31 März 2020
- After tens of thousands of coronavirus cases resulted in the death of thousands of Iranians across the country, the Iranian regime released a number of prisoners on “prison leave.” The released prisoners excluded those who have outstanding execution sentences and the political prisoners with long term sentences. Several Kurdish civilian activists were released from Marivan, Dehgolan, and Sanandaj. However, in Mehabad and Saqqaz riots in prisons resulted in the escape of tens of inmates after fears of the spread of coronavirus. In Mehabad city the security forces and members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) killed two and wounded three more of the escapees from the prison break. Meanwhile, the Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK) reported the escape of 80 prisoners from Saqqez prison on Friday. The coronavirus deaths in the Kurdish region reached 315 according to the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, while thousands of Iranian Kurds suffer a lack of medical attention, especially in Mehabad city.
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