Turkey invades Europe, Arab countries with “Intelligence Mosques,” is there awakening towards it?
12 Dec 2018, Wed – 08:52 – LAZGIN IBRAHIM – ANH Agency – Turkey, led by Erdogan and his party, as a cancerous object is trying to spread in the body of the whole world and form entities and influence in the heart of these countries to paralyze every movement against it and its policies, and it does not lose an opportunity or way to extend its arms in intelligence in Europe and Arab and Islamic countries, taking this time what can be called “Intelligence Mosques” to infiltrate several European and Arab countries and enter the gate of modern mosques in Europe and the Ottoman in the Arab countries, where the spying imams work. On the other hand, there were signs of a European and Arab awakening to the Turkish risk and the work of cutting its arms in their countries, such as Austria and Egypt.
Turkish Intelligence Services penetrate Germany through “DITIB”
Erdogan and his government exploit the existence of nearly 5 million Muslims in Germany, a large proportion of the Turkish assets for recruitment under the name of “political Islam” represented by the so-called Turkish Islamic Union “DITIB” and employ them as intelligence entities and tools to expand influence or establish a Turkish lobby planted in the body of the German government to target elements of the Turkish opposition and German bodies and collect intelligence information in favor of Turkey.
On these intelligence activities, German media reports revealed that the Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) had significantly expanded its activities in Germany over the past years. The German newspapers of Der Tagesspiegel and Die Welt reported that the German prosecutor’s investigation into four incidents of suspected intelligence activities of the Turkish Intelligence Service. While the German public prosecution has led during the past years 23 investigations against suspected Turkish Intelligence elements.
According to the data, the spies were targeting Turkish opposition groups such as the Kurdish parties and movements in Germany and Europe, as well as the movement of the Islamic preacher Fathullah Gulen since the failed coup d’état attempt in Turkey in the summer of 2016, while the German government did not hide its fear about the infiltration of the Turkish Intelligence bodies into German bodies as the government warned the Interior Ministry, the employees of the United Office of the Criminal Police, the United Police, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Constitution Protection Commission (Internal Intelligence), the Federal Information Security Authority and the Federal Commission for Federal Affairs For Emigration and Refugees, Customs Body, Public Prosecution and Military Intelligence of the attempts to recruit by Turkish agents.
DITIB is a terrorist organization and IS’ financier with elements
One of the riskiest and most dangerous Turkish Intelligence branches in Germany and Europe is the Turkish Islamic Union “DITIB.” It is an organization that runs about 900 mosques or religious groups in Germany which are overseen by the Turkish Religious Affairs Presidency ‘Diyanet’ in Ankara, where the imams of this union proved to be spying on Erdogan’s opponents. According to media report, they were excessive to try to penetrate the German government services itself.
The German newspaper of Der Tagesspiegel according to security sources reported that about 100 attempts to recruit and lure by the Turkish National Intelligence Service have been observed at the level of Germany. The same newspaper revealed that the number of extremists in Germany reached 11,300 people at least, asserting that the number of those began to decline during the year 2018, where statistics recorded the accession of 100 people to the extremist trend in the current year only, while the number exceeded over the past years thousand people annually . The reason was due to the military defeat of IS in Syria and Iraq according to the Union of Constitutional Protection Bodies of Germany (Internal Intelligence).
It is no secret that these statistics confirms once again the extent of the relationship between the Turkish Intelligence and Intelligence Mosques with IS and that they supply the Salafists and mercenaries that are collected from the countries of the world and send them to Syria and Iraq. That also explained the fear and concern of the Europeans in general and the Germans in particular about Turkey which does not hesitate to threaten to sink Europe with terrorists if it does not disregard Turkey’s violations of international laws and conventions, human rights and the physical, political and cultural destruction committed against its opponents in general and the Kurdish people in Bakur (North Kurdistan) and Rojava, north of Syria in particular.
On October 3, 2018, after the opening of the Central Mosque in Cologne which is related to “DITIB”, the Turkish President, Erdogan, said, “We must strive to turn the Central Cologne Mosque and its unit of the Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs into a center appropriate for them. This place must be a symbol of our existence in these lands.” This statement does not conceal Erdogan’s incitement to Muslims against Europe and the spreading of racism and hatred among the German people through its Intelligence Mosques.
Austria alerted the West to the danger of Turkish Intelligence Mosques and spying imams
The conservative government of Austria has recently warned of the danger of mosques and imams to the country after resentment and anger caused by the publication of the newspaper “Valter” in early June this year images of the re-representation of children in a mosque in Austria battle (“Gallipoli” Ottoman in 1915 against British and French forces in common during World War I that attacked Istanbul). The pictures showed two boys in military uniform performing the Ottoman military salute as they stood in a queue waving Turkish flags in front of a group of children. In a second picture, some children were lying on the ground, representing the role of victims of the battle.
Thus, the Austrian government began a campaign targeting “political Islam”, and it led to the expulsion of dozens of imams and the closure of seven mosques funded by Turkey.
The campaign has embarrassed Erdogan’s government which began accusing Vienna at a time when the Austrian move seems to have taken a more serious approach than other countries, such as Germany, which only monitors the mosques, centers and societies run by Ankara without taking decisive steps.
The danger of Turkish political Islam is greater than the terrorist networks of Europe
Many observers considered that the Austrian government took out what the rest of Europeans think publicly through this step. They stressed that the idea of political Islam in Turkey in Europe is worrying for the West because it goes beyond the idea of terrorism to the political system in Europe. A clear legal framework is in place, and coordination is under way to block it, but the political Islam movement has legal and political cover, and it is protected by human rights organizations and Middle Eastern countries that finance its activities and move them remotely, such as Qatar and Turkey which make it a bold Austrian step. France, Germany and Britain which have heavy files against political Islam, especially the Muslim Brotherhood may help to leave the square of silence.
Turkish penetration into Arab countries and efforts to revive nostalgia for the Ottoman Empire
In the Arab and Islamic countries, Turkey has taken other methods of influence and spread its influence and intelligence entities within these countries. One of the most obvious examples is the increase of the Turkish influence in Algeria and the entry under the name of Turkish investments which exceeded commercial and economic activities to create political and ideological loyalties.
Where the Turkish authorities, through the cooperation agreements held with its Algerian counterpart, has got a plan to restore and activate the Ottoman monuments in the country in a move to revive letters of historical and political extension in Algeria and the region in general.
The Algerian authorities opened a new mosque in Oran city, west of the country with Turkish funding and engineering. It is the second mosque in the city to be built and financed with Turkish funds.
According to reports published by al-Arab newspaper, there are Turkish businessmen hide behind economic and commercial activities and construction projects, fund civil associations and demonstrations and religious holidays and contribute to the construction of mosques in order to win the confidence of the Algerian street, and attract some officials in the institutions.
Reviving the dream of the Ottoman Caliphate among some Algerians and neighboring countries through imams and historical series
Ankara has been able to achieve rapid results through this soft expansion, especially in obtaining information about Gulen’s supporters, activities and schools, but observers believe that the most dangerous in this expansion is that part of the Algerians dream of the restoration of the Ottoman caliphate under the influence of the Turkish historical series that glorifies the sultans and their victories and give an exotic atmosphere to their private lives.
The coup d’état against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt cut Erdogan’s most important arms in the Arab World
The relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood which was founded in Egypt and its branch in Turkey is described as historical. After the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate in Turkey and the proclamation of the Republic, specifically in 1927, the history of the relationship between the Brotherhoods of Egypt and Turkey began. The Young Muslims Association was founded in Turkey to revive the Ottoman caliphate. The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Hassen al-Banna participated in its founding conference at that time. Where it seeks throughout its history to achieve the dream of reviving the Islamic Caliphate, and strengthened the relationship more after the victory of Mohamed Morsi in July 2012.
After the events of June 30, in which Mohamed Morsi was deposed, and al-Sisi took power in Egypt, Turkey began to develop a situation of fierce change. It rejected the revolution and adhered to the term “legitimacy” promoted by the Brotherhood of Egypt and cut off cooperation with any regime in Egypt except for the Morsi regime.
Thus, the relations between the two countries deteriorated due to the Turkish position in support of the Muslim Brotherhood and its rejection of the results of the June 30th Revolution. This led to the expulsion of the Turkish ambassador in Cairo for the third time in the history of relations between the two countries.
This slap received by the Brotherhood in Egypt was the most severe pain on Erdogan and his party because it cut Turkey’s most important intelligence and political arms extended within the Arab countries and cut the way to the dream of the Ottoman Caliphate dreamed by Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Will the West and the Arabs woke up to the danger of Turkey’s policies?
The question that arises after this is will Europe witnesses an awakening and a more firm stance against the arms of Turkey’s intelligence and terrorism spread in Europe and start to cut them like the step initiated by Austria? Will the Arab countries recognize the seriousness of Turkey’s plans and its Ottoman dreams, and also take the stand against the penetration of the Turkish intelligence in their countries, and cut the way in front of them like the revolution of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, which are considered the most important tools of Turkey to destabilize the Arab countries?