Seth J. Frantzman – Jerusalem Post – 19 August 2018 – THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN
I read several times that some of the Kurdish fighters in Syria who were battling ISIS told media “we are fighting this scourge so that it won’t get to Europe, we are helping protect Europe.” I heard the same thing from Peshmerga in Iraq.
But shouldn’t Europe have helped prevent ISIS from attacking Syria and Iraq? Shouldn’t it have been the other way around? Shouldn’t the wealthiest continent in the world been the one to stop ISIS from attacking some of the poorest people in Syria, the people who suffered discrimination for years under the regime only to then be forced into war with ISIS and its 50,000 foreign volunteers (including 5,000 from Europe)?
The world is truly upside down in which the poor and the weak must defend the wealthy and the powerful.
I remember vividly August 2014, four years ago, as ISIS was rampaging across Syria and Iraq, selling people into slavery and committing crimes against humanity. I remember total silence in Europe. No protests, no major attempts to help the people fleeing, basically just silence.
And now four years later we have stories of victims of ISIS in places like Germany running across their former abusers on the streets who made their way to Germany quite easily.
So the world is upside down. In a normal and good world the wealthiest and powerful countries would have done more to protect minorities and the poor. More via