Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV)
October 2018 (Missing daily reports: 01., 03., 05.-11. and 26. October)
02 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/025) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 1, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 1, 2018, 3 people (Acun Karadağ, Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Gülnaz Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) were detained.
Thus in total 5 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 1, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/026) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Ankara… The police intervened into the protest of public employees to regain their jobs from which they had been dismissed by state of emergency decrees, in front of Çankaya Public Health Center on October 1, 2018 and detained Mahmut Konuk and 3 people (Kenan Güngördü, Mazlum Çetinkaya and Sinan Yerdelen) supporting him. It is learned that the detainees were released the same day. (10/027) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on October 1, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak and 2 people Selvi Polat and Engin Karataş) supporting her. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/028) German Citizen Arrested for ‘Insulting the President’… It is learned from the news coverage of October 1, 2018 that Hüseyin M., a German citizen who was detained in Kuşadası district of Aydın in August on the charge of “insulting the President in social media posts”, and was arrested by the court later on. It is stated in the news reports that Hüseyin M. was prevented from being visited by his spouse and German diplomats. It is reported that the case against Hüseyin M. will start to be held on October 11, 2018. (10/029) Journalists Detained in Ankara… 3 employees of Odak magazine (Hasan Özdemir, Hüseyin Arlıer and Eray Zavar) are detained in house raids in Ankara on October 1, 2018. The reason for detention is unknown. (10/030) Vartinis Massacre Case… It is learned from the news coverage of October 1, 2018 that, the public prosecutor of the Supreme Court objected the acquittal of all defendants of Vartinis Massacre case, and reversed the decision. On March 1, 2016, Kırıkkale Heavy Penal Court have acquitted 3 military members and 1 police officer (Hasköy district Gendarmerie Station Commander Lieutenant Bülent Karaoğlu, Hasköy district Gendarmerie Company Commander Senior Lieutenant Hanifi Akyıldız, Gökyazı district Gendarmerie Station Commander Sergeant Turhan Nurdoğan and Muş Police Directorate Special Forces Chief Şerafettin Us) who were on trial for death of 9 people in Vartinis (Altınova) town of Korkut district of
Muş on May 17, 1993. 9 people, all from Öğüt family, have died due to their house being set on fire by military members. The public prosecutor of the Supreme Court stated in reversal that, witness reports of the villagers and those of security forces contradict and the case file is incomplete. (10/031) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On October 1, 2018, 25 people including public employees dismissed by state of emergency decrees are detained in Ankara on the charge of using ByLock; 2 people are detained in Edirne in alleged attempt to illegally cross to Greece; 14 people are detained in Tokat and 4 people are detained through a Tokat based investigation. (10/032) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against Kutbettin Gülen, Fetullah Gülen’s brother, on Izmir Heavy Penal Court No 14 is held on October 1, 2018. The court sentenced Kutbettin Gülen to 10 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. (10/033) Curfew in Nusaybin… Mardin Governorate made a declaration on October 1, 2018 and lifted the curfew in Dibek neighbourhood as of 19.00 on October 1, 2018, which was announced as of 09.00 on September 30, 2018. (10/034) Investigated Social Media Accounts… The Ministry of Interior made a declaration on October 1, 2018 and announced that 349 social media accounts were investigated between September 24 and October 1, 2018; and legal proceedings have been initiated against 285 people within this week.
04 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/056) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 3, 2018 that, 4 prisoners in Van F Type Prison are on hunger strike for 15 days, to protest violations of rights they are subjected to. It is learned that Kadir Karabak is one of the prisoners on hunger strike however the names of other prisoners are unknown. (10/057) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for 694 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 3, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 3, 2018, 3 people (Mahmut Konuk and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bokzurt) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 3, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/058) People Arrested in Tekirdağ for ‘Insulting the President’… 2 people (M. D. and V. C.) who were detained in Marmara Ereğlisi district of Tekirdağ, on the grounds of making propaganda for an illegal organisation on social media and insulting the President, are arrested by the court on October 3, 2018. (10/059) Person Detained in Çanakkale for Social Media Posts… Mahmut Öktem, a member of Retired Workers’ Union (Tüm Emekli-Sen) is retired in a house raid in Küçükkuyu town of Ayvacık district of Çanakkale on October 3, 2018. (10/060) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”…
The separate cases against 2 academicians (Professor Öget Öktem Tanör and Professor Serdar Değirmencioğlu from Doğuş University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 30 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 3, 2018. It is learned that the prosecutor of the case against Öget Öktem Tanör, declared the legal opinion on the case at the first hearing even before Professor Tanör made her defence. It is also learned that, upon objection of lawyer Meriç Eyüboğlu to declaration of the legal opinion at the first trial, the chief judge wanted to take the audience off the court room and that, the audience rejected to leave the court room before the lawyers and thus the court board left the court room. The court adjourned the trial to December 12, 2018. At the hearing of the case against Serdar Değirmencioğlu, the court decided to issue a warrant for Değirmencioğlu who is abroad and adjourned the trial to December 14, 2018. (10/061) Former HDP MP on Trial… The cases against Ertuğrul Kürkçü, former HDP MP for Izmir, on Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 4 and on Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 10, on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 3, 2018. Ertuğrul Kürkçü defenced himself via sound and vision system in Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 29. It is learned that two separate cases are consolidated in the case on Siyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 10 and the trial is adjourned to February 6, 2019. (10/062) ESP and Halkevleri Executives on Trial in Hopa… The case against Hülya Vayiç, Artvin provincial chair of Socialist Party of the Opressed (EDP); Yunus Aksu, Hopa district chair of ESP; Volkan Altunkaya, Hopa Community House chair; Kamil Ustabaşı, Hopa Community House executive; Nurcan Altunkaya, Kemalpaşa Community House chair, on Hopa Penal Court of Fisrt Instance No 2, for the commemoration organized for second anniversary of October 10 – Ankara Massacre, is held on October 3, 2018. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to December 13, 2018. (10/063) Boğaziçi University Students on Trial… The case against Boğaziçi University students who hold the banner “No delight in invasion and massacre” to protest delivery of Turkish delight at the campus, to praise military operation of Turkish Armed Forces to Afrin, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 32 is held on October 3, 2018. The court stated that the cases against 8 more students are consolidated with this case; thus the number of students in this case raised up to 30. After defence hearings the court lifted the ban on leaving the country for the students and adjourned the trial to March 19, 2019. (10/064) Journalists on Trial in Diyarbakır… The case against 8 people including 7 journalists, on Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 9, for the news reports on Dicle News Agency which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, about Musa Çitil, Diyarbakır Gendearmerie Regional Brigadier General during the curfew in Sur district of Diyarbakır and for social media posts sharing these news reports, is held on October 3, 2018. The case was opened upon official complaint of Musa Çitil. The indictment demands jail penalty from 1 year to 3 years for A. Vahap Taş, Selman Çiçek, Kemal Sancılı, İnan Kızılkaya and Selim Günenç, Hamza Gündüz and Çağdaş Kaplan on the charges of ‘marking the identities of state officials that were assigned in fight against terrorism as targets’. The indictment also demands jail penalty from 1 year up to 5 years for Selman Çelik for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to January 16, 2019. (10/065) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… Ç., a third degree police chief, dismissed by a state of emergency decree, who was detained in Alanya district of Antalya, is arrested by the court on October 3, 2018. 16 of 40 people including military officials on active duty, who were detained through an Akara based investigation on Turkish Air Force, are arrested by the court on October 3, 2018. 16 people are released on juridical control conditions.
(10/066) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against a person named Ersin Uranga, on Adana Heavy Penal Court No 11, is held on October 3, 2018. The court sentenced Ersin Uranga to 10 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. (10/067) Curfew in Siirt… Siirt Governorate made a declaration on October 3, 2018 and announced curfew in 3 villages of central district as of 17.00 on October 3, 2018 until further notice. The villages under curfew are: Koçlu, Bayraktepe (Çölköy) and Ekmekçiler villages. (10/068) Curfew in Tilo… Siirt Governorate made a declaration on October 3, 2018 and announced curfew in 4 villages and 4 neighbourhoods of Tilo district as of 17.00 on October 3, 2018 until further notice. The villages and neighbourhoods under curfew are: Çınarlısu, Hantrat, Akyayla and Taşbalta villages; Alkumru, Elmacık, Kargacık, Erenler neighbourhoods.
12 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/205) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 11, 2018 that Sevcan Adıgüzel, a member of Grup Yorum band who is kept in Bolu F Type Prison, was “prohibited from visits” for almost 200 years as a punishment for reacting against roll-calls on feet and limitation to the number of books per prisoner. It is learned from the news coverage of October 11, 2018 that, prisoners in Van High Security Prison are prevented from right to health, the doctor is not always present at the infirmary, and regular medications are either given to prisoners with delay or not given at all. (10/206) Torture and Ill-Treatment Under Custody… On October 11, 2018 People’s Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Sezai Temelli made a press declaration about detention of 121 people through a Diyarbakır based operation on October 9, 2018; and stated that they would make an official complaint on violence and torture exerted on detainees by order of the prosecutor. Sezai Temelli expressed the following about torture and ill-treatment the detainees were subjected to: “Derya Aslan is handcuffed behind her back, and the police uses a knife to uncuff her and wounds her at the back. And she is kept under custody while she was wounded. Hazro cochair’s house is raided and his wife was tortured (…) Hilmi Aydoğdu, who was also under custody, had a heart attack and was kept under custody for one and half an hour after he states his condition”. It is also stated in the news reports that HDP Diyarbakır executive Pınar Tekin and Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activist Didar Çeşme who has cancer have fainted due to drop of blood pressure under custody. (10/207) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 11, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyers in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). With the last rejection, it was the 754th time that appeals for visiting Öcalan have been rejected so far. Abdullah Öcalan has met his lawyers on July 27, 2011 for the last time. (10/208) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for 694 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 11, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00.
It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 11, 2018, 3 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 3 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Gülnaz Bokzurt and İlker Işık) were detained. Thus in total 5 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 11, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/209) People Detained in Diyarbakır… 25 of 121 people who were detained on October 9, 2018, through a Diyarbakır based investigation, are referred to the court on October 11, 2018. 13 of 25 people are arrested on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’, 12 people are released on juridical control conditions. The names of arrested people are: Journalist Kibriye Evren, Celal Yoldaş, Behçet İne, Eda Bazencir, Aliye Tok, Hülya Biçen, Sercan Doğan, Hasret Alp, Elif Haran, Nevriye Çur, Kumru Tokay, Mehmet Temizyüz and Rıfat Roni. The names of people released on juridical control conditions: Abbas Çelik, Derya Aslan, Emrullah Kaplan, Selma Metin, Seher Tümer, Didar Çeşme, Türki Gültekin, Mehmet Ay, Kadriye Özcanlı, Dilnaz Ekmekçi, Pınar Tekin and Eylem Ceylan. It is reported that 73 people are still under custody. 23 people who were detained through the same investigation were released on October 10, 2018. (10/210) Lawyers Detained in Diyarbakır… It is learned that lawyers Bünyamin Şeker and Bahar Oktay from Platform of Lawyers for Freedom, are detained in Diyarbakır on October 11, 2018. It is learned that Şener and Oktay are taken to Diyarbakır Police Headquarters. (10/211) DBP Party Assembly Member and Other People Detained in Adana… Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Party Assembly member Halit Şaşmaz, who was detained at Adana Courthouse where he had been to give statement on October 10, 2018 and Bilal Çelebi and Erbil Ernuega, who were raided in house raids are referred to the court on October 11, 2018. It is learned that Halit Şaşmaz and Bilal Çelebi are released on juridical control conditions, Erbil Ernuega is arrested on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member and committing crime on behalf of an illegal organisation’. (10/212) Magazine Employee Detained in Istanbul… It is learned that Servet Öner, employee of Demokratik Modernite magazine is detained at Taksim Square in Istanbul on October 11, 2018. It is reported that Servet Öner is taken to Beyoğlu Police Station however the reason for detention is unknown. (10/213) People Detained in Istanbul… It is learned from the news coverage of October 11, 2018 that Hasan Ferit Center for Fight Against Drugs, in Sultangazi district of Istanbul, is raided by the police and 7 people (Mehmet Manas Doğanay, Yalçın Canpolat, Mert Halisdemir, Berdan Ulaş Dilsiz, Gülbey Dilsiz, Özgün Yiğit Taş, Abdullah Papur) are detained. (10/214) German Citizen Arrested for ‘Insulting the President’… The case against Hüseyin M., a German citizen on the charge of “insulting the President in social media posts1 on Aydın Heavy Penal Court No 1 is held on October 11, 2018. The court released Hüseyin M. and adjourned the trial to April 9, 2019. Hüseyin M. was detained in Kuşadası district of Aydın in August and was arrested by the court. (10/215) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”…
The separate cases against 5 academicians (PhD Utku Uraz Aydın and Assist. Professor Ceren Akçabay dismissed from Marmara University, Assist. Professor Filiz Arıöz Marmara University, Professor Nihal Saban retired from Marmara University and PhD Sarphan Uzunoğlu from Kadir Has University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 3, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Sarphan Uzunoğlu to November 7, 2018; the trial of the case against Filiz Arıöz to December 25, 2018; the trials of the cases against Utku Uraz Aydın, Ceren Akçabay and Nihal Saban to January 9, 2018. The separate cases against 2 academicians (PhD Melike Acar and PhD Ayşegün Soysal from Boğaziçi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 27 is held on October 11, 2018. The court adjourned two trials to November 7, 2018. The case against 1 academician (Research Assistant Süreyya Topaloğulu from Bilgi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 25 is held on October 11, 2018. The court adjourned two trials to January 17, 2018. The separate cases against 4 academicians (PhD Ohannes Kılıçdağı from Bilgi University, Professor Erdağ Aksel from Sabancı University, Assist Professor Özlem Güçlü and Assoc. Professor Şükrü Aslan from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 24 is held on October 11, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Ohannes Kılıçdağı to January 15, 2019; the trial of the case against Erdağ Aksel to January 10, 2019; the trial of the case against Özlem Güçlü to November 29, 2018 and the trial of the case against Şükrü Aslan to February 5, 2019. The separate cases against 6 academicians (Lecturer Yonca Demir, Research Assistant E. A., PhD Başak Tuğ Onaran; Research Assistant Hazal Azeri, Research Assistant Çare Olgun Çalışkan from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and Assist. Professor Çağla Aydın from Sabancı University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 28 is held on October 11, 2018. The court adjourned the trials of the cases against Yonca Demir and E. A. to November 13, 2018; the trial of the case against Hazal Azeri to December 14, 2018; the trial of the case against Başak Tuğ Onaran to December 15, 2018; the trial of the case against Çare Olgun Çalışkan to November 27, 2018; and the case against Çağla Aydın to November 20, 2018. (10/216) MP on Trial… The case against HDP Antalya MP Kemal Bülbül, on Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 4, on the charges of ‘establishing and leading an illegal organisation’ is held on October 11, 2018. Lawyers demanded end of legal proceedings against Kemal Bülbül on the grounds that he is an MP. The court decided to continue the proceedings based on the Article 14 of the Constitution and adjourned the trial. (10/217) Co-Mayor on Trial… The case against 22 people 5 of which are arrested including Abdulkerim Erdem, co-mayor of Derik district of Mardin, on the charge of ‘disrupt the unity and territorial integrity of the state’, on Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 4 is held on October 11, 2018. Abdulkerim Erdem attended the trial and other 4 arrested people joint the trial via sound and vision system. The court decided to continue detention for 5 people and adjourned the trial to November 8, 2018. Abdulkerim Erdem was arrested on February 22, 2016. (10/218) The Police Officer on Trial for Death of 4 People Due to Shot Fired from an Armoured Vehicle in Hakkari… The final trial of the case against police officer İ. M., for death of 4 people due to shot fired from an armoured vehicle in Yüksekova district of Hakkari, on Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 3 is held on October 11, 2018. On October 8, 2016, 15 years-old Serhat Buldan, Rahmi Safhalı, Necdet İşözü and Aydın Tümen died; Şemsettin Kaya and Mehmet Ali Kaya were wounded due to shots fired from the armoured vehicle in which İ. M. was in charge of turret.
The court decided to sentence İ. M. to 10 years on the charge of ‘negligent homicide and negligent injury of more than one person’, and increased the sentence by 1/3 to 13 years and 4 months because of ‘intentional negligence’ of the defendant. And then the court decided to reduce the sentence to 11 years 1 month and 10 days because of “past and remorse of the defendant”. (10/219) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On October 11, 2018, 15 people including 6 military members on active duty and 9 military members dismissed by state of emergency decrees are detained in operations covering 7 cities through a Manisa based investigation. On October 11, 2018, 2 of 6 former police officers dismissed by state of emergency decrees who were detained in Sivas, are arrested. It is reported that 4 of them are still under custody. (10/220) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The case against 86 people about the leakage of questions of “Examination for Judge and Prosecutor Nomination for Lawyers in 2012”, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 15 is held on October 11, 2018. The court sentenced 37 people to jail penalties differing from 2 years 2 months and 7 days to 9 years 7 months and 15 days for ‘qualified form of fraud’. The court sentenced 54 people to jail penalties differing from 1 year 6 months and 22 days to 10 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court sentenced 1 person to 18 years for ‘leading an illegal organisation’. The court acquitted 25 people and separated the cases of 6 fugitive defendants.
13-15 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/221) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 12 soldiers were wounded due to roll-over of a military armoured vehicle in a ditch in rural areas of Kumçatı town of Şırnak on October 13, 2018. It is learned that 4 soldiers were wounded due to lightning stroke during a military operation in rural areas of Savur district of Mardin on October 13, 2018. It is learned from the news coverage of October 13, 2018 that 2 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Eruh district of Siirt on October 11, 2018. (10/222) Torture and Ill-Treatment Under Custody in Izmir… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 12, 2018 that, Yiğit Üste (18) who was detained in Torbalı district of İzmir on October 5, 2018, was taken to the woods and was subjected to torture and ill-treatment there for 6 hours. It is learned from the news coverage that Yiğit Üste who was put in prison after he had been arrested, stated the following when he communicated with his father: “After I was taken to Torbalı police station, 4 people with masks on their faces came with a civilian car and took me. They brought me to the woods that I do not know where. I was subjected to terrible physical violence for 6 hours. I have bruises on my arms and bumps in my head. They forced me to be an informant. They said ‘You will confess to be a PKK member otherwise you will give us names. We will help you if you work with us. You will admit that you are in the cadre group and we will take you to the police station. Otherwise we will not take you to the station. Take his pants off’. The police tried to take my pants off and one of them took the mask off and I recognized him. I told him that he is a police officer from Çankaya district Anti-Terror Department. And he said ‘We know you well. We found you very unexpectedly’ and continued to exert violence. And then it was announced on the police radio that I should be taken to the police station. They covered my head and took me there. I did not see where I was taken but I understood that I was at the police station when my lawyer came to see me”. It is also learned from the news coverage that Yiğit Üste was not given a medical report evidencing the torture and ill-treatment despite of the marks on his body. (10/223) Racist Attack to Amedspor FC players…
It is learned that a group of Sakaryaspor football club fans attacked to the locker room of Amedspor football club players, after the match played between Sakaryaspor and Amedspor in Sakarya on October 13, 2018. It is learned that security forces in the stadium did not intervene the attackers and that nobody was wounded due to attack. Before the match, footage of military operations with racist anthems was screened at the stadium when Amedspor players were on the field for warm-up. (10/224) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prisons… It is learned from the news coverage of October 12, 2018 that Deniz Şah, a prisoner in Bolu F Type Prison was subjected to physical violence by the wardens during weekly phone call with his family, and that he was prevented from using his phone call right, dragged on the floor and was taken back to his ward. It is also stated in the news reports that Emrah Yayla, another prisoner was also subjected to violence and was taken to the padded cell while he was handcuffed behind his back. It is also stated in the news reports that, families of prisoners staying in Bolu F Type Prison, were also forced to give an oral report in military style during phone calls and in case it was rejected phone calls were interrupted. It is learned from the news coverage of October 13, 2018 that the number of clothes for women prisoners were limited in Kayseri Bünyan T Type Prison, and the clothes sent to them was not given to prisoners; and that the wardens sing racist anthems to provoke the prisoners. (10/225) Hunger Strike in Prison… People’s Law Office made a declaration on October 12, 2018 and announced that their client Meral Dönmez, who was on hunger strike for 40 days, demanding to be transferred from Tarsus Prison to a prison near to her family, quitted the strike upon her demand was accepted. It is reported that Meral Dönmez will be transferred to Kandıra F Type Prison. (10/226) Hunger Strike in Prison… People’s Law Office made a declaration on October 12, 2018 and announced that their client Cem Özcan who was on hunger strike for 28 days in Silivri Prison demanding prison conditions to be improved, quitted the strike upon his demand was accepted. (10/227) Prevention of Right to Health of Prisoners… It is learned from the news coverage of October 13, 2018 that, prisoners in Kayseri Bünyan T Type Prison were prevented from right to health because of rejecting to be medically examined in handcuffs. (10/228) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 12, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s tutelary and lawyer in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). (10/229) Coercion to Uniforms and Reactions Against This… The press declaration of TAYAD (Prisoner’s Families’ Solidarity Association) members attempted to be held in Sakarya Street in Ankara on October 13, 2018 against uniform coercion in prisons is prevented by the police. It is reported that 1 person (Halil İbrahim Şener) was detained in police intervention. (10/230) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 705 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 12, 13, and 14, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 12, 2018, 2 people (Alev Şahin and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 3 people (Alev Şahin, Mehmet Dersulu and Nazan Bozkurt) were detained.
It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 13, 2018, 2 people (Alev Şahin, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 14, 2018, 2 people (Engin Karataş and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 3 people (Engin Karataş, Cemal Öksüz and Nazan Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 15 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 12, 13, and 14, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/231) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… On October 13, 2018, 2 people, Feridun Osmanağaoğlu and İsmail Kara who made a press declaration themed as “Galatasaray Square cannot be Banned” at Galatasaray Square in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul are detained by police intervention. It is learned that 2 detainees were released on October 14, 2018. (10/232) Police Intervention Against Saturday Mothers’ Protest in Istanbul… Police obstructed all the streets around Galatasaray Square in Istanbul to prevent Saturday Mothers who rally every Saturday for 23 years in the same place to gather for the 707th time on October 13, 2018. Upon police prevention, the group including parliament members, representatives of political parties, human rights defenders and artists along with families of disappeared people gather in front of Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul office and started to march. The police prevented the march too, thus, the group had a sit-in protest and made a press declaration there. It is reported that the police prevented journalists who watch the protest to report. (10/233) Police Operation Against HDP, DBP, TJA, DTK Members and Journalists… 25 of 141 people including People’s Democratic Party (HDP), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Democratic Society Congress (DTK), and Free Women’s Movement (TJA) members who were detained through a Diyarbakır based operation on October 9, 2018 and following days, are arrested by the court. 115 people are released on juridical control conditions. The detention warrant for DTK executive board member Hilmi Aydoğdu, who was taken to hospital due to a heart attack under custody, is cancelled. 13 people including journalist Kibriye Evren were arrested on October 11, 2018. 12 people including HDP Diyarbakır co-chair Mehmet Şerif Çamcı were arrested on October 12, 2018. Journalists Esra Solin Dal, Semiha Alankuş and Mehmet Akdoğan were detained through this investigation and were released on juridical control conditions on October 11, 2018. Journalists Abdurrahman Gök, Cihan Ölmez and Lezgin Akdeniz were released after statement procedures at the police station on October 13, 2018. (10/234) TJA Activist Detained in Diyarbakır… Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activist Nesrin Çerçel is detained in Mardin through a Diyarbakır based investigation on October 14, 2018. (10/235) Magazine Employee Detained in Istanbul… Servet Öner, an employee of Demokratik Modernite magazine who was detained in Istanbul on October 11, 2018 is released after statement procedures at the police on October 13, 2018. (10/236) People Detained in Izmir… 14 people who were detained for attending funeral organized for Teslim Demir, one of the founders of Communist Workers’ Party of Turkey (TKİP) on October 7, 2018, are released on juridical control conditions and with a ban on leaving the country on October 12, 2018. (10/237) Italian Citizen Detained in the Police Raid to İdil Cultural Center… Gianfranco Castellotti who was detained in the police raid to İdil Cultural Center on October 4, 2018 is released from the police station on October 12, 2018. (10/238) People Detained in the Police Raid to Hasan Ferit Center for Fight Against Drugs…
5 of 7 people who were detained in the police raid to Hasan Ferit Center for Fight Against Drugs on October 11, 2018 are arrested by the court on October 12, 2018. 2 people are released. The names of arrested people are: Yalçın Canpolat, Berdan Ulaş Dilsiz, Gülbey Dilsiz, Özgün Yiğit Taş and Mehmet Manas Doğanay. (10/239) Detentions and Arrests… 15 of 40 people, including 3 local headmen, who were detained through a Van based investigation on October 11 and 12, 2018 are arrested by the court on October 13, 2018. 25 people are released on juridical control conditions. Cihan B., a student of İnönü University Medical Faculty who were detained in Malatya on October 10, 2018, is arrested by the court on October 13, 2018. (10/240) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 2 academicians (Lecturer Tuğba Yıldırım from Sabancı University and Research Assistant Zeynep Yeşim Gökçe from Bilgi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 30 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 12, 2018. The court adjourned both of the trials to February 1, 2019. The case against 8 academicians (Assoc. Professor Ahmet Tuna Altınel from Lyon-1 University, Assoc. Professor Ayşen Candaş Bilgen, Professor Şemsa Özar, Assoc. Professor Elif Aysimi Duman from Boğaziçi University, Professor Gencer Özcan from Bilgi University, Professor Mehmet Ozan Erözden and PhD C.A. from MEF University and G.D. from Bilgi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 29 is held on October 12, 2018. The separate cases against 8 academicians were consolidated by the court at the previous trial. The court adjourned the trial to February 28, 2019. (10/241) Lawyers on Trial in Istanbul… The final trial of the case against 9 lawyers (Kemal Aytaç, Gökmen Yeşil, Diren Yeşil, Hatice Nur Gök, İsmail Anıl Başoğlu, Kıvanç Kayaoğlu, Özge Serdar, Erkan Ünüvar and Sevinç Sarıkaya) on the charges of ‘resisting a police officer’ and ‘resisting despite the warning to dispense unlawful assembly or demonstrations’ on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 50 is held on October 12, 2018. The court acquitted all lawyers on the grounds of lack of legal elements of crime. The case was opened against 9 lawyers after the police intervention on April 6, 2017 against “Watch for Justice” [Adalet Nöbeti], which was organized in front of Istanbul Courthouse to protest arrestment of writers and managers of Cumhuriyet newspaper. Gökmen Yeşil and Erkan Ünüvar were wounded due to police intervention, and nonsuit decision was given as a response to the official complaint against the police. (10/242) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The indictment on Cumhuriyet newspaper reporters Alican Uludağ and Duygu Güvenç, about the news reports on house arrest of US citizen pastor Andrew Brunson; based on Article 301 of Turkish Penal Code on the grounds of “degrading Turkish State of the Turkish Republic, and bodies of the State”, is approved by Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2. The court will hold the first hearing on December 20, 2018. (10/243) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 23 of 31 people including military members on active duty who were detained on October 9, 2018 through an Istanbul based investigation, are arrested by the court on October 12, 2018. 8 people are released on juridical control conditions. (10/244) US Consulate Translator on Trial…
The case against Hamza Uluçay, who works as a translator for the US Consulate in Adana, on Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 3 is held on October 12, 2018. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention and adjourned the trial. Hamza Uluçay was detained on February 23, 2017 and was released by the court on juridical control conditions. Upon the objection made by the prosecutor’s office Hamza Uluçay was arrested. (10/245) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against US citizen pastor Andrew Craig Brunson, on İzmir Heavy Penal Court No 2, on the charges of ‘committing an offense on behalf of an organized criminal group without being a member of that group’ and ‘espionage’, ins held on October 12, 2018. Witnesses who gave statements against Brunson changed the content of their testimonials. The court sentenced Andrew Craig Brunson to 3 years 1 month and 15 days and lifted house confinement and the ban on leaving the country. (10/246) Curfew in Hizan… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on October 14, 2018 and announced curfew in 1 village (Doyumlu) of Hizan district and in hamlets of it as of 05.00 on October 14, 2018 until 06.00 on October 15, 2018. (10/247) Special Security Zone in Bingöl… Bingöl Governorate made a declaration on October 12, 2018 and announced 26 areas with given coordinates in central, Adaklı, Genç, Solhan, Yayladere, Kiğı, Karlıova and Yedisu districts as special security zones from October 12, 2018 to October 26, 2018. (10/248) Special Security Zone in Antep… Antep Governorate made a declaration on October 12, 2018 and announced the areas with given coordinates on Syrian border as special security zones from October 12, 2018 to October 26, 2018.
16 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/249) Suspicious Death of a Soldier at Military… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 15, 2018 that Ömer Faruk Demirkol, a soldier on compulsory military service at Kilis Gendarmerie Command killed himself while keeping watch. (10/250) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 soldier was wounded due to mine explosion in rural areas of Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı on October 15, 2018. (10/251) Person Being Subjected to Police Violence in Kocaeli… Y.S., a person who is alleged to attack and insult an Ataturk effigy, and to share the video footage of the attack on social media, is detained in Dilovası district of Kocaeli on October 15, 2018. It is learned from the news coverage that, the police forced Y.S. to stand on one foot in front of the effigy, to make a soldier salute and to swear to himself after being detained. It is also stated in the news reports that the police kicked Y.S. Y.S. and H.Ç., another person who records Y.S. in action are arrested by the court for ‘opposing the law concerning crimes committed against Atatürk’ on the same day. (10/252) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 15, 2018 that Figen Şahin, a prisoner kept in Burhaniye T Type Prison, was threatened and insulted by soldiers saying “We will unload our guns on you, we will spray you with bullets” while she was being transferred to hospital. (10/253) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara…
The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 706 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 15, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 15, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Meltem Servi) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and İlker Işık) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 15, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/254) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On October 15, 2018, 15 people including military members on active duty in operations covering 11 cities through a Samsun based investigation; 14 people including military members on active duty in operations covering 10 cities through a Manisa based investigation; 21 people in operations covering 18 cities through an Ankara based investigation to Turkish Air Force (on a detention warrant issued for 36 people) are detained. On October 15, 2018, 7 people including former public employees dismissed by state of emergency decrees, are detained in Edirne in alleged attempt to illegally cross to Greece. It is learned that 1 of the detainees is arrested by the court on the same day while 6 others are still under custody. 2 of 3 people who were detained in house raids in Manisa on October 15, 2018 are arrested by the court. It is learned that 1 person is still under custody. (10/255) Suspended Local Headmen… The Ministry of Interior made a declaration on October 15, 2018 and announced that 259 local headmen, 103 from villages and 156 form neighbourhoods, are suspended on the grounds of ‘being a member of structures, formations and groups that engage in activities against national security’. (10/256) Investigated Social Media Accounts… The Ministry of Interior made a declaration on October 15, 2018 and announced that 229 social media accounts were investigated between October 8 and October 15, 2018; and legal proceedings have been initiated against 176 people within this week.
17 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/257) Person Shot for Disobeying Stop Warning in Ankara… It is learned that A. S. (45, m), a tractor driver is wounded in the leg due to the gunshot of the police for disobeying stop warning in front of Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Ankara on October 16, 2018. (10/258) Trans Women Subjected to Police Violence and Allegation of Kidnapping in Ankara… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 16, 2018 that a police officer stopped a car of trans women and sprayed pepper gas inside the car with threats as “If you come here again we will beat you up”, on October 15, 2018 in İskitler neighbourhood of Ankara’s Altındağ district. It is also claimed on the news coverage of October 16, 2018 that another group of trans women again in İskitler neighbourhood of Ankara’s Altındağ district, were kidnapped by the police. It is learned from the news reports that trans women were subjected to physical violence and insult and then were left to a desert place by the police. (10/259) Allegation of Kidnapping in Van… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 16, 2018 that a person named H.K. was detained by 2 undercover police officer in İpekyolu district of Van, on October 13, 2018 and then was interrogated by these police officers in a vehicle near Edremit lakeside instead of being taken to the Police Headquarters. It is learned that H. K. made an official complaint to the prosecutor’s office.
H.K. stated the following: “On October 13, 2018, two people came to me on a street of İpekyolu district. They presented their police ID’s and told me that they would detain me. Then they took me in a civilian car and told that they were going to take me to Police Headquarters. (…) When we arrive at Edremit district they pulled the car over near the lakeside. I asked them ‘Why do not you take me to the headquarters?’. Although I have asked the same question several times they kept me in the car and asked me questions. (…) Then we arrived at city center. They told me ‘We will take you to Tuşba Police Headquarters. We have special places there’. And I said ‘Either you will take on legal procedures or I will turn the station upside down’. Then they left me in the middle of the downtown instead of station.” (10/260) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 16, 2018 that Muhammed Ado and another prisoner, kept in Adana Ceyhan M Type Prison were subjected to physical violence by the wardens while they were handcuffs at hands and feet. It is learned from the news coverage of October 16, 2018 that Özgür Bektaşoğlu, a prisoner transferred from Söke T Type Prison to Manisa T Type Prison was not given the walking stick that he uses for medical reasons. (10/261) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 16, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyers in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). With the last rejection, it was the 755th time that appeals for visiting Öcalan have been rejected so far. Abdullah Öcalan has met his lawyers on July 27, 2011 for the last time. (10/262) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 707 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 16, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 16, 2018, 2 people (Mahmut Konuk and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 4 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Acun Karadağ, Meltem Servi and İlker Işık) were detained. Thus in total 6 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 16, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/263) Halkevleri (Community Houses) Executives Detained in Ankara… The police raided Mamak, Keçiören, Eryaman, İlker and Mutlu branches of Halkevleri (Community Houses) in Ankara on October 16, 2018. It is learned that the police prevented Halkevleri central executive board members to wait upon the police officers during searches at raided branches. Chairs of 4 branches (Mutlu Halkevi chair Seher Gümüşay, Mamak Halkevi chair Dilara Doğanbaş, Keçiören Halkevi chair Şebnem Kıymet Yar and Eryaman Halkevi chair Şenay Yılmaz Güner) are detained in house raids through the same investigation. (10/264) Journalist Detained in Ankara… Seyri Sokak reporter Oktay İnce is detained in a house raid on October 16, 2018. It is learned that Oktay İnce’s archive of 20 years was seized by the police. Oktay İnce is released the same day after statement procedures at the police. (10/265) Local Headman Detained in Diyarbakır… On October 16, 2018, Hanifi Gülen, local headman of Karabasan neighbourhood in Lice district of Diyarbakır is detained in a house raid. The reason of detention is unknown. (10/266) People Detained in Batman…
12 of 13 people detained after a bombing attack in rural areas of Gercüş district of Batman where 8 soldiers died on October 4, 2018; are released on October 16, 2018 after statement procedures. 1 person named Emin Kaya is arrested on the grounds of social media posts. (10/267) Person Arrested for ‘Insulting Atatürk’ in Osmaniye… F.Ş., who was detained in Osmaniye on October 16, 2018, on the grounds of insulting Atatürk on social media posts, is arrested by the court. (10/268) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 3 academicians (PhD Esra Akbalık from Okan University, E.T. from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and PhD Itır Akdoğan from Bilgi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 24 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 16, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Esra Akbalık to December 6, 2018; the trial of the case against E.T. December 18, 2018 and the trial of the case against Itır Akdoğan to February 28, 2019. The separate cases against 7 academicians (Research Assistant Ömer Çelebi from Munzur University, Assoc. Professor Umut Azak from Okan University, Assist. Professor Mehmet Şiray from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Professor Fatma Gök from Boğaziçi University, PhD Erdem Üngür from Istanbul Kültür University, Professor Nilüfer Göle from Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales and Gökçe Çataloluk from Bilgi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 32 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 16, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Ömer Çelebi to December 20, 2018; the trials of the cases against Nilüfer Göle, Mehmet Şiray, Fatma Gök and Umut Azak to February 14, 2019. The dates of next trials of the cases against Erdem Üngür and Gökçe Çataloluk is unknown. The separate cases against 3 academicians (Assoc. Professor Tansel Korkmaz and Lecturer Yörük Kurtaran from Bilgi University and Professor Sibel Irzık from Sabancı University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 25 for the same reason are held on October 16, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Tansel Korkmaz to January 22, 2019; the trial of the case against Yörük Kurtaran to February 26, 2019, and the trial of the case against Sibel Irzık to January 17,2019. The separate cases against 6 academicians (research assistants D.Ü.K., Yonca Güneş Yücel, Onur Baysal from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Lecturer Fevziye Deniz Tarba Ceylan from Sabancı University, Research Assistant Gülçin Karabağ from Yıldız Technical University and PhD Ayten Zara from Bilgi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 28 for the same reason are held on October 16, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Yonca Güneş Yücel to October 18, 2018; the trial of the case against Onur Baysal to October 23, 2018, the trial of the case against Gülçin Karabağ to October 25, 2018; the trial of the case against Ayten Zara to November 13, 2018; the trial of the case against Fevziye Deniz Tarba Ceylan to October 25, 2018 and the trial of the case against D.Ü.K. to December 20, 2018. The separate cases against 4 academicians (research assistants E.D.G. and Hülya Dinçer from Marmara University, Assist. Professor Lütfiye Bozdağ from Kemerburgaz University and Assist. Professor Gülşah Kurt from Kadir Has University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 for the same reason are held on October 16, 2018. The court rejected demand of rogatory for E.D.G. who is on abroad and issued a detention warrant. The court adjourned the trial of the case against E.D.G. to March 25, 2019; the trials of the cases against Hülya Dinçer and Gülşah Kurt to December 27, 2018, the trial of the case against Lütfiye Bozdağ to December 13, 2018. The case against Assoc. Professor Murat Koyuncu from Boğaziçi University for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 27 is held on October 16, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to December 20, 2018. The case against Professor Selim Eyüboğlu from Bahçeşehir University for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 35 is held on October 16, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to June 18, 2019.
The case against Assist. Professor B.C.B. from Koç University for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 36 is held on October 16, 2018. The court sentenced B.C.B. to 1 year and 3 months for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ and postponed the sentence. (10/269) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul… The final trial of the case against journalist Can Dündar on the charge of ‘insulting the President’ in his columns and article series, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 16 is held on October 16, 2018. The court sentenced Can Dündar to 10.000 Turkish Liras of fine. (10/270) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against Can Dündar, former executive editor of Cumhuriyet newspaper and İlhan Tanır on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 27 is held on October 16, 2018. The case against writers and managers of Cumhuriyet newspaper was finalised however the cases of Can Dündar and İlhan Tanır were separated by the court. The court decided to issue red notice for Can Dündar and İlhan Tanır and adjourned the trial. (10/271) Journalist on Trial in Bitlis… The case against journalist Uğur Yılmaz on Bitlis Heavy Penal Court No 2, started to be held on October 16, 2018. The indictment demands jail penalty up to 25 years for Uğur Yılmaz on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’, for the events and press declarations that he watched as a journalist. Uğur Yılmaz joint the trial via sound and vision system. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention and adjourned the trial to December 11, 2018. Journalist Uğur Yılmaz was dismissed from his job at Press Department of Bitlis Municipality, after a trustee was appointed to the municipality. He was detained on July 5, 2017 and was arrested on July 17, 2018. (10/272) Journalist and EMEP Executive on Trial in Aydın… The case against Mustafa Öğe, holder of Didim Özgürses newspaper, a local paper published in Didim district of Aydın and against Kazım Temiz, EMEP (Labour Party) Didim district chair, on Didim Penal Court of First Instance No 1 is held on October 16, 2018. The indictment demands Mustafa Öğe to be sentenced for making news reports on a press declaration organized by EMEP. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to January 25, 2018. (10/273) The Case Against MP… The appeal made by HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven’s lawyers, demanding the proceedings against her to end and release, is rejected by Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 9. Leyla Güven was arrested on January 31, 2018. The court released Leyla Güven on June 29, 2018 however, Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 10, which assessed the case as a higher court, decided to arrest Leyla Güven again upon the objection of the prosecutor’s office. (10/274) Mayor on Trial… The final trial of the case against Ekrem Ekşinat, CHP member mayor of Süleymaniye district of Tekirdağ, on the charge of ‘insulting the President’ on Tekirdağ Penal Court of First Instance No 2 is held on October 16, 2018. The court released Ekrem Ekşinat. (10/275) Journalists, Members and Executives of ESP on Trial… The case against 27 people including Etkin news agency reporter Meşale Tolu, writer Mukaddes Erdoğdu, and Suat Çorlu, central executive board member of Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 29 is held on October 16, 2018. After defence hearings the court cancelled juridical control conditions on Suat Çorlu and Mukaddes Erdoğdu. The court decided to send a writ to the Supreme Court asking whether ESP is a political party or not and adjourned the trial to January 10, 2019. (10/276) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt…
20 academic and administrative personnel of Istanbul University, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul Technical University and Istanbul Gelişim University through an Istanbul based investigation; 17 military members on active duty in operations covering 12 cities through a Şırnak based investigation; 30 people including Nurhak and Finike district gendarmerie commanders through an Ankara based investigation on Gendarmerie Command personnel; 7 people including military members on active duty through a Tokat based investigation; and 25 people in Istanbul are detained on October 16, 2018. (10/277) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against Feyzullah Günal, former Staff Colonel of Gendarmerie, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 19 is held on October 16, 2018. The court sentenced Feyzullah Günal to 8 years and 9 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. (10/278) Curfew in Hizan… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on October 16, 2018 and announced curfew in 10 villages of Hizan district in effect from 18.00 to 07.00 every day until further notice as of October 15, 2018. The villages under curfew are: Deliktaş, Ekinli, Güreci, Tutumlu, Alancık, Akyel, Karbastı, Karlıtepe, Koçyiğit, Doyumlu villages. (10/279) Curfew in Mutki… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on October 16, 2018 and lifted the curfew which was announced on July 28, 2018 to be in effect from 19.00 to 05.00 every day in 2 neighbourhoods, 6 villages and 4 hamlets of Mutki district, as of 23.59 on October 16, 2018. The neighbourhoods, villages and hamlets on which the curfew is lifted are: Çimenli, Yüksekova neighbourhoods; Kapaklı, Küllüce, Kayabaşı, Koyunlu, Alıcık, Çitliyol villages; Varan, Ardıç and Çevreli hamlets. (10/280) Curfew in Güroymak… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on October 16, 2018 and lifted the curfew which was announced on July 28, 2018 to be in effect from 19.00 to 05.00 every day in 2 villages and 1 hamlet of Güroymak district, as of 23.59 on October 16, 2018. The villages and hamlets on which the curfew is lifted are: Saklı and Çalı villages; Işıklı hamlet.
18 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/281) Suspicious Death of a Soldier at Military… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that, Mehmet Boztepe, a private on compulsory military service at Military Club in Land Forces Command in Altındağ district of Ankara, killed himself while keeping watch at night. (10/282) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that 2 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Şırnak on August 20, 2018; and 1 militant died in a clash in Mardin on September 30, 2018. (10/283) Death of Refugees/Asylum Seekers in Izmir within the Last Week… It is learned from the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that 30 refugees/asylum seekers died in İzmir, and at least 26 people are lost due to migration incidents within the last week. It is stated by Izmir Labour and Democracy Supporters who made a press declaration to remark death of refugees/asylum seekers that, on October 10, 2018, of 35 people on a sinking boat in Karaburun district, only 1 person was rescued, while 8 of them dies and at least 26 are believed to be missing. And on October 14, 2018, 22 of refugees/asylum seekers who were being carried on a truck bed died and 13 of them were wounded in the accident where the truck roll over in Menderes district. (10/284) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison…
It is learned from the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that Kemal Argış and İbrahimov Wezir Abbasoviç, 2 prisoners in Edirne F Type Prison who demand to change their wards, were kept in padded cells for 24 hours in handcuffs and were put into solitary cells. It is learned from the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that, Uğur Akgül, reporter of Dicle news agency which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, who is kept in Mardin E Type Prison, was not given the notebooks, diaries and pens sent by his family, for no reason. (10/285) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that, Mesut Gökhan, a prisoner kept in Kilis L Type Prison, went on a hunger strike on October 10, 2018, demanding an end to torture and illtreatment and to being kept in solitary cell. (10/286) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 708 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 17, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 17, 2018, 2 people (Mahmut Konuk, Nazan Bozkurt and Acun Karadağ) and at 18.00 3 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Gülnaz Bozkurt and İlker Işık) were detained. Thus in total 6 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 17, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/287) Arrested Musician in Istanbul… It is learned from the news coverage of October 17, 2018 that, musician Ülker Sarı, a member of Vardiya band, who was detained on the grounds that a warrant was issued for him for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’, during a criminal record check in Söğütlüçeşme, in Kadıköy district of Istanbul, is arrested by the court on October 16, 2018. (10/288) Detained Local Headman in Urfa… On October 17, 2018, Emin Öztürk, local headman of Çiftlik neighbourhood on Birecik district of Urfa is detained in a house raid. The reason for detention is unknown. (10/289) Detained TJA Activist in Mardin… Nesrin Çerçel, TJA (Free Women’s Movement) activist who was detained in Mardin on October 14, 2018 through a Diyarbakır based investigation, is released by the court on October 17, 2018. (10/290) Arrested Airport Construction Workers in Istanbul… 6 of 33 workers, who were arrested for protesting poor working conditions at the site of the 3rd airport that under construction, are released on juridical control conditions upon the appeal made by lawyers on October 17, 2018. The names of released workers are: Bilal Topçu, Birkan Topçu, Hasan Çetin, Mehmet Celal Demir, Musa Karakuş and Selami Sarıbuğa. (10/291) Detentions and Arrests… On October 17, 2018, 1 person named Cindi Özdemir is detained in house raids in Şırnak. The reason for detention is unknown. On October 17, 2018, 1 person named Faysal Bahadır is detained in house raids in Seyhan district of Adana. The reason for detention is unknown. (10/292) The Case Against İYİ Party Chair… İYİ Party chair Meral Akşener, gave her official statement for the case opened against her on Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No 37, on the grounds of insulting former parliamentary speaker İsmail Kahraman. (10/293) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”…
The separate cases against 4 academicians (Professor Z.Y., PhD student B.K., Professor Kuban Altınel and Professor Nüket Esen from Boğaziçi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 17, 2018. The court adjourned the trials on the grounds of not receiving the permit requested for proceeding based on Article 301 of Turkish Penal Code. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Z.Y. to April 24, 2019; the trial of the case against B.K. and Kuban Altınel to May 9, 2019, and the trial of the case against Nüket Esen to May 7, 2019. The separate cases against 2 academicians (Professor Mehmet Ali Oturan from Université Paris-Est and PhD student H.T. from Bilgi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 30 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 17, 2018. The court adjourned the trials of both cases to February 1, 2019. The case against 28 academicians (Professor Hülya Kirmanoğlu, retired Assoc. Professor Haydar Durak, Assist. Professor Fatma Nihan Aksakallı, Assist. Professor Yusuf Doğan Çetinkaya, Assoc. Professor Ahmet Bekmen, PhD student İrfan Keşoğlu, Assist Professor İlkay Yılmaz from Istanbul University; Professor Erol Katırcıoğlu from Marmara University, Seçkin Sertdemir, F.A.A., Gözde Aytemur Nüfusçu, research assistants Eda Aslı Şeran, Seçil Ercan from Galatasaray University, Professor Yüksel Taşkın, PhD student Cihan Yapıştıran, PhD İsmet Akça, PhD Ayşe Nilüfer Durakbaşa, Assist. Professor Özgür Müftüoğlu, Assist. Professor T.D.Y., Assoc. Professor Y. Y., PhD E.A. from Marmara University, Professor Meltem Ahıska from Boğaziçi University, Assist Professor Öznur Yaşar Diner from Kadir Has University; Professor Zeynep Tül Süalp from Bahçeşehir University; Assist Professor Bedriye Aysuda Kölemen Luge, Lecturer Esra Kaliber from Kemerburgaz University and Lecturer İlkay Özkuralpli, Lecturer Remzi Orkun Güner from Arel University and Assist. Professor N.M. from Nişantaşı University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 33 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on October 17, 2018. The court has consolidated the separate cases at the previous trial. The prosecutor declared the legal opinion and demanded sentence for 28 academicians on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. The court adjourned the trial to February 21, 2019. The separate cases against 9 academicians (Research Assistant Ü.S. and Assist. Professor Özge Ejder Johnson from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, PhD Student Elif Sandal Önal, Lecturer Onur Ceritoğlu and PhD Murat Dağlı from Bilgi University, PhD T.Y. from Sabancı University, Assoc. Professor Aslı Telli Aydemir from Istanbul Şehir University, Ayşe Dayı from University of Lausanne and Nihal Oturan from Université Paris-Est) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 35 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 17, 2018. The court adjourned the trials of the cases against Özge Ejder Johnson, Elif Sandal Önal, Onur Ceritoğlu, Murat Dağlı to February 7, 2019; the trial of the case against Ayşe Dayı to June 18, 2019; the trials of the cases against Aslı Telli Aydemir, T. Y., Ü. S. and Nihal Oturan to March 26, 2019. The separate cases against 5 academicians (Professor Haldun Gülalp and Research Assistant Ece Öztan from Yıldız Technical University, Assoc. Professor İpek Yürekli from Istanbul Technical University, Assoc. Professor Y.A. from Kemerburgaz University and Assoc. Professor Feryal Saygılıgil from Arel University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 17, 2018. The court adjourned all trials to January 9, 2019. (10/294) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul… The indictment against Yasin Kobulan, reporter of Mezopotamya news agency, on the charge of “making propaganda for an illegal organisation in chain” is accepted as a case by Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 30. The indictment demands jail sentence up to 13 years for Yasin Kobulan. The first hearing of the case will be held on December 26, 2018. (10/295) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt…
23 of 32 people including 1 colonel and 1 lieutenant for whom a detention warrant was issued through an Ankara based investigation on Coast Guard Command are detained in operations covering 10 cities on October 17, 2018. 7 of 36 people for whom a detention warrant was issued through an Istanbul based investigation are detained. 14 people in Bursa for using ByLock and 10 people in operations covering 4 cities through an Uşak based investigation are detained on October 17, 2018. (10/296) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against former colonel Yasin Ölmez, on Ordu Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 17, 2018. The court sentenced Yasin Ölmez to 12 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The final trial of the case against Fatih S. on Adana Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 17, 2018. The court sentenced Fatih S. to 7 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’.
19 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/297) Allegation of Kidnapping in Ankara… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 18, 2018 that Fahri Yalçın, who works at People’s Democratic Party (HDP) headquarters in Ankara, was tried to be kidnapped by 2 people who claim themselves as police on Tahran Street in Çankaya district of Ankara. It is stated in the news reports that Fahri Yalçın ran away from these 2 people and went back to HDP headquarters. Fahri Yalçın stated the following: “When I was walking to the bus stop on Tahran Street after getting out of HDP headquarters, I heard 2 people calling me ‘Fahri’. I turned back and I saw two strangers coming towards me rapidly. I asked them who they were, they told me that they were police officers and want to talk. When I told them that I do not know them, they tried to took my arms and tried to take me to the car. I escaped from them before coming to the car and went back to the headquarters.” (10/298) Person was Subjected to Police Violence… It is learned that actress Sinem Umaş was subjected to physical violence by the police on October 18, 2018 in Istanbul, because she did not sign the official report of the police on the liquor store from where she bought the beer in her shopping bag. It is stated in the news reports that, Sinem Umaş had a medical report evidencing the physical violence and went to Şişli Police Station to make an official complaint against the police officers, and that she was detained there and was released the next day after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office. Sinem Umaş stated the following about the police violence she was subjected to: “The police stopped me last night around 12 while I was on my way back home with my dog and with a shopping bag of bottles of beer. The police asked ‘You bought the beer from this store did not you?’ and forced me to go back to the liquor store. I forced me to go to the police station and sign the official report, I was dragged on the floor because I did not want to sign. The neighbours went down to the street and asked, I was on floor at this time. One of the police officers tried to handcuff me, the other dragged me on the floor by force. I had a report about violence and went to the station for complaint; they took me under custody from 01.00 at night to 11.00 the next day.” (10/299) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 708 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 18, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 18, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 3 people (Acun Karadağ, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Meltem Servi) were detained.
Thus in total 5 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 18, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/300) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on October 18, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. It is the 29th time of detention of Türkan Albayrak. (10/301) Detained Community House Executives in Ankara… Mutlu Community House branch chair Seher Gümüşay, Mamak Community House branch chair Dilara Doğanbaş, Keçiören Community House branch chair Şebnem Kıymet Yar and Eryaman Community House branch chair Şenay Yılmaz Güner who were detained in house raids in Ankara on October 17, 2018, are released on juridical control conditions and with a ban on leaving the country on October 18, 2018. (10/302) HDP Members Detained in Izmir… On October 18, 2018, 13 people including Orhan Ayhan, MP candidate of People’s Democratic Party (HDP) for June 24, 2018 elections; Alev Özkiraz, Free Young Women (ÖGK) central coordination member; Medine Kaymaz, Peace Mothers’ Assembly member are detained in house raids in Izmir. It is learned that the reason for detention is attending HDP’s youth conference on October 7, 2018. It is learned that the police seized the phone of Emine Kaya, HDP central executive board member who was in the house while the police raided to detain Alev Özkiraz; and Emine Kaya and Alev Özkiraz were subjected to physical violence of the police while they reject to this. The names of detainees known so far are: Hazal Karabey, Orhan Ayhan, Alev Özkiraz, Aydın Yetim, Faruk Özer, Resul Sayan and Göksal Özen. (10/303) 3 People Detained in Gaziantep for Social Media Posts… C.K., Y.K., and İ.K., all from the same family who were on their way back to Australia after a vacation in Turkey, are detained at Gaziantep Airport on the grounds of social media posts. (10/304) Detentions and Arrests… On October 18, 2018, 8 people are detained in house raids in Özalp and İpekyolu districts of Van. The reason for detention is unknown. The names of detainees are: Ramazan Çalışkan, Mirhaç Akil, Nezir Önen, Hacı Koç, Abdi Giyci, Alaattin Giyci and Şahin Giyci and 1 unknown person. (10/305) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 2 academicians (PhD N.İ. ve Assist. Professor Eyüp Volkan Çidam from Boğaziçi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 24 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 18, 2018. The court adjourned both of the trials to February 26, 2019. The separate cases against 2 academicians (PhD Özlem Köseoğlu from Bilgi University and PhD Eralp Osman Erden from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 25 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 18, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Özlem Köseoğlu to January 17, 2019; and the trial of the case against Eralp Osman Erden to January 22, 2019. The separate cases against 2 academicians (Assist. Professor Gülhan Balsoy from Bilgi University and PhD Yonca Güneş Yücel from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 28 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 18, 2018. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Gülhan Balsoy to November 6, 2019; but the date of Yonca Güneş Yücel’s next trial is unknown.
The case against 32 academicians (Lecturers Olcay Kunal, T.A., Hakan Yücel, Research Assistant Başak Demir, Assoc. Professor Aslı Didem Danış and Assist. Professor Ömer Aygün from Galatasaray University; Assist. Professor Gizem Bilgin, Research Assistant Mehtap Balık Kaya, Research Assistant Pedriye Mutlu, Professor Dinç Alada from Istanbul University; Lecturer Cansever Güner, Research Assistant Burcu Yılmaz Gündüz, Research Assistant Can Yalçın Armutçuoğlu, Professor Hatice Günay Göksu, Assoc. Professor Leyla Şimşek Rathke from Marmara University; Ali Serdar from Özyeğin University; Assist. Professor Ayşe Zeynep Akalın, Nergis Perçinel, Assist. Professor Ayşe Serdar from Istanbul Technical University; Assist. Professor Gülçin Balamir from Kemerburgaz University; Assist. Professor Çiğdem Bozdağ Bucak, Assist. Professor Çağla Diner from Kadir Has University; D.G. from Yıldız Technical University; Can Candan, Professor Rıfat Okçabol, Professor Reşit Canbeyli, Professor Berna Kılınç, PhD Aslı Zeren, Assist. Professor Meral Demirel, Assist. Professor Ceren Özselçuk, Assoc. Professor Zeynep Gambetti, Assist. Professor Albert Ali Salah from Boğaziçi University) for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 35 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on October 18, 2018. The court has consolidated the 32 separated cases at the previous trial. The court decided to ask for the Ministry of Justice’s permission for proceeding according to Article 301 of Turkish Penal Code and adjourned the trial to April 25, 2019. (10/306) The Case Against HDP MP’s and former HDP Co-Chair… The case against HDP Diyarbakır MP Feleknas Uca and HDP İstanbul MP Hüda Kaya, HDP former cochair Figen Yüksekdağ, former HDP MP’s Çağlar Demirel, Altan Tan, Ahmet Yıldırım, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, Mehmet Ali Aslan, Saadet Becerikli and İdris Baluken on Silvan Penal Court of First Instance is held on October 28, 2018. The court rejected the appeal of the lawyers to legal proceedings against Feleknas Uca and Hüda Kaya on the grounds of being MP’s and adjourned the trial. (10/307) The Case Against Co-Mayor and Other People… The final trial of the case against Van co-mayor Bekir Kaya, municipality employees Cuma Köylüoğlu, Çetin Çiftçi, Zelal Tanlı, Mehmet Halim Eryiğit, Can Tayan and MEYA-DER executives İdris Şaybak and Neriman Uyar, on Van Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 18, 2018. Bekir Kaya joint the trial via sound and vision system. After defence hearings the court sentenced Bekir Kaya to 8 years and 3 months; Bekir Kıran, Çetin Çiftçi, Cuma Köylüoğlu, İdris Şaybak and Neriman Uyar to 2 years and 1 month. The court acquitted Zelal Tanlı, Mehmet Yalım Eryiğit and Can Tayan. (10/308) HDP Executives and Members on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 12 members and executives of HDP, including Doğan Erbaş, former Istanbul co-chair, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14 is held on October 18, 2018. The court released Doğan Erbaş and Kasım Oba, the only arrested defendants of the case, and adjourned the trial to May 14, 2019. (10/309) CHP Executive on Trial in Çorum… The case against İzzet Burak Karaca, İskilip district chair of Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Çorum, on the charge of ‘insulting the President’ on social media posts is held and the court sentenced İzzet Burak Karaca to 11 months and 20 days. The court then converted the sentence to a fine of 7.000 Turkish Liras. (10/310) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against journalists Tunca Öğreten, Orhan Şahin, Mehmet Çağlar, Perihan Mağden, for an interview published on portal and then on Yurt newspaper, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance is held on October 18, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to December 27, 2018. (10/311) German Citizen Singer on Trial in Edirne… The case against Saide İnaç, a German citizen singer, on Edirne Heavy Penal Court No 3, on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’, ‘inciting hatred and hostility among public’ and ‘insulting Atatürk’ is held on October 17, 2018. Saide İnaç joint the trial via sound and vision system. The court rejected the demand of lawyers for Saide İnaç’s being brought to the trials The court decided to continue detention of Saide İnaç and adjourned the trial.
Saide İnaç was detained on June 23, 2018 in Edirne where she came to support HDP’s campaign for elections on June 24, 2018; she was arrested on June 26, 2018 on the grounds of her social media posts. (10/312) People on Trial for Supporting Airport Construction Workers in Istanbul… 26 people have been detained in the police intervention against the press declaration organized by Construction Workers’ Union (İnşaat-İş) and DISK affiliate Revolutionary Construction Workers’ Union (Dev Yapı İş) in Kadıköy district of Istanbul on September 15, 2018, to protest detention of Istanbul’s 3rd airport’s construction workers. The indictment against those 26 people on the charge of ‘resisting despite the warning to dispense unlawful assembly or demonstrations’ is accepted by Istanbul Anadolu Penal Court of First Instance No 32. The first trial will be held on January 11, 2019. (10/313) The Case on the Incidents in the Funeral of Aysel Tuğluk’s Mother… The case against 19 defendants about the attack during the funeral of HDP vice co-chair Aysel Tuğluk’s mother in Ankara İncek Cemetery, continued to be held in Gölbaşı 2nd Penal Court of First Instance on October 17, 2018. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to November 27, 2018. The court has released 3 arrested defendants on the first trial of the case held on October 6, 2017. (10/314) Non-Prosecution for the Investigation on Dilan Alp’s Being Wounded Due to Bomb Shell of the Police… Dilan Alp has been wounded due to being hit by a gas bomb shell shot by the police intervening the May 1 celebrations in 2013. The prosecutor’s office declared non-prosecution as a result of the investigation on the incident, on the grounds that ‘the identity of the police officer who shot the gas bomb is undetectable’. Dilan Alp has claimed for a suit for damages against the Ministry of Interior, however Istanbul Administrative Court No 10 has rejected the case. (10/315) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against Habip Atasoy, a former judge who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 23 is held on October 18, 2018. The court sentenced Habip Atasoy to 7 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The final trial of the case against İlker Şahin on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 23 is held on October 18, 2018. The court sentenced İlker Işık to 10 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The final trial of the case against Mehmet Çelikaslan on İzmir Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 18, 2018. The court sentenced Mehmet Çelikaslan to 12 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. (10/316) Prevention of an Event in Ankara… It is learned that the appeal of Yeni Asya newspaper, to organize “Mawlid for Bediüzzaman” at Ankara Kocatepe Mosque on October 21, 2018 is rejected by Çankaya Mufti Office which grounds the rejection as “Demand to organize a mawlid at stated mosque on stated date is not considered as appropriate”.
20-22 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/317) Suspicious Death of a Private in Ankara… It is learned from the news coverage of October 19, 2018 that H.A., a private soldier on his compulsory military service at Orbay Quarters in Sarıkamış district of Kars, was wounded at head due to his gun’s going off during a guard duty and that he died in hospital. It is stated in the news coverage that the gun accidentally went off while H.A. and a friend was joking around together. (10/318) Operations and Attacks in Southeast…
It is learned from the news coverage of October 20, 2018 that 2 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas between Lice and Hani districts of Diyarbakır on October 2, 2018. It is learned from the news coverage of October 21, 2018 that 5 militants died in clashes in within Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government borders on November 13, 2017 and June 28, 2018. (10/319) Person Was Subjected to Police Violence in Afyon… It is learned from the news coverage of October 19, 2018 that Mustafa Uçmak, a person who went to the police station to check the situation of his detained nephews in Afyon, was subjected to physical violence of the police. Mustafa Uçmak stated the following about the police violence: “My nephews got into something and I heard about it. I went to see them and saw the beating. I asked my nephews about it but they could not answer. And then I asked to the police officers, saying ‘What happened, how did it happen?’. As soon as I ask this question they started to beat me (…) They handcuffed me behind my back and sprayed pepper gas on me. They dragged me to the police car and hit my head to the iron parts 3-5 times. And then they started to kick me with their boots on. Then they left me in front of the hospital with the police car and went away.” It is learned that Mustafa Uçmak had a medical report evidencing the physical violence and made an official complaint to the prosecutor’s office. (10/320) Allegation of Kidnapping in Istanbul… People’s Law Office announced that Deniz Eriş, one of their clients who has been released almost a week ago on a case that he was arrested through, was detained by a civilian car in Okmeydanı neighbourhood of Istanbul’s Beyoğlu district at 23.00 on October 19, 2018 and that they did not receive any news from him since then. People’s Law Office made another declaration on October 20, 2018 and announced that Deniz Eriş has called and told that he was kidnapped by undercover police with face masks on, was subjected to physical violence in the car they forced him to get in, was hit with a gun at his head and was left in woods. (10/321) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 19, 2018 that Sinem Oğuz, a prisoner who was transferred from Kayseri Bünyan Women’s Prison to Ankara Sincan Women’s Prison, was forced to strip search at the entrance of prison and was subjected to physical violence upon rejecting strip search. It is also stated in the news reports that prison administration punished Sinem Oğuz with 3 months of visit ban and 27 days of solitary cell; and Sinem Oğuz had a medical report evidencing the physical violence and made an official complaint. It is learned from the news coverage of October 19, 2018 that Berivan Bitmen, a prisoner who was transferred from Tarsus Prison to Kayseri Bünyan Prison on August 26, 2018, was subjected to physical violence of the gendarmerie during transfer. (10/322) Newspaper not Given to Prisoners… It is learned from the news coverage of October 21, 2018 that prisoners in Elazığ Prison No 1 were not given Evrensel newspaper on the grounds that “it would disturb the peace and silence among prisoners”. (10/323) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 19, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s tutelary and lawyer in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). (10/324) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara…
The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 712 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 19, 20, and 21, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 19, 2018, 3 people (Alev Şahin, Acun Karadağ and Eyüp Aksoy) and at 18.00 5 people (Alev Şahin, Mehmet Dersulu, Nazan Bozkurt, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Emrah Yaraşır) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 20, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 21, 2018, 4 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Mehmet Dersulu, Cemal Öksüz and Çetin Koçyiğit) and at 18.00 2 people (Mehmet Dersulu and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 18 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 19, 20, and 21, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/325) Police Intervention Against Saturday Mothers’ Protest in Istanbul… Police obstructed all the streets around Galatasaray Square in Istanbul to prevent Saturday Mothers who rally every Saturday for 23 years in the same place to gather for the 708th time on October 20, 2018. Upon police prevention, the group including parliament members, representatives of political parties, human rights defenders and artists along with families of disappeared people gather in front of Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul office and started to march. The police prevented the march too, thus, the group had a sit-in protest and made a press declaration there. It is reported that the police prevented journalists who watch the protest to report. (10/326) Arrested Local Headman in Urfa… Emin Öztürk, local headman of Çiftlik neighbourhood of Birecik district of Urfa who was detained on October 17, 2018, is arrested by the court on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ on October 19, 2018. (10/327) Arrested Local Headman in Diyarbakır… Mehmet Altunkılıç, local headman of Aşağışeyhler neighbourhood of Çermik district of Diyarbakır who was detained on October 19, 2018, is arrested by the court on the charge of ‘aiding and abetting an illegal organisation’ on the same day. (10/328) Australian Citizens Detained in Antep… 3 people (C.K., Y.K. and İ.K.) who were detained at Gaziantep Airport on their way back to Australia from Turkey on October 17, 2018, are referred to the court on October 20, 2018. Y.K. is released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office, C.K. and İ.K. are released on juridical control conditions. (10/329) Detained HDP Members in Izmir… 13 people including Orhan Ayhan, MP candidate of People’s Democratic Party (HDP) for June 24, 2018 elections; Alev Özkiraz, Free Young Women (ÖGK) central coordination member; Medine Kaymaz, Peace Mothers’ Assembly member, who were detained in house raids in Izmir on October 18, 2018; are released after statement procedures at the police on October 19, 2018. 13 people were detained for attending HDP’s youth conference on October 7, 2018. (10/330) EMEP Members Are Detained in Adana for Distributing Leaflets… On October 20, 2018, 5 members and executives of Labour Party (EMEP) who were distributing leaflets in Adana Organized Industrial Zone are detained. 5 people are released on the same day after statement procedures. (10/331) The Case Against People Evacuated from Nusaybin…
The case against 53 people who were detained and then arrested during the curfew on Nusaybin district, on Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 4 is held between October 15 and 19, 2018. On the first day of the trial, Osman Bozkurt expressed that he was subjected to torture and illtreatment under custody and stated the following: “During 6 days of custody I was subjected to a barbarous torture. They tortured both physically and psychologically. I still have the marks of this torture. They kicked me, punched me and hit with an unknown object at the eye and made me blind. Thus I demand an examination of a forensic medicine institution and the medical report given afterwards to be submitted the court.” It is learned that the defendants refuse to defence themselves on the second day of the trial as a protest to isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. On the fourth day of the trial, lawyers stated the response of the police department which claims that the video footage of the detention room where 12 children were kept and were subjected to torture and ill-treatment was deleted. After defence hearings, the court rejected the demand of release for arrested defendants and adjourned the trial to December 10, 2018. (10/332) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 2 academicians (PhD Aylin Kuryel from Amsterdam University and Assoc. Professor Nazan Haydari Pakkan from Bilgi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 30 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on October 19, 2018. The court decided to consolidate two cases with other cases ongoing and adjourned the trial to February 1, 2019. (10/333) The Case Against Former HDP MP… The re-trial of the case against former Mardin HDP MP Gülser Yıldırım on Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 3 is held on October 19, 2018. The court has sentenced Gülser Yıldırım to 7 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’ was reversed by Gaziantep Regional Court. Gülser Yıldırım joint the trial via sound and vision system. The court decided to continue detention of Gülser Yıldırım and adjourned the trial to November 9, 2018. (10/334) The Case Against Former HDP MP and Former Chair of EMEP… The final trial of the case against Levent Tüzel, former HDP MP and former chair of EMEP, on Küçükçekçeme Penal Court of First Instance No 14, for Newroz celebration in 2012 is held on October 19, 2018. The court sentenced Levent Tüzel to 1 year and 3 months for ‘opposition to the law on meetings and demonstrations’. (10/335) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 17 people are detained in house raids in Mersin on October 19, 2018. (10/336) Blocked Web Sites and Social Media Posts… It is learned from the news coverage of October 20, 2018 that Ankara Penal Court of Peace No 1 blocked access to 16 accounts on Twitter, 1 account on Facebook, 4 web sites and 3 channels on Youtube, on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. (10/337) Special Security Zone in Hakkari… Hakkari Governorate made a declaration on October 20, 2018 and announced 30 areas with given coordinates in central, Çukurca, Şemdinli and Yüksekova districts as special security zones from October 21, 2018 to November 4, 2018.
23 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/338) Operations and Attacks in Southeast…
It is learned that 1 soldier died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Derecik town in Hakkari on October 22, 2018. (10/339) Allegation of Kidnapping in Istanbul… Hamza Ağırman, who made a press declaration at Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul office on October 22, 2018; stated that he was kidnapped in front of İstanbul Üsküdar Ferry terminal, and was forced to get in a car where he was subjected to physical violence and was forced to be a police informant by persons who claim themselves as police officers. Hamza Ağırman also expressed that these people have called and threatened him later on. Hamza Ağırman stated the following: “They took my phone. And then took me to the wood on a narrow path. They threatened me and said ‘It will not be good for you if you keep going to HDP’. They attempted to beat me. (…) They forced me to be a police informant. They told me they have threatened my friends as well. They said ‘Tell us what is going on at HDP district office. In that case nobody will bother you’. I did not accept. Then they beat me and kicked me out of the car.” (10/340) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 22, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyers in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). With the last rejection, it was the 756th time that appeals for visiting Öcalan have been rejected so far. Abdullah Öcalan has met his lawyers on July 27, 2011 for the last time. (10/341) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 713 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 22, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 22, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Gülnaz Bozkurt and Nazan Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 22, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/342) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on October 22, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. It is the 31st time of detention of Türkan Albayrak. (10/343) Detained People in Diyarbakır… It is learned that the prosecutor’s office appealed to the release on 47 people on juridical control, who were detained through a Diyarbakır based investigation on October 9, 2018 and following days; and that the court issued a detention warrant for 7 of these people. It is learned that Derya Aslan is arrested based on the warrant. The names of people for whom detention warrant is issued are: Derya Aslan, Ahmet Aslan, Eylem Ceylan, Dilbaz Emekçi, Leyla Ayaz, Abbas Çelik and Emrullah Kaplan. (10/344) Seized Books and Detained Person in Batman Book Fair… It is learned from the news coverage of October 22, 2018 that at the book fair organized by Batman Governorate, “1880 Kürt Ayaklanması Şeyh Ubeydullah Nehri” [1880 Kurdish Uprising and Sheikh Ubeydullah Nehri], the book published by Avesta Publishing House was seized by the police. It is also stated in the news reports that Şiyar Danışman, who works at Avesta Publishing House’s fair stand was detained and was released after statement procedures. (10/345) People Detained in İzmir…
It is learned from the news coverage of October 22, 2018 that 3 people are detained on their way back from a funeral service in Buca district of Izmir on October 19, 2018. It is learned that 3 people were detained on the grounds of attending the funeral organized for Teslim Demir, one of the founders of Communist Workers’ Party of Turkey (TKİP) on October 7, 2018. It is stated in the news reports that 2 of them are released with a ban on leaving the country while 1 is released on juridical control conditions. (10/346) Police Officers on Trial for Torture in Antalya… The case against 22 police officers on the charge of torturing Çağrı Danışman to death, on Antalya Heavy Penal Court No 6 is held on October 22, 2018. Çağrı Danışman was a patient with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and was alleged to murder 3 police officers. The indictment demands sentence for police officers on the charges of ‘wilful murder’ and ‘torturing a person who is physically or mentally incapable of defending himself’. Lawyers of the complainant stated that a CD which was a solid evidence was missing and demanded it to be found. (10/347) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The case against Lecturer Naciye Gülengül Altıntaş who is dismissed from Bahçeşehir University for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 30 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 22, 2018. The court sentenced Naciye Gülengül Altıntaş to 1 year and 3 months for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ and deferred the announcement of the verdict. (10/348) ‘METU Students Detained for ‘Insulting the President’… The case against 4 students of Middle East Technical University (METU) on Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No 11, for carrying a banner containing “The Kingdom of Tayyips” cartoon at graduation ceremony, started to be held on October 22, 2018. Students attended the trial. The court decided to ask the Ministry of Justice whether to proceed trials although the President withdrew his complaint against students; and to ask whether humour magazine Penguen’s executives were judged or not due to the cartoon. The court lifted the ban on leaving the country and adjourned the trial to April 4, 2019. 4 students were arrested on July 11, 2018, and Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 8 released 4 students upon objections. It is learned from the news reports that the court stated that the evidence is collected and possible attempts of 4 students to escape could be prohibited by juridical control conditions. (10/349) People on Trial for Murder of Derik Sub-governor… The final trial of the case against 15 defendants including 6 arrestees, for the murder of Derik subgovernor Muhammet Fatih Safitürk, on Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 3 is held on October 22, 2018. Muhammet Fatih Safitürk, who was also the trustee of Derik municipality appointed by the Ministry of Interior, was killed by a bombing attack in his office. The court sentenced Şerif Mesutoğlu, chief clerk of sub-governorate, to heavy life imprisonment 2 times and to 18 years. The court acquitted 14 defendants on the charge of murder. The court sentenced 1 defendant to 1 year and 10 months for ‘damaging public properties’ and 1 defendant to 5 years for ‘opposing the law for firearms and knives and other tools’. (10/350) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On October 22, 2018, 10 people including 1 lieutenant are detained in operations covering 8 cities through a Kocaeli based investigation; 17 people are detained in operations covering 11 cities through a Konya based investigation and 1 person in Adıyaman is detained. (10/351) Investigated Social Media Accounts… The Ministry of Interior made a declaration on October 22, 2018 and announced that 250 social media accounts were investigated between October 15 and October 22, 2018; and legal proceedings have been initiated against 227 people within this week.
24 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/352) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 soldier died and 1 soldier got wounded in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Dargeçit district of Mardin on October 23, 2018. It is learned from the news coverage of October 23, 2018 that Kokel Babat, a person who was shot at back was wounded in rural areas of Şenoba town of Şırnak’s Uludere district. It is stated in the news reports that Kokel Babat was shot during the military operation but shooter is unknown. (10/353) Person Who Was Forced to be a Police Informant in Ankara… Emre Aydın, a person who made a press declaration at Human Rights Association’s (IHD) Istanbul office on October 23, 2018, announced that he has been forced to be a police informant for two years. Emre Aydın, who was detained while he was studying at Ankara University and was kept in prison for a while, stated the following: “After prison, I was invited for a chat by two people who claim themselves to be intelligence officer. I accepted to talk with them. 2 days later, they gave a phone number and I had a call from this number inviting me to talk at a patisserie near Emek subway station. This conversation and communication was friendly in the beginning. But then it went on another way later on. I recognized this several times but I could not control it (…) While the conversation was going on talking about ideas and discussions in the beginning, it evolved to asking questions, and then changed to getting information on specific individuals, and finally within two years, it became tape recording, video recording using technological means and helping them through technical and technological ways (…) Those people who were communicating with me in a friendly way, yelled at me and beat me up in the car; they threaten me with the lives of my 7-year-old sister, my mother and my friends. The next hearing of the case on which I was first arrested and then released, will be held on Sincan Heavy Penal Court No 2 on October 25. I was threatened on this too (…) They said ‘We will write down your suicide note in prison’ to threaten me.” (10/354) Person Was Subjected to Police Violence in Istanbul… It is learned from the news coverage of October 23, 2018 that 1 person was subjected to police violence in a security cabin where he was taken by the police performing an ID check at the entrance of Pangaltı subway station in Şişli district of Istanbul. It is learned that the police took the person to the security cabin at the subway station upon his rejection to submit an ID. It is also reported that the security staff intervened into those who record the intervention of the police. (10/355) People Were Subjected to Police Violence in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of October 23, 2018 that Sercan Doğan, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır provincial executive who was first detained and then arrested through a Diyarbakır based investigation, and his son were subjected to physical violence by the police raiding his house. Sercan Doğan, who spoke through his lawyer visiting him at prison, stated the following: “They knocked the door, I went there and half-opened the door and saw the police officers with masks on their faces. I told them that I need time to get prepared and they should wait for it, but they pushed me down to the floor (…) My son was sleeping but he woke up to the noise and came near to us, the police officers laid him down too and started to beat him. One of them put his feet on my back, and others were hitting my son. My son had a gastric surgery recently. I told this to the police but they did not listen and kept hitting him. They were threatening and insulting us. They took me to the station while my son was at home alone and beaten.” It is also stated in the news reports that, the doctor who examined Sercan Doğan, did not give a medical report evidencing the physical violence. (10/356) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan…
It is learned that the appeal made on October 23, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyers in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). With the last rejection, it was the 757th time that appeals for visiting Öcalan have been rejected so far. Abdullah Öcalan has met his lawyers on July 27, 2011 for the last time. (10/357) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 714 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 23, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 23, 2018, 2 people (Mahmut Konuk and Nazan Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 23, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/358) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on October 23, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. It is the 32nd time of detention of Türkan Albayrak. (10/359) Arrested District Co-chair of HDP in Hatay… Abdülhalim Gümüş, HDP’s Dörtyol district co-chair, is detained in Dörtyol district of Hatay on October 23, 2018 on the grounds of a finalised sentence of 1 year and 3 months given by the court, and was sent to Iskenderun T Type Closed Prison. (10/360) The Case against DBP Co-chair… The final trial of the case against Sebahat Tuncel, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-chair, for her expressions in a speech she made in Batman, on Batman Penal Court of First Instance No 2 is held on October 23, 2018. Sebahat Tuncel joint the trial via sound and vision system. The court concluded that no legal elements of the crime is present and acquitted Sebahat Tuncel. (10/361) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 10 academicians (Assoc. Professor İpek Merçil from Galatasaray University; PhD O.A., Professor Gülhan Türkay, PhD Güven Gürkan Öztan, PhD Ertan Ersoy, PhD Sinan Yıldırmaz, Professor Taner Gören from Istanbul University; Professor Yücel Candemir from Istanbul Technical University; Professor İbrahim Kaboğlu and PhD Mehmet Rıza Türkay from Marmara University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 36 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 23, 2018. The court decided on non-competence on the case against İbrahim Kaboğlu who was elected as an MP on June 24, 2018, and sent the case to Ankara Heavy Penal Court. The court sentenced İpek Merçil, O. A. and Ahmet Yücel Candemir to 1 year and 3 months each for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ and postponed the sentences. The court adjourned the trial of the case against Ertan Ersoy to March 12, 2019; the trial of the case against Güven Gürkan Öztan, Gülhan Türkay, Mehmet Rıza Türkay to November 22, 2018; the trial of the case against Taner Gören to December 3, 2018; and the trial of the case against Sinan Yıldırmaz to November 28, 2018.
The case against Research Assistant Onur Baysal from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 28 is held on October 23, 2018. The court rejected the demands for immediate acquittal, consolidation of the cases and extra time for defence, and adjourned the trial to November 29, 2018. The case against Assist. Professor Erol Köroğlu from Boğaziçi University for the same reason on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 24 is held on October 23, 2018. The prosecutor’s office declared the legal opinion on the case and demanded Erol Köroğlu to be sentenced for ‘aiding an illegal organisation’. The court adjourned the trial to April 25, 2019. (10/362) June 5 – Diyarbakır Case… The case on Sincan West Courthouse Heavy Penal Court No 2, for the bombing attack to HDP’s meeting on June 5, 2015 in Diyarbakır, is held on October 23, 2018. Orhan Gönder, one of the defendants attended the trial in the courtroom while other defendants joined via sound and vision system. The court decided to continue detention for arrested defendants and adjourned the trial to December 13, 2018. (10/363) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 13 people including military members on active duty are detained through operations covering 9 cities through a Manisa based investigation on October 23, 2018. (10/364) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against 14 people including Hasan Yurtoğlu, former Erzurum branch manager of Bank Asya, on Erzurum Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 23, 2018. The court sentenced 1 person to 21 years for ‘leading an illegal organisation’, and sentenced 11 people to jail penalties differing from 3 years 1 month 15 days to 12 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court acquitted 1 defendant and dropped the case against 1 defendant who died during proceedings. (10/365) Prevention of Event in Bartın… The press declaration of Education and Science Employees’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) on October 23, 2018, in front of the student dormitory in Bartın to protest incapacities of the dormitory, is prevented by gendarmerie based on the ruling of Bartın Governorate banning all demonstrations around education institutions. It is learned that members of Eğitim-Sen made the press declaration at another location.
25 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/366) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 soldier died and 3 soldiers got wounded due to roll over of a patrol car into a ditch for an unidentified reason in İliç district of Erzincan on October 24, 2018. (10/367) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is claimed on the news coverage of October 24, 2018 that Ergül Tuncay, a prisoner kept in Elazığ Prison No 1, was subjected to physical violence by prison officers. It is stated in the news reports that Ergül Tuncay had a medical report evidencing the physical violence he was subjected to on August 1, 2018 and he wrote a letter to Human Rights Association (IHD). It is also stated that Diyarbakır branch of IHD made an official complaint to the prosecutor’s office and that the prosecutor’s office sent a written response to IHD. It is expressed in the news reports that; the prosecutor’s office says that Ergül Tuncay hurt himself in prisoner receiving unit where he was kept before being taken to hospital. The response of prosecutor’s office is continued as following: “According to the official reports, when the officers got into the room upon noises, it was seen that the convict hit his head and shoulders to the walls and the iron door of the toilet inside, and punched the wall; and it is understood that the convict was trying to put the officers in a difficult situation and defame them. It is also seen that an administrative investigation is initiated on the convict, and an official complaint is made to Elazığ Public Prosecutor’s Office”.
(10/368) Police Raid to Yürüyüş Journal… It is learned that the office of Yürüyüş journal in Sultangazi district of Istanbul is raided by the police on October 24, 2018. It is learned that at least 1 person (Halil Yakut) is detained in the raid. It is reported that Ozan Publishing House was also raided through the same investigation. (10/369) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 715 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 24, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 24, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and İlker Işık) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 24, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/370) Detained Local Headman in Urfa for ‘Making Propaganda for an Illegal Organisation’… Devreş Artıran, local headman of Dinçköy neighbourhood of Urfa’s Viranşehir district and 3 people (Hatip Dönmez, Mahmut Vural and 1 more person) are detained on October 24, 2018, on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. (10/371) Detained ÖDP Members… On October 24, 2018, 6 people (4 people in Bursa, 1 person in Edirne and 1 person in Ankara) are detained through a Bursa based investigation on people who attend the funeral of Nuri Salman, a member of Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) in Bursa. It is learned that 6 people are detained on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. (10/372) Former Executive of HDP is Detained in Hatay for Social Media Posts… Zeki Koç, former part assembly member of People’s Democratic Party (HDP) is detained in İskenderun district of Hatay on October 24, 2018, on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation in social media posts’. It is learned that Zeki Koç’s office as well as his house was searched by the police. (10/373) Arrested People in Antalya for Social Media Posts… 3 of 5 people who were detained on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation in social media posts’ are arrested by the court on October 24, 2018. 2 people are released on juridical control conditions. (10/101) Journalist on Trial in Tunceli… The case against Evrensel newspaper’s reporter Kemal Özer, on Tunceli Heavy Penal Court No 1, on the grounds of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ is held on October 24, 2018. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention of Kemal Özer and adjourned the trial to December 28, 2018. Journalist Kemal Özer was detained in Tunceli on September 4, 2017 and was arrested by the court on September 15, 2017 on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’. (10/374) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul… The case against Evrensel newspaper writer Kamil Tekin Sürek, on Bakırköy Penal Court of First Instance No 2, on the grounds of ‘insulting the President’ in his column titled “Fascist Dictatorship”, is held on October 24, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to December 6, 2018. (10/375) Person on Trial in Antalya for Social Media Posts…
It is learned from the news coverage of October 24, 2018 that, Antalya Heavy Penal Court No 9 has accepted the indictment of Antalya Public Prosecutor’s Office against a person named Kadir Deliktaş, on the grounds of sharing photographs and videos of Hacı Osman Birlik who died during the curfew in Şırnak in 2015, and of Salih Müslim former chair of PYD, with a message of “Kurdish people do exist. It is a nation and its homeland is Kurdistan” on social media. It is learned that the first trial will be held on November 5, 2018. Kadir Deliktaş was detained and arrested in Antalya on August 15, 2018. (10/376) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On October 24, 2018, Mehmet Fecri Yıldız, former director of Technical Surveillance Operation Unit in Intelligence Department of Istanbul Police; a person named Erken İnce; and Selim Bulut, a member of Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON). (10/377) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against former lieutenant Burak Akın, personal security guard of General Yaşar Güler, former Turkihs Land Forces Commander; and 4 people (Fuat Söylemez, Ayşe Söylemez, Mustafa Çopuroğlu and Hüseyin Çetinkaya) on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 16 is held on October 24, 2018. The court did not sentence Burak Akın, who benefited from effective remorse laws. The court sentenced 4 defendants to 1 year 6 months and 22 days each for ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and deferred the announcement of verdict. (10/378) Suspended Local Headmen in Tunceli… İsmail Sefer, local headman of Ardıç village and Paşa Erol, local headman of Akdemir village, in Pertek district of Tunceli are suspended by the Ministry of Interior on October 24, 2018. (10/379) Suspended Local Headmen in Urfa… Mehmet Vural, local headman of Çemdin Kalesi neighbourhood and Devreş Artıran, local headman of Dinçköy neighbourhood, in Viranşehir district of Urfa are suspended by the Ministry of Interior on October 24, 2018. (10/380) Trustee Appointed for a Local Headman in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of October 24, 2018 that Murat Sımpil, a public employee from Fiscal Directorate is appointed as trustee in replacement of Murat Ateş, the local headman of Kale neighbourhood in Silvan district of Diyarbakır.
27-30 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/398) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 2 soldiers got hypothermia during a military operation in rural areas of Nazımiye district of Tunceli, died in Tunceli Public Hospital on October 26, 2018. It is learned from the news coverage of October 29, 2018 that 1 militant died in an air bombardment to Çukurca district of Hakkari on October 14, 2018; 1 militant died in an air bombardment to Haqurq region on October 28, 2018. (10/399) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 26, 2018 that the appeal for release made by Mevlüde Baştaş, an ill and disabled prisoner kept in İzmir Şakran Women’s Closed Prison, is rejected by İzmir Public Prosecutor’s Office, 5 months after the appeal. It is learned from the news coverage of October 27, 2018 that Yılmaz Suncak, an ill prisoner kept in İzmir Şakran Prison No 1, is prevented from going to doctor appointments given by the hospital. It is claimed in the news reports that Yılmaz Suncak, who has asthma, ulcer and thyroid cancer, is in worse health conditions because he is prevented from taking regular medical checks once in 6 months.
It is claimed in the news coverage of October 28, 2018 that, Songül Adım, a prisoner kept in Elazığ T Type Prison, is in worse health conditions because she is not given the medication prescribed to her for panic attack. It is learned from the news coverage of October 28, 2018 that, Emrecan Demir, a prisoner kept in Antalya L Type Prison, was subjected to insults and threats of the gendarmerie in the shuttle while he was being taken back to the prison from the trial held on Antalya Heavy Penal Court No 8 on October 26, 2018. Human Rights Association (IHD) Adana branch made a press declaration on October 26, 2018 and announced the report on violations in prisons around Çukurova region. It is learned that the report covers violations identified by interviews with prisoners kept in Osmaniye T Type 1 and 2, Tarsus T Type 1, 2, and 3, Tarsus Women Prison, Adana F Type and İskenderun T Type prisons. It is stated in the report that, prisoners belongings, books, magazines and journals are seized; prisoners are subjected to insults, threats and physical violence by the officers during transfers to hospitals and courthouses; prisoners are subjected to disciplinary proceedings which result in solitary confinement, prohibition of visits and of written communication; prisoners who react to be forced to roll-calls in standing position and to strip search at the entrance are subjected to physical violence; prisoners are either sent to hospital with delay or not sent at all; prisoners are prevented from being medical treatment when the react to be examined in handcuffs; the needs for children such as diaper, baby food, medication are prevented to be met. Human Rights Association (IHD) Ankara branch made a press declaration on October 29, 2018 and announced the report on violations in prisons around Central Anatolia region. It is learned that the report covers violations identified by interviews with prisoners kept in Kayseri Bünyan Women’s Closed Prison, Sincan Women’s Prison, Sincan F Type Prison, Kırıkkale F Type Prison, Bolu F Type Prison, and Düzce T Type Prison. It is stated in the report that, media devices such as radios and newspapers are seized; the number of clothes and books per prisoner is limited; medication are nor given due to economic reasons; prisoners are forced to be medically examined in handcuffs; prisoners are either sent to hospital with delay or not sent at all; telephone conversations of prisoners are cut for any reason and prisoners are subjected to disciplinary punishment such as solitary confinement, prevention of telephone or visit rights. (10/400) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 26, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s tutelary and lawyer in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). (10/401) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 720 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 26, 27, 28, and 29, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 26, 2018, 4 people (Alev Şahin, Acun Karadağ, Mehmet Dersulu and Nursel Tanrıverdi) and at 18.00 4 people (Alev Şahin, Selvi Polat, Nazan Bozkurt and Armağan Özbaş) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 27, 2018, 3 people (Mehmet Dersulu, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Alev Şahin) and at 18.00 3 people (Alev Şahin, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Nazan Bozkurt) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 28, 2018, 2 people (Alev Şahin and Nazan Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained.
It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 29, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 22 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 26, 27, 28, and 29, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/402) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the protestors in front of Çankaya Public Health Directorate on October 29, 2018, who rally to regain their jobs from which they had been dismissed by state of emergency decrees, and detained Mahmut Konuk. It is learned that Mahmut Konuk was released the same day. (10/403) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on October 26, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. It is the 34th time of detention of Türkan Albayrak. (10/404) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… On October 29, 2018, the police intervened into the sit-in protest of public labourers to regain their jobs from which they had been dismissed by state of emergency decrees, at Bakırköy Square in Istanbul; and detained 2 people (Nursel Tanrıverdi, Selvi Polat) by physical violence. (10/405) Coercion to Uniforms and Reactions Against This… The press declaration of TAYAD (Prisoner’s Families’ Solidarity Association) members attempted to be held in Sakarya Street in Ankara on October 27, 2018 against uniform coercion in prisons is prevented by the police. It is reported that 2 people (Halil İbrahim Şener and İlker Işık) were detained in police intervention. (10/406) Police Intervention Against Saturday Mothers’ Protest in Istanbul… Police obstructed all the streets around Galatasaray Square in Istanbul to prevent Saturday Mothers who rally every Saturday for 23 years in the same place to gather for the 709th time on October 27, 2018. Upon police prevention, the group including parliament members, representatives of political parties, human rights defenders and artists along with families of disappeared people gather in front of Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul office and started to march. The police prevented the march too, thus, the group had a sit-in protest and made a press declaration there. (10/407) Prevention of Human Rights Defenders’ Event in Istanbul… “F sit-in”, which is organized for the 344th time by Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Branch Prisons Committee, to demand release of ill prisoners, on October 27, 2018 is prevented by the police. Human rights defenders who attempt to march to Galatasaray Square from IHD office are prevented by the police and made a press declaration in front of IHD office. (10/408) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… On October 27, 2018, 2 people, Feridun Osmanağaoğlu and İsmail Kara who made a press declaration themed as “Galatasaray Square cannot be Banned” at Galatasaray Square in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul are detained by police intervention. (10/409) Prevention of a Protest in Istanbul… FKF (Federation of Thought Clubs) members who attempt to march from Tünel Square to Taksim Square to celebrate the Republic Day on October 29, 2018 in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul, are prevented by the police. It is learned that FKF members made a press declaration at Tünel Square. (10/410) People Detained in Şırnak… 23 people are detained in house raids in Şırnak on October 29, 2018. It is learned that for a warrant is issued for 5 more people. It is reported that 23 people are detained for social media posts and for attending some events.
(10/411) People Detained in Ankara… 9 people are detained in house raids in Ankara on October 27, 2018. It is learned that İbrahim Binici, former Urfa MP of People’s Democratic Party (HDP); and Ali Rıza Yurtsever from Human Rights Association (IHD) central executive board are also detained. The reason for detention is unknown. The names of detainees are: İbrahim Binici, Ali Rıza Yurtsever, HDP Etimesgut former district chair Lokman Aydoğmuş, HDP provincial executive Derya Bakır, academician Sedat Yağcıoğlu, HDP district executive Halil Çelenk, İsmet Yalçınkaya, Kazım Arslan and Metin Kümek. (10/412) HDP and DBP Members and Executives Detained in Kars… On October 26, 2018, 5 people including members and executives of HDP and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in house raids in Kars. It is learned that 5 people are taken to Kars Police Headquarters however the reason for detention is unknown. The names of detainees are: HDP’s former MP for Kars, Şafak Özanlı; Cengiz Anlı, Kars co-chair of DBP; Ekrem Savcı, Kars co-chair of HDP; Cengiz Topbaşlı, former Kars co-chair of HDP; and Hayati Mehmetoğlu, adviser of HDP’s group deputy chair Ayhan Bilgen. (10/413) HDP Party Assembly Member Detained in Istanbul… HDP Party Assembly member Nadiye Gürbüz, who was detained by Anti-Terror Department at the courthouse where she was to give her testimonial on October 25, 2018; is released with a ban on leaving the country on October 26, 2018. (10/414) HDP Party Assembly Member Detained in Mersin… HDP Party Assembly member Faruk Sağlam, who was detained by the police in front of HDP’s Mersin office on October 26, 2018; is arrested on October 27, 2018, on the grounds of a 10-months’ sentence given to him by Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 2 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. (10/415) Detained ÖDP Members… 6 people (4 people in Bursa, 1 person in Edirne and 1 person in Ankara) who were detained on October 24, 2018, through a Bursa based investigation on people who attend the funeral of Nuri Salman, a member of Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) in Bursa, are released by the court on October 26, 2018. (10/416) Journalist Detained in Istanbul… Can TV channel’s program director and Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association’s Esenler branch executive Sezgin Kartal, who was detained in Istanbul on October 21, 2018 and was dent to Silivri Prison based on a finalised sentence of 3 months and 11 days; is released on October 25, 2018 on juridical control conditions. (10/417) Former Executive Board Member of Ankara Medical Chamber is Detained… It is learned that Assoc. Professor Asuman Doğan, who was an executive board member of Ankara Medical Chamber from 2014 to 2016, is detained in a house raid in Ankara on October 26, 2018. Asuman Doğan was dismissed by the state of emergency decree no 689 issued on April 29, 2017; for being a signatory of the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”. It is learned that Asuman Doğan was detained through an investigation on Ministry of Health in alleged link to coup attempt. (10/418) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 13 academicians (Assoc. Professor Burak Onaran, Lecturer Umut Tümay Arslan, PhD student Bahtiyar Mermertaş from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University; Assoc. Professor A.B.Y. from Koç University; Assoc. Professor N.S.Ö. from TED University; Research Assistant Nilay Kaya, PhD Atike Zeynep Kılıç, Assoc. Professor Ferda Kemal Keskin, Professor Hale Bolak Boratav; Assoc. Professor Alaeddin Şenel retired from Ankara University; PhD Özge Yaka from Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’homme; Assist. Professor Ayşe Parla Alpan from Sabancı University and clinical
psychologist P.Ö. from Okan University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 22 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 26, 2018. The court adjourned the trials of the cases against Umut Tümay Arslan, A.B.Y., N.S.Ö., Atike Zeynep Kılıç, Ferda Kemal Keskin, Hale Bolak Boratav, Alaeddin Şenel, Özge Yaka, Ayşe Parla Alpan and P.Ö. to March 1, 2019; the trials of the cases against Bahtiyar Mermertaş, Nilay Kaya and Burak Onaran to May 16, 2019. (10/419) Journalist on Trial in Şırnak… The case against 19 people, 9 of which are arrested including Ziya Ataman, reporter of Dicle news agency which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, on Şırnak Heavy Penal Court No 1 is held on October 26, 2018. The court decided to continue detention of 9 people and adjourned the trial to January 17, 2019. (10/420) Assault to HDP Office in Mersin… It is learned from the news coverage of October 28, 2018 that HDP’s office in Mezitli district of Mersin was assaulted by anonymous people who took down the signboard and then burned it. (10/421) Number of People on Probation… It is learned from the news coverage of October 29, 2018 that according to the statistics published by General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses Department of Probation, 614.901 people are in probation programs as of September 31, 2018. It is stated that 406.451 people including 14.800 children are under juridical control conditions. (10/422) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On October 26, 2018, 53 military members including 37 on active duty are detained in operations covering 13 cities through a Diyarbakır based investigation; and 16 people are detained in İzmir. 22 of 50 people who were detained on October 16, 2018 through an investigation on General Command of Gendarmerie, are arrested by the court on October 26, 2018. 28 people are released on juridical control conditions. 7 people are detained in operations covering 10 cities through an Istanbul based investigation. (10/423) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against 11 former police officers on Tokat Heavy Penal Court No 1 is held on October 26, 2018. The court sentenced 2 people to 3 years and 1 month, 7 people to 6 years and 3 months for “being an illegal organisation member”. The court acquitted 2 people. The final trial of the case against Ünal Üneş on Erzurum Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 26, 2018. The court sentenced Ünal Üneş to 15 years for “establishing and leading an illegal organisation” and to 2 years and 6 months for “forgery of official documents”. The final trial of the case against Gönül Menge on Gaziantep Heavy Penal Court No 9 is held on October 26, 2018. The court sentenced Gönül Menge to 10 years for “being an illegal organisation member”. 5 of 12 people who were released on October 26, 2018, by Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 2 on the case of leakage of questions of Public Personnel Selection Examination in 2010; are arrested again by Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 3 upon objection of the prosecutor’s office. (10/424) Curfew in Lice… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on October 29, 2018 and announced curfew in 28 villages and 25 hamlets of Lice district as of 21.00 on October 29, 2018 until further notice. The names of villages and hamlets under curfew are: Zümrüt, Gürbeyli, Kıpçak, Damar, Sığınak, Kıyıköy, Çıralı, Dibekköy, Budak, Dallıca, Arıklı, Çağdaş, Yolçatı, Tepe, Kutlu, Kayacık, Serince, Kabakaya, Uçarı, Yalaza, Ortaç, Ziyaret, Bağlan, Oyuklu, Çavundur, Esenler, Dolunay and Türeli villages; Ahmetbey, Guçik, Kola, Hasana, Navaladiriş, Dingil, Ayşe, Hacıhüseyin, Kuruca, Dablo, Alataş, Sınır, Pınar, Kolbağı, Bakanlar, Kalkanlı, Beğendik, Hacıcemil, Esenli, Çaylarbaşı, Göçer, Kerpiçören Çanak, Sağlam, Hevselbey hamlets.
(10/425) Curfew in Kocaköy… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on October 29, 2018 and announced curfew in 3 villages and 5 hamlets of Kocaköy district as of 21.00 on October 29, 2018 until further notice. The names of villages and hamlets under curfew are: Arkbaşı, Tepecik, Boyunlu villages; Akdiken, Hacıreşit, Varlık, Işıklar, Gökçe hamlets. (10/426) Curfew in Hazro… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on October 29, 2018 and announced curfew in 9 villages and 7 hamlets of Hazro district as of 21.00 on October 29, 2018 until further notice. The names of villages and hamlets under curfew are: Çitlibahçe, Sarıerik, Ormankaya, Meşebağları, Kavaklıboğaz, Dadaş, Kırmataş, Terdöken, Gözebaşı villages; Şahgeldi, Bayram, Nebiya, Yılgeçti, Teknebaşı, Ajikan and Eldeğemez hamlets. (10/427) Special Security Zone in Antep… Antep Governorate made a declaration on October 26, 2018 and announced that the area on Syrian border is special security zone from October 26, 2018 to November 9, 2018 for 15 days. (10/428) Investigated Social Media Accounts… The Ministry of Interior made a declaration on October 29, 2018 and announced that 277 social media accounts were investigated between October 22 and October 29, 2018; and legal proceedings have been initiated against 232 people within this week.
31 October 2018 Daily Human Rights Report
(10/429) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of October 30, 2018 that political prisoners in Bayburt M Type Prison were punished with solitary confinement because of rejecting to stand in military order during roll-calls; and that prisoners were given only one bucket of hot water per person twice a week, and visits were reduced from 1 hour to 40 minutes. It is learned from the news coverage of October 30, 2018 that People’s Law Office members Aytaç Ünsal, kept in Burhaniye Prison and Engin Gökoğlu, kept in Tekirdağ T Type Prison No 2 were prohibited from visits for 1 month on the grounds that they communicate with other prisoners’ families during visits. (10/430) Prisoners Being Prevented from Right to Health… It is learned from the news coverage of October 30, 2018 that, lawyers from Human Rights Association (IHD) visited prisoners in Osmaniye T Type Prisons No 1 and 2. It is reported that, according to the findings of the visits, prisoners Akbar İkbal, Adem Amaç, Siraç Yüksel, Mehmet Faruk Ergin, Yavuz Akar are prevented from right to medically treated and these prisoners are faced with the risk of being permanently disabled. It is also stated that ill prisoners were kept in solitary cells and were subjected to physical violence by gendarmerie because of rejecting to be examined in handcuffs along with being prohibited from treatment. (10/431) Rejection to Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan… It is learned that the appeal made on October 30, 2018 to chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyers in order to visit their client was rejected the same day on the grounds of limitations for prisoners in accordance with the law on the execution of sentences and security measures (law no 5275). With the last rejection, it was the 759th time that appeals for visiting Öcalan have been rejected so far. Abdullah Öcalan has met his lawyers on July 27, 2011 for the last time. (10/432) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara…
The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 721 days to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on October 30, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on October 30, 2018, 2 people (Mahmut Konuk and Derviş Lermi) and at 18.00 3 people (Acun Karadağ, Derviş Lermi and Nazan Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 5 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on October 30, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (10/433) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on October 30, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. It is the 35th time of detention of Türkan Albayrak. (10/434) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Nursel Tanrıverdi and Selvi Polat who were detained in the police intervention into the sit-in protest of public labourers to regain their jobs from which they had been dismissed by state of emergency decrees, on October 29, 2018, at Bakırköy Square in Istanbul; are arrested by the court on October 30, 2018. (10/435) People Detained in Ankara… 9 people who were are detained in house raids in Ankara on October 27, 2018, including İbrahim Binici, former Urfa MP of People’s Democratic Party (HDP); and Ali Rıza Yurtsever from Human Rights Association (IHD) central executive board, are released by the court on juridical control conditions and with a ban on leaving the country on October 30, 2018. The names of people released are: İbrahim Binici, Ali Rıza Yurtsever, HDP Etimesgut former district chair Lokman Aydoğmuş, HDP provincial executive Derya Bakır, academician Sedat Yağcıoğlu, HDP district executive Halil Çelenk, İsmet Yalçınkaya, Kazım Arslan and Metin Kümek. (10/436) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 2 academicians (Assist. Professor Hakan Mertcan from Mersin University and Research Assistant Adnan Şahin from Munzur University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ are held on October 30, 2018. The court decided on lack of jurisdiction due to venue, on the grounds that the deeds subject to crime are committed in different cities; and sent the case against Hakan Mertcan to Mersin Heavy Penal Court and the case against Adnan Şahin to Tunceli Heavy Penal Court. The case against Engin Kılıç from Sabancı University, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 26, for the same reason, is held on October 30, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to January 30, 2018. The separate cases against 3 academicians (Assoc. Professor Melis Behlil from Kadir Has University, Professor Hacer Ansal from Işık University, Research Assistant Sami Cankat Tanrıverdi from Istanbul University) on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37, for the same reason, is held on October 30, 2018. The court adjourned the trials of the cases against Melis Behlil and Sami Cankat Tanrıverdi to December 13, 2018; and the trial of the case against Hacer Ansal to January 9, 2019. (10/437) HDP MP on Trial… The case against HDP Ağrı MP Dirayet Dilan Taşdemir, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 26, for a speech she made at a commemoration, is held on October 30, 2018. The court decided that Taşdemir would be forcefully brought to the court for the next trial. (10/438) The Case Against HDP and DBP Executives and Lawyers in Bursa…
The case against 12 people including lawyers Levent Pişkin and Cahit Kırkazak; and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Bursa co-chair Recep Kuru and HDP Bursa executive Ceylan Erol, on Bursa Heavy Penal Court No 8 is held on October 30, 2018. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to March 5, 2019. 5 of 12 people who were detained on November 14, 2016, were arrested. And 5 arrestees were released on May 18, 2017, at the first hearing of the case. The indictment of the case includes a phrase from the police records, which says “we will just make up a crime based on financing terror” about 2 people on trial. (10/439) “KCK Lawyers Case”… The case against 46 lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 19 is held on October 30, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to March 5, 2019. (10/440) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 11 people including former teachers dismissed by state of decrees, are detained through an Ankara based investigation on October 30, 2018. It is learned that a warrant is issued for 29 people through an Ankara based investigation on leakage of questions of Police Captains’ Examination 2011; and that operations are initiated in 7 cities. (10/441) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against 18 people 3 of which are arrested including business people, on Kayseri Heavy Penal Court No 4 is held on October 30, 2018. The court sentenced 16 defendants to jail penalties differing from 4 years and 2 months to 10 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court acquitted 2 people. The final trial of the case against former deputy police chief H.K., who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree, on Aydın Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on October 30, 2018. The court sentenced H.K. to 2 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. (10/442) Curfew in Hizan… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on October 30, 2018 and announced curfew in 5 villages and 6 hamlets of Hizan district, effective from 18.00 to 07.00 every day, as of October 31, 2018 until a further notice. The villages and hamlets under curfew are: Gayda, Akşar, Üçdirek, Küplü, Kanıgölü villages; Arpalı, Bağışlı, Ağaçlı, Recepli, Aşağıklavuz, Yukarıklavuz hamlets.
[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report. [2]To subscribe to the e-mail group: please write ‘daily human rights reports subscription application’ to the title of your e-mail and sent it to [3] [4] [5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, YeniYaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, T724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.
The claimed human rights violations in HRFT daily reports, whether get investigated and become definite or remain as claims and removed from the annual report if not proved.