al-Rahba castle in Mayadin, where there are military forces preventing the entry and exit of any non-Iranian whether a civilian or military, amid heavy guarding and permanent flight of drones over the area,” indicated SOHR.
The Observatory also indicated Iranian forces were present in the countryside of Salamiyah city at Hama eastern countryside, in training centers and affiliation centers in al-Sabbura and other areas of the countryside of Hama.
Earlier, the Observatory published that Israeli forces resumed strikes targeting certain Iranian sites and other sites under their command as well as sites of Lebanese Hezbollah. It monitored air and missile strikes in the vicinity of Damascus International Airport as well as a support center of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) near Neirab airbase at the eastern outskirts of Aleppo city.
Israeli airstrikes have caused significant casualties in the ranks of the Iranian Forces and their loyal militias, according to the Observatory which documented the death of over 113 of the Iranian Forces and their affiliated forces.
At least 28 members of the regime forces and militiamen were killed in explosions at Hama airbase west of Hama city, indicated the Observatory.
Reliable sources informed the Observatory that the number of Iranian Forces and their affiliated militias of Lebanese, Iraqi, Afghan, Iranian and Asian nationalities is estimated to be more than 32000 fighters.SOHR documented that at least 8100 members of the non-Syrians are mostly fighting under the umbrella of IRGC and their Afghani, Iraqi, and Asian militias, in addition to 1670 members of Lebanese Hezbollah.