Seth J. Frantzman 5. Sept 2020 – Jerusalem Post

The rich go to their gated communities while supporting the looting and defunding police but nothing defunding their armed security, doormen and stock options or pension funds or nepotistic children at various state funded NGOs….almost like it is a planned war on the middle class…then they whine about populism coming to remove them from office….



Seth J. Frantzman

I’m so surprised…also she called the NYPD “colonial occupation”…trained by IDF…

This person represents a small but symbolic and pervasive reality in the US of people adopting a whole narrative to empower themselves and profit off, basically with an ability to be racist but get applauded for it as “progressive”….

Many of us have sensed this for years; when I was in university and I had wealthy students that appeared white claiming they were suppressed and suffered racism and had been victims of “racial profiling”…and I had to hold myself from being “umm, you appear white and blond haired”….I had a wealthy kid in my fraternity who took one class on social justice and suddenly began to do this; plenty who have adopted claims they are now a minority…and invent a more poor background than they had. Another student on my campus pretended to be a victim of a hate crime after 9/11…it even made the student newspaper when he was found out. He ran an NGO unsurprisingly…

America’s radical left culture rewards these actors…and so people adopt this to get ahead and then it’s like Stockholm syndrome they believe it after a while.

We dare not ask too many questions of so many who are so public and make a lot of revenue off this running organizations about how they adopt these motifs…accents…narratives.

Sadly they then push aside many decent people who actually did suffer and were poor…who get shouted down and crushed by the loudest and the faux-angriest.


I’ve always wondered if some who shout “privilege” the most aren’t hiding privilege by doing so…


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