STATEMENT : Aldar Khalil (PYD/PKK) evaluates the most important political changes which North Syria witnessed in 2018  – 1 Jan 2019 – Hawar News

He said: “On this basis, the Syrian Democratic Council opened the communication channels with the opposition of the interior and with Damascus, but unfortunately the Syrian regime did not take serious steps in this context, but these two rounds of dialogue proved that the owners of North Syria project aim to unite Syria and find a serious and rooting solution to the crisis, and that they are the owner of a project that represent all the components and segments of the Syrian people

Aldar Khalil has evaluated the most important political events which Syria had witnessed in general and North Syria in particular during 2018, begins with the Turkish occupation of Afrin, until the recent Turkish threats to North and East of Syria, the US decision of withdrawal from Syria, and the international schemes which are being hatched around Syria and its peoples.


01 Jan 2019, Tue – 07:17 – LAZGIN IBRAHIM / NEWS DESK – hawar news

ANHA agency has conducted a meeting with the Official of the Diplomatic Relations’ Committee of the Democratic Society Movement Khalil Aldar to identify the most important political events which Syria had witnessed in general and North Syria in particular, the deals and alliances that took place and the policies of the forces intervening in the Syrian file in 2018, the meeting was as follows:

2018 began with the pain of Afrin occupation and conspiracies hit the democratic project

Aldar Khalil started his speech with an explanation of the attacks and the occupation of Afrin, he said:”2018 began with the pain of Afrin, which was brutally attacked by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, it is a year in which the war against Afrin, Rojava and North Syria had declared, Afrin before that was a model of peace and democracy, because it was considered one of the most secure areas in Syria, which enjoys of democracy based on the democratic nation and coexistence, it was a destination for thousands of displaced people from all over Syria, to the extent that the number of displaced people who lived in it became more than the original Afrin people, they were living in security and peace.

But the Turkish occupation did not accept this democratic model close to it, and because Turkey and all the authoritarian regimes supporting it do not want a system in which the people demonstrate themselves. Therefore, Turkey, supported by other regional and international systems since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, has sought to increase chaos and prolong the crisis’ life, and spread the sedition and racism among the peoples of the region, it also worked to change the demographics of the Syrian occupied areas, that is, Turkey was through the attack on Afrin aimed at striking the democratic project, which was born in North Syria, so it had used the extremists and mercenary gangs in their attacks to create by them much further rift between the society and to increase chaos in the region.

The occupation of Afrin has conducted by Turkish-Russian deals and US acceptance

For its part, Russia took advantage of the objectives of Turkey, and worked on the exploitation of Afrin file to obtain concessions and gains from them as well as business deals with Turkey, including “first, Turkey’s purchases deals of arms from Russia; second, Turkey’s agreement to extend the Russian gas pipeline from its territory and delivery to Europe, third, Turkey’s opening of sea ports to Russian ships; fourth, Turkey’s pledge not to support Islamic groups in Russia and Chechnya which opposed to Putin’s rule, as well as agreements on Syria, includes Turkey’s pledge to abandon the fight against the Syrian regime and to pave the way for Erdogan’s relations with the Assad regime, and destitute al-Gouta and Damascus vicinities, Hama, Homs and Aleppo from all armed gangs and mercenaries supported by Turkey, and hit the democratic project of North Syria with Turkey.

The reason for the silence of the International Coalition and America of the deal that took place between Russia and Turkey, America was looking at the discomfort of Russia’s control of areas west of the Euphrates, so when Turkey held deals with Russia, America had kept silent because it preferred to enter the hands of Turkey, which is a member of NATO in this region next to Russia, saying that Turkey, whatever it is, is our strategic ally, and there is no problem in its occupation of the western regions of the Euphrates and Afrin, meaning that America preferred the presence of one of its allies in that region and with Russia’s satisfaction. Russia cannot be expected to continue its relations with Turkey after concluding deals with Russia, forgetting that their relationship is strategic and not like Turkey’s and Russia’s tactical and immediate relations.

The resistance of Afrin was historic and will continue until its liberation

Despite all these conspiracies and deals, there was a great resistance that took place in Afrin, which lasted for 58 days in its first phase, the first was despite the use of all kinds of modern weapons and the warplanes which were not leave the skies of Afrin throughout the resistance period. Despite the support of Russia and the Syrian regime at that time, Afrin, so we must always remember the martyrs of that resistance because they have become a symbol of the defense of dignity and a symbol of heroism and redemption, which will give birth to their resistance and sacrifices in the history pages.

We cannot deny that the occupation of Afrin had an impact on the social, political, military, economic and other situation in Rojava and North Syria. However, the resistance did not end where the People and Women Protection Units YPG, YPJ were able to rearrange their ranks and continue the resistance in the second phase, which is still ongoing since a year and has escalated day by day and will not stop till liberating Afrin. It may take time and more struggle and sacrifice, but we are sure that Afrin will eventually be liberated.

There is another resistance to expose Turkey, which has committed crimes against humanity

Turkey, after its occupation of Afrin, immediately followed the policy of demographic change. Thousands of Afrin residents were displaced during the attacks. the rest of the indigenous of Afrin had subjected to many violations to be enforced to flee from their homeland, as it has brought a huge number of the mercenary gangs and all those who carry the mentality of chauvinism and racism and has settled them in Afrin, that is, it did not bring the Syrians who can live in brotherhood and understanding in the future, and its goal is to make Afrin a focus for mercenaries and racists hostile to the Kurdish people and their existence. Turkey’s actions are considered a humanitarian crime in international law. Thus, there has been resistance of other kinds to expose Turkey’s policies, including the holding of Afrin Liberation’s Conference, the International Forum on Demographic Cleansing and Ethnic Cleansing in Afrin, recently held in Amouda, Afrin and conveying these facts to public opinion and the world through these forums and other diplomatic ways, and it can be said that it has achieved positive results by conveying these facts to the humanitarian and human rights organizations and decision-making centers in the world, which were translated on the ground through the issuance of many Global reports which condemn Turkey’s violations in Afrin and consider them as crimes against humanity, and this work is still under way in this context, preparations are under way to hold many forums and meetings in several world countries to expose the policies of Turkey and to end its occupation and its violations in Afrin.

The announcement of Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria was a necessary step to thwart the plots

On the administrative and political changes which North Syria had witnessed, such as the announcement of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and the holding of Syrian-Syrian dialogue sessions and their significance and the developments that have taken place in the Syrian arena, Khalil pointed out that the establishment of Autonomous administration for North Syria was taking place before the occupation of Afrin. Three rounds of elections, two of which were held and the last one remained, but because of the attacks on Afrin, the elections were suspended. After that, the announcement of this administration was resumed by the councils and their representatives who were elected in the first and second elections.

This was the revolution, and the assertion that the attacks and plans of the enemies would not stop the march of the revolution and its aspirations to build a free and democratic society, it was necessary in addition to the military resistance to continue the organizational and political struggle to support the victory of the resistance at all levels. The importance of announcing the Autonomous Administration came to organize and serve the new liberated areas form ISIS, because these areas did not have any kind of institutional organization, so Autonomous Administration had to assume its responsibility in organizing these liberated areas and provide all kinds of support and assistance.

On the other hand, the reality of the revolution of Rojava and North Syria appeared to the public opinion and proves that it is a revolution for the public and for their service. It paves the way for the solution of the Syrian crisis. This Administration would be the responsible on behalf of the people of North Syria in the international talks to find a solution to the Syrian crisis

Holding Syrian-Syrian dialogue meetings proved that our aim is to find a serious and radical solution to the crisis

Commenting on the importance of holding two rounds of Syrian-Syrian dialogue meetings held in the town of Ain Issa, Khalil noted that these meetings and dialogues showed the reality of North Syria project, which is seriously seeks to find a solution that fits all components of Syria without excluding anyone, including finding a solution to the Kurdish problem in Syria

He said: “On this basis, the Syrian Democratic Council opened the communication channels with the opposition of the interior and with Damascus, but unfortunately the Syrian regime did not take serious steps in this context, but these two rounds of dialogue proved that the owners of North Syria project aim to unite Syria and find a serious and rooting solution to the crisis, and that they are the owner of a project that represent all the components and segments of the Syrian people

The Democratic Society Movement has taken organizational steps and unified the Kurdish vision

On the activities of the Democratic Society Movement in 2018 Khalil said that the movement has been able to develop the organization of the society and unite it through all its institutions and played a blessed role in the Kurdish arena as well since the formation of the Supreme Body and the Kurdish political reference. And then opened a lot of relations and drew views between the Kurdish parties’ majority which in turn participated in the Democratic Autonomous Administration in North Syria on that basis.

Khalil added that there are several parties have chosen the opposite way and joined the coalition supported by Turkey, and they are not standing on the neutrality or without a party to say that the Democratic Society Movement is neglected them and did not communicate with them, they are standing with those who are hostile to our people, as Turkey, its aim is clear which is the elimination of the Kurds wherever they are, also the coalition announced us as enemies, and Turkey has occupied Afrin on behalf of the coalition and these parties are the official members in it, not only supporters or have relationships with it to be able to communicate with them and return them to their Kurdish home, they are did not have their own decisions because they have put themselves under the control of Turkey and coalition, so, how it comes that they are members of the hostile party and at the same time be at the other party? So the objective needs a decision from these parties to choose a specific party to go with it, and they have chosen the Turkish party and the coalition against the Kurds and our project in Rojava and North Syria”

Khalil added: “I think that such cases occurred in all revolutions of the world to separate groups of the squadron and join the hostile party against their people, if we look at the history books we will see that there is no revolution joined by everyone, in the best cases was 30% participate effectively, but in our revolution has gone far beyond this figure, and the vast majority today support the revolution and stand against the Turkish occupation and those hostile parties will not affect the continuity of the revolution. Nevertheless, we call for holding the Kurdistan National Conference and we invite everyone to join it.

We do not ask those parties which have stood in the enemy’s side, “We are not asking them to change their policies and approaches and to adopt our approach and our project exclusively, but it is necessary to stay away from Turkey so that we can reach agreement and a common solution to the Kurdish situation.”

All the international powers involved in the Syrian issue do not want to end the crisis

On the policies of world powers intervening in the Syrian file and its policies on Syria and the region, Khalil said: “The fact that the international powers and the United Nations if they wish to resolve the Syrian crisis could be solved in one day, if we notice that no decision was made to bring peace in Syria, They are completely on the Syrian territory, the Third World War, and when they feel that the situation has begun to calm down and move towards stability they create a problem to re-tension the atmosphere and prolong the life of the crisis, and their goal is that they on the one hand solve their internal problems at the expense of our peoples, so we find out that America, Russia and European countries close their eyes for a lot of facts and not paying attention to the rights of peoples and their legitimate demands, because the basic goals of personal interests and as long as those facts do not interfere in their service covering their eyes for them. ”

Khalil added: “So we have to know one fact is that all these countries do not want a radical solution to the Syrian crisis, and will not bring any solutions to Syria, and if we left the fate of Syria in their hands, this crisis will continue to infinity.

 Those forces follow a policy of double standards

In this regard, Khalil says: “We can see the double standards of all the forces involved in the Syrian issue by comparing their positions on the file of Idlib on one hand and the file of Afrin and the latest Turkish threats to North Syria on the other hand.

When Russia and the regime declared war on Idlib, The US and Europe, all issued statements rejecting these attacks, and said that the attacks will cause massacres and displacement of large and other allegations, and indeed stopped those attacks, and in return when Afrin and North Syria areas are exposed to threats everyone stands by and point out the green light of that attacks, so, they protect the mercenary and terrorist gangs in Idlib, while they do not mind exposing our peoples in Afrin and North and East Syria to massacres and displacement. ”

The decision of US withdrawal has come from global decision-making centers

On their vision of the recent decision of Trump to withdraw US troops from Syria and its causes, Khalil said: “By reading the data we mentioned earlier we can say that the last decision of Trump is not just a sudden decision taken by Trump alone, but is a deliberate decision and taken by decision-making centers, and Trump is only the interface to announce the decision only, and their goal as we mentioned the continuation of the crisis and wars, which gain a lot of political, economic and other gains.

Khalil added: “If the issue is not as Turkey wants to promote it as a decision issued by Trump at the request of Erdogan, but the contrary, that the architect of this agreement was James Jeffrey, who visited Turkey for 4 days and briefed Erdogan on the plan to be implemented, Trump issued the decision to withdraw, that is, America and other international forces want to take advantage of the Kurdish phobia of which Erdogan is suffering and thus use it to pass their policies in the region.

The proof is that the decision is not for Erdogan’s hand that America and others realize that Turkey’s entry into North and East Syria will fail all their previous plans if it was ordered without coordination and agreement and a plan in advance. America, which says that it has entered Syria to fight ISIS and push Iran out of the region, thus, if it has get out without a plan and leave it to Turkey this means that Iran will increase its strength and presence in Syria and will increase the threat to Israel and Iran’s strength will increase from Iraq to Lebanon, and thus Russia’s domination of the entire region.

In addition, ISIS has not yet ended in Syria and Turkish entry will inevitably revive a new ISIS. There are thousands of people detainees and prisoners by the IS mercenaries in North and East Syria, and if Turkey attacked this region what will happen to these detainees? The other thing is that Erdogan, who is known for his dictatorship, so, if he has dominated the area, he would seek to implement the racial Charter and occupy parts of Syria and Iraq and create a new crisis in the whole region if all these international forces do not want a democratic system and peace in our regions. But they use Turkey and others to pass their policies at the expense of the security and lives of the peoples of the region. ”

There are several reasons make the public opinion stands against the recent Turkish threats, unlike its silence on Afrin

On the public opinion and some countries that denounced the decision of the American withdrawal and called to support the Syrian Democratic  Forces and regions of North and East of Syria, unlike the silence that was hovering over the world during the Turkish attacks on Afrin, Khalil has pointed out that there are many differences in the situation between Afrin and areas of the east of the Euphrates and those differences affected the public opinion and some international countries that continued to support Syrian Democratic Forces and denounced America’s decision of withdrawal

He pointed out that one of these changes is that Afrin area and its airspace was in the hands of Russia alone, while in the east of the Euphrates it is subject to the International Coalition, Its geographical presence is larger than Afrin and has different ethnic components, unlike Afrin, the vast majority of whom are the Kurdish people. In addition, the diplomatic relations and the openness of the east of the Euphrates were wider than Afrin, as Afrin was besieged. It was not possible for many delegations and external parties to visit and know their situation closely

The situation in North and East of Syria was more open many parties have visited it and recognized the conditions and democratic system, which prevail and the situation of security and peace and co-existence in them, and the other thing is that the areas liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces from the hands of ISIS and there are thousands of detainees from all over the world who are detained in this region. This raises the world’s fears if they are released or escaped from detention centers, so the world would see all these things. Instead of being supported and thanked by all, the opposite had happened and America abandoned them in this way, so the reactions in the public opinion in general were in solidarity with Syrian Democratic Forces and Autonomous Administration in North and East of Syria.

We have derelict in the diplomatic move for Afrin and the reason was Russia’s delay in presenting its final position

Khalil also expressed his self-criticism about the situation in Afrin, noting that in addition to the reasons that led to the difference between the situation of Afrin, which was exposed to attacks and the situation of East Euphrates, which is under threat is the derelict of their political and diplomatic movements before attacking on Afrin, which were not the required level, the reason for this was that Russia at the time was asserting that it would not allow the Turkish attack on Afrin and kept its points in Afrin until the last minute and withdrew before the attacks in a very narrow time, which reduced the chances of diplomatic moves for Afrin, but in the development of threats to North and East of Syria, Here early and it announced the withdrawal, which opened the way for them to move politically and diplomatically more broadly, which impact on public opinion to some extent.

Turkey is targeting all of Syria and the people must express their rejection of the occupation

He stressed that today the general Syrian people and the people of North Syria must unite and face the Turkish threats and reject it, and reach their voices to the public opinion in all ways and emphasize that they do not accept the Turkish occupation of their land.

The Syrian people should be well aware that the Turkish threat is not on one component of the Syrian people or targeting a certain party, but it is a threat to the whole of Syria and all the components of its people, because the main goal of this occupation is to divide Syria and conjoin North Syria to Turkey, so it is the duty of all the Syrian people to confront this threat and pear the responsibility to rebel the occupiers with all its resistance forms resistance militarily, politically, and medically, and the rehabilitation of defensive sites and the establishment of protection points and other matters that require alertness to prevent the occupation of our land and the massacres against our peoples.

Those who install enemy tanks to occupy their homeland and kill their people can only be described as traitors

In his speech, Khalil called on all the Syrian people to show a clear rejection of the so-called Syrian coalition, which supports the occupier and installed on his tanks to occupy his homeland and kill his people, pointing out that they can only be described as traitors.

“In conclusion, our people must realize that the price of freedom and dignity is precious and those who struggle for their freedom must be prepared for it,” said Eldar Khalil.” people cannot get their freedom without strong will and sacrifice. No one can claim freedom at the same time say “I do not want to make efforts or sacrifice to gain it”