MESOPOTAMIA NEWS MIDEAST PULSE “SENSATIONAL!” : A correspondent of a Russian channel is a guest of al-Quds militia in Deir Ezzor / SYRIA-EUPHRAT REGION

  1. May 2020 – DEIR EZZOR NEWS – Today, Thursday, a Russian network posted on social media, photos of its correspondent with the commander of the Iranian Quds Force militia in Deir Ezzor.

The network’s correspondent, Oleg Blokhin, said that he was a guest of al-Quds brigade commander, Shadi al-Camerooni, and that the meeting was to reiterate Russia’s gratitude to the militia for its role in fighting terrorism.

Al-Quds militia is one of the most important military arms in Deir Ezzor, as it has played a prominent military role in the region. Its headquarters are spread in a number of towns and villages east of Deir Ezzor.

The network’s correspondent’s visit coincides with military escalation by Daesh in the region and increased activities by Russia in the western Euphrates, the center of Iranian forces in the region.It is indicated that the Russian forces had earlier removed pictures and banners of Iranian militias from the streets of Al-Mayadeen city east of Deir Ezzor .

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