MESOPOTAMIA NEWS : THE BARZANI / TALABANI TYPE TORTURE –  How Iraqi Kurdistan intelligence agencies damaged Dr. Farhad Pirbal’s brain

Kurdish professor Dr. Farhad Pirbal, Iraqi Kurdistan, 2018. Photo: Pirbal’s FB

Araz Barwari | Exclusive to  – 2 Aug 2019 – Farhad Pirbal is an author and intellectual of Kurdish literature. He is well known for his criticism of the Iraqi Kurdish regional government (KRG) particularly against politicians of Barzani and Talabani families. He is an intelligent and courageous man who always stands up against injustice, corruption and all forms of human right abuse in Kurdistan of Iraq. He criticizes the corrupt rulers of Kurdistan publicly through his writings, public speeches and TV interviews. However, his criticism against Barzani and Talabani politicians cost him his career, health, the right to peace, privacy, freedom and a happy decent life in Kurdistan of Iraq.

For a long time, Dr Farhad Pirbal has been subjected to constant psychological torture such as harassment, humiliation, disrespect, sleep, peace and privacy deprivation and defamation by secret intelligent service of KRG. As a result, he became mentally sick and could not function normally doing his daily life activities. Basically he was effected with mental disorders that made him behave aggressively from time to time.

He was arrested before in two occasions under the charge of arson and defamation of character. Some reports say he is in need of getting a special mental treatment abroad. However, the cause and type of the mental illness he suffers from, remains unknown to the public. But considering his firing stance of criticism against the Barzani and Talibani families, one can know that the main cause behind his mental illness is the psychological torture used on him by the secret intelligent service agency of Kurdistan regional government (KRG).

Not many people of Kurdistan of Iraq know that one of the deadliest illegal methods the secret intelligence agencies of (KRG) uses against people of Kurdistan such as writers, journalists, political opponents, critical voices, corruption investigators who try to expose corruption and other crime cases within the government institutions, is spying and harassment. The spying method is usually used as a torture and a blackmail tool with the intention to either stop a person from investigating, speaking or writing against the corrupt politicians of KRG, or to hurt him/her by depriving him or her from peace, privacy, or to destroy his or her health mentally and consequently deprive him or her from a normal life.

However, it is not that easy to catch a secret intelligence service agency of (KRG) and prove it to the court especially if the judges and court system is corrupt too. It becomes very hard to prove that they (Secret Agents of the government of Kurdistan) have spied on people and hurt their health, because they spy on people secretly by using both special secret service agents and the most modern electronic and technological devices. They use telecommunication control devices and software to overhear phone conversations of people and control their internet activates.

When Secret intelligence agencies of KRG spy on people, they usually don’t leave behind evidence because they do it through their secret agents and mercenaries. They also own and control communication Telecom Company’s management and won’t let the staffs who work at the telecom companies to give away their secrets of spying on people. For example, if you are a victim of illegal spying and decide to go to the telecom companies and tell them that you are being spied on, they will tell you that they don’t do it without the warrant of a judge or they tell you that you are mentally sick and they advise you to go to doctor.

However, when the rule of law is weak many judges usually keep silent out of fear of being fired from work, or for the fear of being killed. And in some cases police officers and judges and even military commanders are friends and partner in crimes with the government corrupt authorities. In addition to that, if someone file an illegal spying claim against the secret intelligent agency of KRG to the court, the most common excuse the secret intelligence agencies use to cover up their secret work of spying and discredit the claim of victims of spying is “We haven’t spied on him and maybe he or she is mentally sick or maybe he or she lies”.

Many police officers and judges might also believe in what a secret intelligence officer say, and do not believe in the claim of the victims of illegal spying. In some cases the victims of illegal spying who cannot prove their claim and remain under the constant illegal spying and psychological torture of the secret intelligence agencies, break law or commits suicide out of pain, anger, poverty, abuse, desperation and frustration. It is obviously not easy to prove the secret illegal work of intelligence agencies. There are basically some obstacles on the way of victims of illegal spying that makes it very hard for them to prove their claims.

Speaking from experience of being a victim of illegal spying in Duhok province, Kurdistan of Iraq, I want to try to explain and possibly removing some of those obstacles from the way so that to help victims of illegal spying can prove their claims at the court. I want to detail the matter as how the KRG secret intelligence agencies spy on people illegally. First of all, the most important thing that victims of illegal spying should know is that they should not confuse dreams, coincidence, hallucination and delusions with real illegal spying cases. To single out and set apart all these concepts and matters from one another, spying, coincidence, dreams and illusions, I need to speak about each situation separately because they are different matters.

Let’s say you are at home, you go to the kitchen and pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and then you walk to the living room and turn your TV on to watch a program, but suddenly you see someone in the TV is drinking tea or coffee too. That is not spying and you should not think that someone at the TV station has already planned to deliberately tell a person to drink tea at the same time while you are drinking tea at home. This situation is called a coincidence not spying.

Another example, let’s say you are listing to radio news while driving your car to work and the speaker in the radio is talking about animals and all of a sudden you see an animal crossing the street in front of you, again you should not think that someone deliberately sent that animal on your way because it is just a coincidence. This kind of coincidence doesn’t happen in our lives all the time. They happen once or twice a year or maybe even longer.

Another times when coincidence happens in our lives is when you are thinking about someone that could be your friend your relatives or any other person and all of a sudden you see the same person or someone looking like the same person you are thinking about, appears right in front of you. This kind of coincidences also doesn’t happen every day or every week in our life time. They happen very rarely and maybe only once in a year in our lives.

Furthermore, coincidences happen when we dream about something or some specific person and then on the next day we see the same person or a person similar to them in our real life. This also does not happen every time when we dream about people or things in our lives. You should not think that someone is spying on you or someone has planned the situation to show you the same person you dreamt about, on the next day in the real life.

It is just like your brain predicting or guessing something that will happen in the future by taking everything you know, and adding it to what you believe can happen, and creating an image of the future. It is not that you are seeing the future, or getting revelations from God or someone has spied on you. It is that your subconscious is taking a guess at something that you may see later. It is almost like predicting what will happen on the next episode of your favorite TV show by studying what already has happened, and hints dropped in dialogue and imagery of the previous episodes.

As for hallucination and delusion, people sometimes get affected with these mental disorders when they use abusive drugs such as cocaine, and Hashish (Marijuana) or if they drink a lot of alcohol every day. The excessive use of these abusive substances can cause a person to become hallucinated and deluded where they occasionally see things that don’t really exist around you.

And normally when a hallucinated person experience fear and trauma they end up getting effected with a far more dangerous mental disorder called schizophrenia. However, there is a difference between someone who become hallucinated as a result of drinking too much alcohol or using too much abusive drugs, and a person who become hallucinated and schizophrenic out of becoming the target of a malicious psychological torture and abuse used by a secret intelligent agency.

It is not hard to tell the different between if someone is becoming sick mentally out of using abusive substance or out of becoming the target of psychological abuse by an abusive government. The use of excessive alcohol and drugs can be found through medical testing to clear the case and doubts of hallucination illness. However what is more important than that is to prove that you have become mentally sick out of being spied on and harassed by secret service agents of the corrupt government of the country you live in.

One way to prove your case of being mentally sick as the result of illegal spying and harassment by the secret government agents is to see and take records of situations where how often coincidences happen to you in your daily life. All people have life secrets. They people do a lot of things privately in their lives. They can have secret relationships; they can talk privately to a person over the phone. They can make something privately at their houses. They can meet someone etc. When your private life matter such as phone calls, internet activates and secret love relationships become public, you should know that it is not a coincidence and someone is spying on you. Now who has the power to control your phone calls or internet activities? It is the secret agents of the government.

When you hear information or see objects or persons that have connection to the objects and persons you talk to, deal with and see in your private life at your home every day in your life, than that’s is not a coincidence at all because coincidences don’t happen every day or even every week in our life. So this is the difference between a coincidence, a dream or alcohol and drug hallucination. When you have too many situations like coincidences happening to you every day, it means you are deliberately being spied on and targeted by someone powerful to mentally harm you in the real life without knowing it.

The situation where every day or every week you see someone looking like a friend who you chatted with privately or talked to on the phone the night before, appearing in front of you or deliberately saying something or showing you something that has connection and similarity to the object or person you deal with in your private life very day and night, is not a coincidence because it is impossible to have many coincidences every day in your life. It definitely means you are being spied on by someone or a group of people for a specific reason to mess up your mind and make you mentally sick.

This type of spying can only be done be secret intelligent agencies through their network of spying. It is a clear sign and a proof that someone is spying on your phone conversations and internet activities, watching what you read, who do you talk to or what do you watch or where do you go and who do you like or dislike and then taking advantage of it and using your private life information and matter against you.

This is the work of KRG secret intelligence agencies that spy on people and plan accordingly to hurt people mentally. When they spy on you, they get information about from your family, relatives and friends and all people you associate with. They know what you do, what you eat, who do you talk to and where do you go. So they plan to deliberately show you things or send you persons or their doubles, who you saw or talked to the night before in your house or on the phone or on the internet, on your way just so to mess up your mind. This is a very dangerous way to mess up someone’s mind and vision especially if it is combined with fear and harassment.

They usually target you and send you double people at public place such as work place, market, school library, park or a tea house or any other public place you go. You will be shocked when you see a double person around you that is looking very much like the same person you have seen or talked to the night or day before. You will also be shocked to hear people knowing about your private activities wherever you do it. You will become mentally sick when your private life information are exposed to the public.

People do many things in private. They go online to use internet usually Google searching for many different things. They watch movies or read or chat or listen to music. They see different kind if faces and things on the internet. It could be a car or a book or a tool or it could be a person such as a movie star, or a sport star or a music star or a writer, or a scientists or a military or police officer or any other type of famous and none famous people things you see or search on Google to find them online. When you see this happening to you every day it is definitely not a coincidence but rather a solid proof that you are being spied on through your phone telecom or your internet ISA provider by controlling your IP number of your mobile or computer which is under the control of secret intelligent agencies of the government.

If you hear that people publicly talking about your secret and private conversation about your private life matters on the phone whether it be a conversation with husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, that’s also a big sign that you are being spied on. You should know without a doubt that your phone services provider is recording all your phone conversations and sending it to secret service agents who in turn make your private life matter public with the aim to cause you mental harm and destroy your life.

Now, some people might already be aware of these kinds of spying situations. They keep their life as private as they can. They usually download and use VPN application to avoid being spied on when they Google something. While some other people might use more than one phone or SIM card that is on a different name to avoid being spied on when they want to speak with privately without letting their services provider record their private phone conversations. However, those people who are gullible and have no idea that they are being spied on by secret services, they usually end up getting effected with the dangerous mental illness and lose their lives.

To sum it up, secret intelligent services agencies of KRG mostly claim that they use spying methods to hunt down only terrorists and criminals, but there are times that they use illegal spying methods to muffle the voice of writers and journalists like Dr Farhad Pirbal and people who speak against corruption or try to expose corrupt government officials or against those who try to reveal the illegal secrets of intelligence agencies. The result of this illegal form of human right abuse is the victim usually gets affected with a dangerous mental illness called schizophrenia. Once the victim becomes schizophrenic, there is high chance He/She will unconsciously commit aggressive acts shouting in the public, swearing at people, fighting, and in some cases break law.

Schizophrenia usually does not happen to a person within a week or a month out of using alcohol or abusive drugs. It takes years for someone to use alcohol and drugs in order to first become hallucinated and then become schizophrenic. Whereas in the case of becoming victim of spying and harassment, it only takes few days to make a normal person who doesn’t have a previous record of mental illness, schizophrenic.

Such a mental illness should not be very common with educated persons like journalists and writers. But ironically today you see many human right activists, writers and journalists even political opponents of the corrupt ruling government are becoming effected with such a dangerous mental illness and only because they criticize, investigate corruption cases and write against their corrupt government officials. I have no faith and trust on such people and their system of government in Iraqi Kurdistan because it is all obviously nothing but a Mafia club of brutal immoral gangs. It is absolutely illegal and against the law because it a blackmail business, abuse of human rights and invasion of peace and privacy rights of people.

Araz Barwari is a law student at the University of Nawroz in Kurdistan of Iraq. A senior contributing writer for