Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) – September 2018  (Several daily reports are missing: 1.-6., 12., 19.-30.September))

07 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/064) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of September 6, 2018 that, 2 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in Gümüşhane on August 20, 2018. (09/065) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… Mehmet Pakdemirli, former rector of Celal Bayar University who has been kept in prison since August 11, 2016, stated the violations of rights he is subjected to in prison in his letter to Human Rights Foundation of Turkey.


Mehmet Pakdemirli expressed that in Manisa E Type Prison where he was kept for 14 months, the dirty water leak on the ceilings was not fixed by the prison administration; he was subjected to strip search at the entrance of Manisa T Type Prison where he was transferred afterwards; he was kept in a solitary cell in Manisa T Type Prison; the medication he brought along to Manisa T Type Prison were thrown away by a warden and this was not investigated despite of his official complaint; requests written by prisoners were destroyed without being registered; he witnessed the screams of people that he supposes to be beaten in rooms called padded cells near his solitary cell; and he was banned from visits for 6 months. (09/066) Prevention of Right to Health in Prison… Mehmet Pakdemirli, former rector of Celal Bayar University who has been kept in prison since August 11, 2016, also stated in his letter to Human Rights Foundation of Turkey that, right to health of prisoners including himself is prevented; a prisoner named Mehmet Özbir’s hand was amputated and Günay Yıldız, another prisoner, lost his eye due to not being medically treated on time. (09/067) Disciplinary Proceedings Against Journalist in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 6, 2018 that, drafted poems and short stories of journalist Uğur Yılmaz, who is being kept in Elazığ T Type Prison, were seized; and disciplinary proceedings were initiated against Uğur Yılmaz for these drafts on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. (09/068) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 6, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on August 28, 2018, 3 people (Gülnaz Bozkurt, Nazan Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 3 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Mahir Kılıç) were detained. Thus in total 6 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 6, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/069) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul…

Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on September 6, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. (09/070) Detained HDP Executives in Hatay… Muhsine Taşan and Ahmet Çahan, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) İskenderun district co-chairs who were detained in house raids in central and İskenderun districts of Hatay on September 4, 2018, are released by the court on juridical control conditions on September 6, 2018. (09/071) Detained People for ‘Social Media Posts’ in Izmir… On September 6, 2018, 11 people including Şahin Çoban, HDP’s PM candidate for Balıkesir, are detained on the grounds of social media posts, in house raids in Izmir. The names of detainees known so far are: Şahin Çoban, Mikail, Nuri Gök, Yetim, Turan Güleç and Bayram Yıldırım. (09/072) Co-Mayor on Trial… The case against 5 people including Seferi Yılmaz, co-mayor of Şemdinli district of Hakkari and Cabbar Taş, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Şemdinli district former co-chair, on Hakkari Heavy Penal Court No 1 on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’, is held on September 6, 2018. Seferi Yılmaz attended the trial via sound and vision system. After defence hearings the court releases Seferi Yılmaz on juridical control conditions and adjourned the trial to December 18, 2018. Co-mayor Seferi Yılmaz was detained on December 3, 2017 and was arrested on December 6, 2017. (09/073) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The separate cases against 2 academicians (lecturer Sakine Çil and Assist. Professor Meltem Gürle from Boğaziçi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on September 6, 2018. The lawyers demanded immediate acquittal, otherwise consolidation of the case with the one on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13, and that legal proceedings to be continued according to Article 301 of Turkish Penal Code. The court decided to ask Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13 for required documents in order to continue according to Article 301, and rejected other demands and adjourned the trial to February 12, 2019. The separate cases against 2 academicians (Professor L. N. and Professor Ayşe Gül Altınay from Sabancı University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 25 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on September 6, 2018. The lawyers demanded immediate acquittal, otherwise consolidation of the case with the one on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13, and that legal proceedings to be continued according to Article 301 of Turkish Penal Code. The court decided to ask Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13 for required documents in order to continue according to Article 301, and rejected other demands. The court adjourned trial of Professor L. N. to September 27, 2018, and adjourned the trial of Professor Ayşe Gül Altınay to December 11, 2018. (09/074) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul… The final trial of the case against Fatih Polat, Evrensel newspaper executive editor, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2, for a news report (“High school student is detained during the class”) published in the newspaper on the grounds that ‘publishing the identity on a periodical’ is held on September 6, 2018. The court assessed Fatih Polat to a fine of 10.000 Turkish Liras. (09/075) Journalists on Trial in Ankara… The case against 12 people (3 of which are arrested) including journalists Sibel Hürtaş, Hayri Demir, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper employee Barış Ceyhan and Human Rights Association (IHD)

central executive board member Nuray Çevirmen, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 15, for news reports and social media posts on Turkish Armed Forces’ military operation to Afrin, started to be held on September 6, 2018. It is learned that journalists to follow the case were not allowed in the court room. Barış Ceyhan, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper employee who was arrested on this case, stated in his defence that he was kept in a 2-meters cell in Sincan M Type Prison for 17 days after being arrested, and that he was subjected to physical and psychological violence by wardens. Barış Ceyhan’s lawyer also stated that he was made target for other prisoners by wardens and thus he was subjected to verbal attacks of other prisoners. Lezgin Tekay, another arrested defendant stated that he was subjected to physical violence during detention. After defence hearings, the court released 3 arrested defendants (Barış Ceyhan, Saim Serin and Lezgin Tekay) with a ban on leaving the country; and decided to continue the ban on leaving the country for other defendants and to lift the probation rule of daily signature requirement for them. The court also decided to separate the case of HDP PM Kemal Bülbül and adjourned the trial to November 22, 2018. (09/076) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul… The final trial of the case against Hamide Yiğit, author of news portal, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2, as per Article 301 of Turkish Penal Code, for her book “Tekmili Birden IŞİD- El Kaide’den IŞİD’e; Amerika için Cihat” (ISIS All-in-One – From Al-Qaida to ISIS; Jihad for America) is held on September 6, 2018. The court sentenced Hamide Yiğit to 5 months for ‘publicly insulting the government, judicial bodies, law enforcement and military departments’ and converted the jail penalty to a fine of 3.000 Turkish Liras. The case about the same book on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2, upon the complaints made by Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), Berat Albayrak, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources back then and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is held on September 6, 2018. The court adjourned the trial to November 15, 2018. (09/077) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against Pelin Ünker, reporter of Cumhuriyet newspaper and Orhan Erinç, chair of the executive board of Cumhuriyet Foundation, on Anadolu Penal Court of First Instance No 24, upon complaints made by former Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and his sons, for the news reports on “Paradise Papers”, is held on September 6, 2018. The court decided to continue the proceedings after the final decisions of penal suits on the same issue. (09/078) Lawyers from ÖHD on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 12 lawyers from Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, and 37 members and executives of Federation of Prisoners Families Law and Solidarity Associations (TUHAD-FED) which was also closed down by a state of emergency decree, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14 is held on September 6, 2018. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to December 11, 2018. (09/079) People on Trial for ‘Insulting the President’ in Istanbul… The final trial of the case against Beyza Metin, former chair of The Chamber of Electrical Engineers Istanbul Branch, Erdoğan Demir, Gürsel Kaya, Mehmet Şamil Altan, Nebile Irmak Çetin and Önder Atay, for a press declaration in front of Istanbul Sirkeci Terminal on October 13, 2015, to protest October 10, Ankara Terminal massacre, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 15 is held on September 6, 2018. The court sentenced Beyza Metin, Erdoğan Demir, Gürsel Kaya and Mehmet Şamil Altan to 11 months and 20 days each and converted the jail penalty to a fine of 7.000 Turkish Liras per person. The court sentenced Nebile Irmak Çetin and Önder Atay to 11 months and 20 days also, and deferred the announcement of the verdict. (09/080) HDP Executive on Trial in Istanbul…

The case against Mehmet Genç, HDP Kadıköy district executive on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 35, on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on September 6, 2018. After defence hearings the court released Mehmet Genç and adjourned the trial. (09/081) SGDF Co-Chair on Trial in Ankara… Ceren Çoban, co-chair of Federation of Socialist Youth Associations, is released by an interim decision on September 6, 2018 upon the objection made by lawyers. Ceren Çoban was detained in Ankara on May 3, 2018 and was arrested afterwards. (09/082) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On September 6, 2018, 5 people including 1 nominee judge who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree, 1 assistant expert and 3 lawyers are detained in house raids in Tokat. (09/083) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul… The case against journalist Nazlı Ilıcak on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 26 on the claim that she shared classified material which was removed from Turkish Presidency of General Staff records and annihilated on her “Military Intelligence and Tahşiye Group” article on Bugün newspaper published on January 2, 2015, continued to be held on September 6, 2018. Nazlı Ilıcak attended the trial via sound and vision system from the prison and made her defence. The prosecutor declared the legal opinion on the case and demanded lifetime imprisonment of Nazlı Ilıcak for ‘declaring confidential information on state security on the purpose of espionage’. The court decided to give time for defence as to accusations and adjourned the trial. (09/084) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against Mesut Hançerkıran, a former teacher who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree, on Antep Heavy Penal Court No 8 is held on September 6, 2018. The court sentenced Mesut Hançerkıran to 7 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’.


08-10 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/085) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of September 7, 2018 that 3 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Çukurca district of Hakkari on September 3, 2018. It is learned from the news coverage of September 8, 2018 that the forest fire continuing in Kutudere area of Tunceli for about a week died down due to rain. Security forces have prevented people from fighting the fire on the grounds that the area is special security zone. Hakkari Governorate announced that, 1 soldier died due to roll over of a military armoured vehicle in Hakkari on September 9, 2018. (09/086) Person Being Subjected to Police Violence in Amasya… It is learned from the news coverage of September 7, 2018 that Hasan Ayyıldız, a building manager in Merzifon district of Amasya, was subjected to physical violence by 4 police officers after a quarrel between him and a newly moved resident about usage of the lift. Hasan Ayyıldız stated the following: “The police officers arrived and squeezed my arm while they were taking me to the police car. I told them they should not do so because it hurts me. The police officers started to beat me after I warn them so”. Hasan Ayyıldız also expressed that the police used pepper spray during detention, he was detained by being handcuffed behind his back and was kept under custody for 1 day. It is learned that Hasan Ayyıldız has a medical report evidencing the police violence he was subjected to and made an official complaint against the police officers. (09/087) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 7, 2018 that, Fırat Can, a prisoner who was transferred from Antalya L Type Prison to Denizli T Type Prison was being kept in a solitary cell and his demand to be put in a ward was rejected by the prison administration.

It is claimed in the news coverage of September 7, 2018 that, in Elazığ High Security Prison No 1, notes and writings of prisoners are seized during searches, books and letters in Kurdish are not given to prisoners on the grounds of lack of translator, communication rights of prisoners are prevented and prisoners are forced to strip search at the entrance of the prison. (09/088) Coercion to Uniforms and Reactions Against This… The press declaration of TAYAD (Prisoner’s Families’ Solidarity Association) members attempted to be held in Sakarya Street in Ankara on September 8, 2018 against uniform coercion in prisons is prevented by the police. It is reported that 1 person (Halil İbrahim Şener) was detained in police intervention. (09/089) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 7, 8, and 9, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 7, 2018, 3 people (Alev Şahin, Mehmet Dersulu and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 3 people (Acun Karadağ, Alev Şahin and Emir Karakum) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 8, 2018, 2 people (Alev Şahin and Nazan Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Acun Karadağ and Alev Şahin) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 9, 2018, 2 people (Alev Şahin and Nazan Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Acun Karadağ and Alev Şahin) were detained. Thus in total 14 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 7, 8, and 9, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/090) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on September 7, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. (09/091) Police Intervention Against Saturday Mothers’ Protest in Istanbul… Police obstructed all the streets around Galatasaray Square in Istanbul to prevent Saturday Mothers to gather for the 702nd time who rally every Saturday for 23 years in the same place. Upon police prevention, the group including parliament members, representatives of political parties, human rights defenders and artists along with families of disappeared people gather in front of Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul office and started to march. The police prevented the march too. It is learned that Hanife Yılmaz, a member of disappeared people’s families, fainted and a police officer said her “Do not show off get up”. After being prevented again, Saturday Mothers and their supporters had a sit-in protest and made the press declaration there. It is learned that families of disappeared people and Human Rights Association Istanbul branch will make an official complaint on September 10, 2018, against Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu, Governor of Istanbul Vasip Şahin, Sub-governor of Beyoğlu district Savaş Ünlü and the police officers on charge, for the ban on sit-in protests of Saturday Mothers at Galatasaray Square, the police violence during police intervention against sit-in protests, and Minister of Interior Süleyman Solylu’s expressions against Saturday Mothers. (09/092) Prevention of Protest in Ankara…

The press declaration organized by People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Ankara branch in Sakarya Street in Ankara on September 8, 2018, to protest the sentences given to Selahattin Demirtaş, former cochair of HDP and to Sırrı Süreyya Önder, former Ankara PM, is prevented by the police. It is learned that the police chief on charge said HDP MP’s “There is no state of emergency but there is special authority of the governorate given by the assembly”, during the tension about prevention. (09/093) Prevention of Event in Ankara… It is learned from the news coverage of September 8, 2018 that Ankara Governorate responded the application for Mamak Coal Yard Gathering which was planned to be held for the 6th time this year by Community Houses (Halkevleri), as “not appropriate”. (09/094) People Detained for Social Media Posts in Şırnak… It is learned that 22 people are detained for social media posts, in house raids in central, Silopi and Cizre districts of Şırnak on September 9, 2018. (09/095) People Detained for Social Media Posts in Konya… 1 person (M. D.) out of 7 people who were detained in Cihanbeyli district of Konya on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation on social media posts’, is arrested by the court on September 7, 2018. 6 people are released, provided that 1 person on juridical control conditions. (09/096) Detained People in Mersin… It is learned that at least 5 people are detained in house raids in Akdeniz district of Mersin on September 7, 2018. It is reported that 5 people are taken to Mersin Police Headquarters however the reason for detention is unknown. (09/097) Former HDP Co-Chair and Former MP on Trial… The final trial of the case against Selahattin Demirtaş, former co-chair and Istanbul MP of HDP, and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, former Ankara MP, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 26, for their speeches at Newroz celebration in Istanbul in 2013, is held on September 7, 2018. Selahattin Demirtaş attended the trial via sound and vision system, Sırrı Süreyya attended the trial in the courtroom. Selahattin Demirtaş stated that, the legal opinion of the prosecutor was submitted him only 2 days before the trial and that the defence he made previously on Bakırköy Heavy Penal Court No 2 was added to the case file, and expressed that he will not defence himself against the opinions as to accusations. Defence lawyers demanded that, Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 26, to which the case was sent by Bakırköy Heavy Penal Court 2 as a decision of rejection, and that the legal opinion of the prosecutor should be renewed after collecting the evidence. The court decided not to hear the defence of Sırrı Süreyya Önder, because he made his defence during the 6th trial of the case, and rejected the demand for Selahattin Demirtaş’s defence hearing. The court then asked for the last stand of Selahattin Demirtaş. Demirtaş stated that he preferred to attend the trial via sound and vision system. Demirtaş also expressed that the prosecution gave the legal opinion as to accusations without expert report on the speeches which are matter of dispute in this case, and without hearing his defence. It is reported that the chief judge interrupted Selahattin Demirtaş for several times and asked him to cut his defence short. After Sırrı Süreyya Önder’s last stand, the court decided to sentence Selahattin Demirtaş former cochair of HDP to 4 years and 8 months and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, former Ankara MP to 3 years and 6 months for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. The court did not postpone the sentences. (09/098) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 46 journalists, known as “KCK Press Case” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 3, is held on September 7, 2018. The court approved the demand for revoking the decision of seizing the passports of journalists and adjourned the trial to January 11, 2019. (09/099) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On September 7, 2018, 2 people are detained through a Tokat based investigation.

19 of 25 lieutenants who were detained through an Ankara based investigation on General Command of Gendarmerie personnel, are arrested by the court on September 7, 2018. 5 people are released on juridical control conditions. It is learned that 1 person who wants to benefit from effective remorse law is taken to the police headquarters to be re-interrogated. On September 7, 2018, 10 people including former teachers and 1 public employee who were dismissed by state of emergency decrees, are detained in a house raid in Kayseri on the grounds of ‘organizing a secret meeting’. It is learned that 10 people had been arrested previously and put in prisons; and then were released pending the trials. It is reported that 2 people more were detained through the same investigation. 2 of 4 people (3 sergeants and 1 teacher who were dismissed by state of emergency laws) who were detained through a Sivas based investigation are arrested by the court on September 7, 2018. 2 people are released on juridical control conditions. On September 8, 2018 2 people are detained on the charge of using ByLock in Edirne. On September 9, 2018, 13 people including lieutenants on active duty are detained in operations covering 10 cities through an Isparta based investigation; and 9 people are detained in Balıkesir in alleged attempt to illegally flee. (09/100) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against director Ali Avcı on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 36 is held on September 7, 2018. The court sentenced Ali Avcı to 6 years and 3 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The final trials of the separate cases against 6 people for leaking the questions of Public Personnel Selection Exam in 2010, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on September 7, 2018. The court sentenced 5 defendants to 6 years and 3 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court also sentenced 1 defendant to 3 years 1 month and 15 days and fine penalty for ‘chain fraud towards public institutions’. The court acquitted 1 defendant.


11 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/101) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is reported that 1 police officer from special operation force, who was wounded in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in Hakkari on August 3, 2018, died in hospital on September 10, 2018. It is learned that 6 police officers were wounded due to roll over of a vehicle carrying special operation squad for an operation in rural areas of Hasankeyf district of Batman on September 10, 2018. (09/102) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 10, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 10, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 10, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/103) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Ankara…

The police intervened into the protest of public employees to regain their jobs from which they had been dismissed by state of emergency decrees, in front of Çankaya Public Health Center on September 10, 2018 and detained 2 people (Eser Budak and Mahmut Konuk). It is learned that the detainees were released the same day. (09/104) Detained Journalist in Istanbul… Barış Terkoğlu, executive news director of Odatv, is detained in İstanbul on September 10, 2018, on the grounds of a detention warrant issued within a case against him on Istanbul Anadolu Penal Court of First Instance No 10. Barış Terkoğlu is released the same day after statement procedures. (09/105) Lawyers on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 20 lawyers from Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) and People’s Law Office, including 17 arrested lawyers (Ahmet Mandacı, Aycan Çiçek, Ayşegül Çağatay, Aytaç Ünsal, Barkın Timtik, Behiç Aşçı, Didem Baydar Ünsal, Ebru Timtik, Engin Gökoğlu, Naciye Demir, Özgür Yılmaz, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, Süleyman Gökten, Şükriye Erden, Yağmur Ererken, Yaprak Türkmen, Zehra Özdemir) and lawyer Ezgi Çakır and 2 lawyers for whom detention warrant is issued, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37, on the charges of ‘leading an illegal organisation’ and ‘being an illegal organisation member’ started to be held on September 10, 2018. Arrested lawyers attended the trial in the courtroom and a large number of people including bar association chairs, lawyers from foreign bar associations, parliament members and human rights defenders attended the trial to monitor. The court rejected the lawyers’ demand to end the proceedings and submit the case to Minister of Justice in order to get permission since their professional activities are being made the matter of dispute in this case. It is learned that, Ezgi Çakır wanted to sit together with arrested lawyers and gendarmerie intervened the lawyers using physical violence and broke the glasses of 1 lawyer, and Selçuk Kozağaçlı was handcuffed. After gendarmerie violence in the courtroom, lawyer Aytaç Ünsal stated the following: “We are kicked in our faces, we are dragged on the floors. We demand identification of those who did this to us”. After defence hearings the court adjourned the trial to September 11, 2018. (09/106) Merasim Street Case… The final trial of the case against 68 people including 16 arrested defendants, about the bombing attack in Merasim Street on February 17, 2016, where 29 people have died, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 14 is held on September 10, 2018. The court sentenced Kubbettin Onur, Ahmet Karaman, Muharrem Canikli, Hayrettin Tomak, Hüseyin Karadaş, Metin Aslan to heavy life imprisonment for 30 times, 1 for ‘disrupting the unity of the state’ and 29 times for killing 29 people. The court sentenced these 6 defendants to 1185 years each and 33.320 Turkish Liras of fine for ‘attempting to murder 75 people’ and ‘producing and carrying explosive material’. The court sentenced 2 defendants (Fahri Deniz and Bahri Onur) to 9 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court sentenced 7 defendants (Mustafa Bulut, Turgut Kahraman, Hüseyin Gökduman, Murat Karaca, İsmail İpar, Hasan Avsan, Metin Cura) to 6 years for ‘aggravated fraud’ and acquitted them on other charges. The court acquitted 2 defendants on all charges, rejected the case for 1 defendant, dismissed the case for 4 defendants who died during trials and separated the case of 46 fugitive defendants. (09/107) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against Etkin News Agency (ETHA) editors Pınar Gayıp and Semiha Şahin, and Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) members Ferhat Pehlivan and Gülsen İmre on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 23, on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’, started to be held on September 10, 2018. All 4 defendants who were arrested, attended the trial. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention for 4 people and adjourned the trial to December 5, 2018. Pınar Gayıp and Semiha Şahin were detained on April 13, 2018 and were arrested by the court on April 19, 2018. (09/108) Publisher and Human Rights Defender on Trial in Istanbul…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 5, 2018 that, Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 3 has applied for “red notice” for journalist, author, publisher and rights defender Ragıp Zarakolu. Ragıp Zarakolu stated the following on the issue: “The court verdicts for red notice but Interpol puts the notice in process in case Directorate General for International Law and Foreign Relations of Ministry of Justice approves. Thus we will make an appeal until September 28, in order to reverse the decision”. A case was opened against Ragıp Zarakolu in 2011 on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14 which was a specially authorised court, for his speech at Academy of Politics of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), and Zarakolu was arrested in October 2011. He was then released in April 2012 and after abolishing of specially authorised courts in 2014, the case was not dismissed and was transferred to Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 3. The court issued “red notice” application on June 4, 2018. (09/109) Co-Mayor on Trial… The sentenced given by Van Heavy Penal Court No 1 to 13 people including Van Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Bekir Kaya, who was then replaced by a trustee appointed by the Ministry of Interior, was reversed by Penal Department No 16 of the Supreme Court. The final hearing of the retrial on Van Heavy Penal Court No 1 is held on September 10, 2018. Bekir Kaya attended the trial from prison via sound and vision system. The court rejected the demand for consolidation of the case with the case on Van Heavy Penal Court No 2. Bekir Kaya stated that the legal opinion as to accusations was not submitted to himself and thus his right to defence was taken away. Bekir Kaya then stated “Why would I defence myself on something that I did not see? I do not want my lawyers to make defence either”, and lawyers did not make any declarations in defence. The court sentenced 6 people including Bekir Kaya to 8 years and 9 months, 6 people to 7 years and 6 months and 1 person to 6 years and 3 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court decided to arrest 11 people according to the verdict. The sentences given in this case which is known as “Van KCK Main Case” were reversed by Penal Department No 16 of the Supreme Court on June 20, 2017. The Supreme Court stated in the justified decision that acts and activities which are matter of dispute in this case are in the scope of political party activities. (09/110) Academicians on Trial in Ankara… The final trial of the case against 5 academicians (Onur Can Taştan, Nail Dertli, Celil Kaya, Aysun Gezen and İlkay Kara) who were detained in police intervention to Ankara University Cebeci Campus during Kobane protests on October 9, 2014, on Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No 35 on the charge of ‘opposition to Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No 2911, is held on September 10, 2018. The court acquitted 5 academicians. (09/111) CHP PM on Trial… The appeal made to Penal Department No 17 of the Supreme Court, to cease legal proceedings against Enis Berberoğlu, Republican People’s Party (CHP) MP who was re-elected on June 24, 2018 and who is still in prison, is rejected. Penal Department No 16 of the Supreme Court has also rejected the appeal on July 20, 2018 and upon objection, has sent the case to Penal Department No 17 as the higher court. (09/112) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On September 10, 2018, a detention warrant is issued for 13 majors 3 of which are on active duty in Turkish Land Forces Command, through an Ankara based investigation. It is learned that 1 major is detained in Eskişehir in operations through this investigation. On September 10, 2018, 1 person (former sergeant Ömer Canbulat who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree) is detained in Uludere district of Şırnak in alleged attempt to illegally cross to Iraq; and 10 people are detained in operations covering 8 cities through an Isparta based investigation. On September 10, 2018, 1 person (former sergeant Cumhur Mesut who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree) who was detained is arrested by the court the same day.

(09/113) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against 156 defendants on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 16 is held on September 10, 2018. The court sentenced 115 defendants to jail penalties differing from 1 year and 3 months to 8 years and 9 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court postponed 1 year and 3 months’ sentences given to 17 people who benefit from effective remorse laws. The court acquitted 1 person, decided on impunity for 5 people and separated the case of 35 fugitive defendants. (09/114) Labor Killings… Worker Health and Worker Safety Council (ISIG) revealed that at least 180 workers including 11 children and 15 women, died while working in August. According to ISIG data at least 1290 workers died within the first 8 months of the year. (09/115) Prevented Event in Ordu… It is learned from the news coverage of September 10, 2018 that the march from Ordu to Ankara organized by Trade Union of Turkish Producers in the Agricultural Sector (TÜM Köy Sen) Ordu branch, to express the demands of hazelnut producers concerning the rates for hazelnut set by the state, is banned by Ordu Governorate on the grounds of being “inconvenient”.


13 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/128) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of September 12, 2018 that 1 HPG militant died in an air bombardment to rural areas of Uludere district of Şırnak on August 11, 2018. (09/129) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… A prisoner from Erzurum Horasan K Type Prison No 2, sent a letter to Human Rights Foundation of Turkey and stated that, 33 prisoners are kept in 2 wards which are for 18 people; probation rights of political prisoners are prevented; water supplies are cut off during day; tap water is dirty and no purification device is used despite of their demands for it; prisoners cannot use their rights for sportive activities and ill prisoners are transferred to hospitals with delay. It is learned from the news coverage of September 12, 2018 that, 6 prisoners (Emrah Yayla, Candaş Kat, Latif Mollaahmetoğlu, Ayberk Demirdöğen, Volkan Pamuk and Veysel Şahin) in Bolu F Type Prison are penalised to 10 days of solitary confinement on the grounds that a cartoon in a magazine issued by prisoners ‘insults the President’. It is also stated in the news reports that, prisoners who refuse to give oral reports in military order are prevented from telephone rights. It is learned from the news coverage of September 12, 2018 that in Bayburt M Type Prison, prisoners are given hot water only one hour and only 2 days a week, and some prisoners have to sleep on the floors due to overcapacity of the wards. It is claimed in the news coverage of September 12, 2018 that in Sincan Women’s Prison, tap water is rusty and anti-hygienic, and prisoners suffer from skin diseases due to this. (09/130) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 12, 2018 that prisoners of PKK and PJAK cases will go on a three-day hunger strike as of September 12, 2018; demanding end to isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and release of ill prisoners. (09/131) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 12, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00.

It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 12, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 2 people (Acun Karadağ and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 12, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/132) Prevented Protest in Ankara… Federation of Revolutionary 78 Generation is prevented from leaving a black wreath in front of US Embassy to mark the anniversary of September 12 military coup, is prevented by the police on the grounds of prohibition order of Ankara Governorate. It is learned that Federation of Revolutionary 78 Generation members wanted to leave the black wreath in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street, but they were again prevented by the police who also seized the wreath. (09/133) Football Game Raided by the Police in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of September 12, 2018 that football tournament organized by People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Youth Assembly to commemorate HDP central executive committee member Fırat Yaman who died in 2016; is raided by the police. It is reported that the police came to the pitch after a match between Azadi team and HDP Bismil Youth team; enforced criminal record check for all players and then left the pitch. (09/134) Person Arrested for ‘Making Propaganda for an Illegal Organisation’ in Şırnak… Murat Efelti, a person who was detained in Silopi district of Şırnak for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ on September 11, 2018, is arrested by the court on September 12, 2018. (09/135) People detained for ‘Making Propaganda for an Illegal Organisation’ in Mersin… 1 of 3 people who were detained for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ in social media posts in Mersin, is arrested by the court on September 12, 2018. 2 people are released on juridical control conditions. (09/136) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 14 authors and employees (6 of which are arrested) of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 23 is held on September 12, 2018. The indictment demands journalists to be sentenced on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. Several people including parliament members and trade union representatives monitored the trial. Arrested journalists attended the trial and made their defence declarations. After defence hearings the court released Pınar Tarlak on juridical control conditions and adjourned the trial to December 6, 2018. 14 people have been detained through an operation against Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper employees on March 28, 2018 and following days; and grant holder İhsan Yaşar, editor in chief İshak Yasul, editor Hicran Urun, employee Pınar Tarlak, editor and author Mehmet Ali Çelebi, editor Reyhan Hacıoğlu were arrested by the court on April 6, 2018 and following days. After the operation trustees were appointed for the newspaper and Gün Press where the newspaper is printed; and Özgürlükçü Demokrasi and Gün Press were closed down by the state of emergency decree issued on July 8, 2018. (09/137) Journalist on Trial in Muş… The case against Seda Taşkın, reporter of Mezopotamya News Agency, on Muş Heavy Penal Court No 2, on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on September 12, 2018. Seda Taşkın joined the trial via sound and vision system from Sincan Women’s Prison. The court rejected the demand for witness hearing and decided to continue detention for Seda Taşkın, and adjourned the trial to December 10, 2018. (09/138) Executives and Members of HDP on Trial in Istanbul…

The case against 12 members and executives of HDP (2 of which are arrested) including Doğan Erbaş, former Istanbul co-chair of HDP, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14 is held on September 12, 2018. The court decided to continue detention for Doğan Erbaş and Kasım Oba and adjourned the trial to October 18, 2018. (09/139) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On September 12, 2018, 1 person is detained in Edirne in alleged attempt to illegally cross to Greece. On September 12, 2018, a detention warrant is issued for 5 people including 3 lawyers and 2 judge and judge nominees dismissed by state of emergency decrees, through a Tokat based investigation. It is learned that operations are initiated in 5 cities to detain these people. (09/140) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The case against Şaban Işık, former member of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors, dismissed by a state of emergency decree, on Penal Department No 9 of the Supreme Court is held on September 12, 2018. The legal opinion as to accusations prepared by the Supreme Court of Appeals Prosecutor’s Office, which demands Şaban Işık to be sentenced to jail penalty differing from 7 years and 6 months to 15 years for ‘being an illegal organisation member’ is declared in trial. The court decided to continue detention of Şaban Işık and adjourned the trial to December 5, 2018. (09/141) Curfew in Lice… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 12, 2018 and announced curfew in 28 villages and 24 hamlets of Lice district as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The villages and hamlets under curfew are: Zümrüt, Gürbeyli, Kıpçak, Damar, Sığınak, Çıralı, Kıyıköy, Dibekköy, Budak, Dallıca, Yolçatı, Tepe, Türeli, Ortaç, Kabakaya, Kutlu, Yalaza, Çavundur, Bağlan, Dolunay, Oyuklu, Arıklı, Serince, Çağdaş, Kayacık, Uçarı, Ziyaret and Esenler villages; Guçik, Ahmetbey, Kola, Hasana, Navaladiriş, Dingil, Ayşe, Hacıhüseyin, Kuruca, Hevselbey, Kolbağı, Alataş, Sınır, Pınar, Beğendik, Hacıcemil, Bakanlar, Kalkanlı, Çaylarbaşı, Göçer, Kerpiçören, Çanak, Sağlam and Esenli hamlets. (09/142) Curfew in Kulp… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 12, 2018 and announced curfew in 17 villages and 25 hamlets of Kulp district as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The villages and hamlets under curfew are: Zeyrek, Güllük, Özbek, Kurudere, Uygur, Karaağaç, Kamışlı, Bağcılar, Çukurca, Akbulak, Demirli, Düzce, Bayırköy, Temren, Güleç, Taşköprü, Barın villages; Soldere, Maden, Dökmetepe, Yolugüzel, Gomanuri, Çay, Düzpelit, Yeşilce, Başçavuş, Havrik, Dolusalkım, Mutlu, Mezrimalaftü, Yenidam, Küçükbağcılar, Ortakuyu, Haruni, Zükrütlü, Keçiveren, Y. Polat, A. Polat, Malaabdo, Karapınar, Mevik, Kuyucak hamlets. (09/143) Curfew in Silvan… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 12, 2018 and announced curfew in 4 villages and 7 hamlets of Silvan district as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The villages and hamlets under curfew are: Dolaplıdere, Dağcılar, Çaldere, Bayrambaşı villages; Kayabağı, Ergeçidi, Üçdirek, Alakuşak, Kaso, Seydankara, Erkenciler hamlets. (09/144) Curfew in Hazro… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 12, 2018 and announced curfew in 6 villages and 2 hamlets of Hazro district as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The villages and hamlets under curfew are: Kocbaba, Mutluca, Çitlibahçe, Sarıerik, Gözebaşı ve Ormankaya villages, Şahgeldi and Eldeğmez hamlets. (09/145) Curfew in Kocaköy… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 12, 2018 and announced curfew in 1 village and 2 hamlets of Kocaköy district as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The village and hamlets under curfew are: Boyunlu village; Varlık and Gökçe hamlets.


14 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/146) Alleged Extrajudicial Killing in Istanbul… On September 13, 2018, İbrahim Devrim Top (25) died in a police raid to a house in Küçükarmutlu neighbourhood of Istanbul’s Sarıyer district. Istanbul Police Directorate made a declaration and stated that the house was raided through an operation against DHKP-C, and someone opened fire against the police, and İbrahim Devrim Top died due to a clash afterwards. It is learned that Hakan Yıldız and Sevgi Yıldız, residents of the house were detained and were taken to Istanbul Police Headquarters. (09/147) Prisoner’s Family Member Prohibited from Visits… It is learned from the news coverage of September 13, 2018 that Ş. Cengiz (f), who was visiting a prisoner in Şırnak T Type Prison, is prohibited from visits for 3 months because she rejected strip search at the entrance of prison. It is stated in the new reports that, Ş. Cengiz rejected strip search because of security cameras in the room where women are searched; and she was officially reported for investigation which results in prohibition from visits for 3 months. (09/148) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 13, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 13, 2018, 3 people (Acun Karadağ, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Mahmut Konuk) and at 18.00 2 people (Gülnaz Bozkurt and Deniz Yılmaz) were detained. Thus in total 5 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 13, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/149) Detained People in Şırnak… 18 people who were detained in central, Cizre and Silopi districts of Şırnak on September 9 and 10, 2018; are released by the court on juridical control conditions and with a ban on leaving the country on September 13, 2018. 17 people who were also detained through the same investigation were released on September 11, 2018 on the same conditions. (09/150) Detained Person for ‘Insulting the President’ in Istanbul… On September 12, 2018, a person named Sayat Morboyacı is detained in Istanbul, based on an informing against him for allegedly insulting the President. It is stated in the news reports that, it is claimed that Sayat Morboyacı ‘insulted the President’ in a phone conversation he made while driving, and someone in the car next to him, have reported him to the police. It is learned that Sayat Morboyacı was released by the court on September 13, 2018. (09/151) The Cases Against Academics Who Are the Signatories of the Petition “We will not be a party to this crime!”… The case against 1 academician (Assist. Professor Aylin Ünaldı form Boğaziçi University) for signing the petition “We will not be a party to this crime!” on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 24 for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ is held on September 13, 2018. Demands for immediate acquittal, and consolidation of the case with other cases on the same court are rejected by the court and the trial is adjourned to December 11, 2018. (09/152) Kızıltepe JİTEM Case… The case against 4 military members and 5 temporary village guards, about the crimes committed by JITEM (Gendarmerie Intelligence and Anti-Terror Unit) members between 1992 and 1996 in Kızıltepe district of Mardin, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 5 is held on September 13, 2018.

The indictment demands retired colonel Hasan Atilla Uğur; colonel Eşref Hatipoğlu, Diyarbakır Gendarmerie Commander of the time; gendarmerie company commander Ahmet Boncuk; master sergeant Ünal Alkan; and village guards Abdurrahman Kurğa, Mehmet Emin Kurğa, Ramazan Çetin, Mehmet Salih Kılınçaslan and İsmet Kandemir to be sentenced for ‘establishing and leading armed organisation’, ‘being a member of an armed organisation’ and ‘killing on purpose’. The court rejected the demand of witness hearing on Yusuf Çakır’s death and adjourned the trial to December 18, 2018. (09/153) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 6 journalists on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 29 is held on September 13, 2018. The indictment demands sentence for Ömer Çelik, news director and Metin Yoksu, reporter of Dicle News Agency which was closed down by a state of emergency decree; Tunca Öğreten, former editor of Diken news portal; Mahir Kanaat, Birgün newspaper employee; Eray Sargın, editor in chief of Yolculuk newspaper; Derya Okatan, Etkin News Agency news director on the charges of ‘being an illegal organisation member’, ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ and ‘blocking and breaking the information system, changing or destroying the data’, for reporting on the e-mails of Berat Albayrak, Minister of Energy and Natural Sources which were hacked by Redhack and then published on the internet. After defence hearings the court rejected the demand of lifting juridical control conditions on journalists, and ordered Ömer Çelik and Metin Yoksu to be forcefully brought to the next trial which is adjourned to January 8, 2019. 3 of 6 journalists who were detained on December 25, 2016, were arrested by the court on January 17, 2017. Ömer Çelik was released on October 24, 2017; Tunca Öğreten and Mahir Kanaat were released on December 6, 2017. (09/154) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The case against Fatih Polat, executive director of Evrensel newspaper, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2, on the charge of ‘publicly exposing confidentiality of communication’, is held on September 13, 2018. The indictment demands sentence for Fatih Polat, for the news reports published on the newspaper on February 22, 2010, about tape recordings alleged to be of Burhan Kuzu, chair of The Committee on Constitution back then. The prosecution on Fatih Polat was postponed for 3 years with the legislative regulation dated July 5, 2012. Fatih Polat was sentenced on another case within these 3 years thus prosecution is resumed on. Lawyers of Fatih Polat stated in the trial that, similar news reports on tape recordings were covered by Akşam newspaper, a day before news reports on Evrensel newspaper and asked whether any investigation is proceeded on these news reports. The court decided to submit the case to an expert on informatics in order to detect whether any news reports were published on Evrensel newspaper before February 22, 2010, and to send a writ to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to detect the legal situation about Akşam newspaper and adjourned the trial to December 6, 2018. (09/155) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul… The final trial of the case against Vural Nasuhbeyoğlu, former editor in chief and Arif Koşar, former grant holder of Evrensel newspaper, on Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2, on the charge of ‘insulting the President’ is held on September 13, 2018. The court sentenced Vural Nasuhbeyoğlu and Arif Koşar to 1 year and 2 months each, which was then reduced to 11 months and 20 days. The court converted the jail sentence to a fine of 7.000 Turkish Liras. (09/156) Journalist Being Investigated for ‘Insulting the President’… It is learned that an investigation is opened against journalist Fatih Portakal, for his tweet on banning of the play ‘Sadece Diktatör’ of HPD Hatay PM Barış Atay; and that Fatih Portakal gave his statement to the prosecutor’s office in Istanbul on September 13, 2018.

(09/157) İzmir Peace Block Members on Trial… The case against 29 members of İzmir Peace Blok which consists of non-governmental organisations, members and executives of trade unions, professional chambers and human rights defenders, for the protest against killing of tens of people in the basements in Cizre on February 9, 2016, on İzmir Bayraklı Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on September 13, 2018. After defence hearings and statements, the court adjourned the trial to December 14, 2018. (09/158) Executive of ESP on Trial in Antep… The case against Hatice Deniz Aktaş, central executive board member of Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) and Socialist Women Assembly (SKM), on Antep Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on September 13, 2018. After defence hearings the court released Hatice Deniz Aktaş and adjourned the trial. Hatice Deniz Aktaş was detained on February 18, 2018, when a passenger on the same bus with her read the message conversation on her phone and reported her to the police; and was arrested by the court on February 19, 2018. (09/159) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On September 13, 2018, 1 former police chief (Tuncay Durgut) who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree is detained on a warrant in Manisa and 3 people are detained on a warrant in Tokat. 26 of 68 people including military members on active duty, who were detained through an Istanbul based investigation on September 10, 2018, are arrested by the court on September 13, 2018. It is learned that 42 people are released and 39 of them have benefited from effective remorse laws. It is reported that 6 people who were detained in Istanbul on September 6, 2018 and following days, are arrested by the court on September 13, 2018. It is learned that 1 retired religious official who was detained in Muğla is arrested by the court on September 13, 2018. (09/160) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against former teacher Ferhat Küçük who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree on Urfa Heavy Penal Court No 6 is held on September 13, 2018. The court sentenced Ferhat Küçük to 30 years and a fine of 10.000 Turkish Liras in total for ‘leading an illegal organisation’, ‘fraud against public’ and ‘forgery of official documents’. (09/161) Curfew in Lice… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 13, 2018 and lifted the curfew in 28 villages and 24 hamlets of Lice district announced as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The curfew is lifted in following villages and hamlets: Zümrüt, Gürbeyli, Kıpçak, Damar, Sığınak, Çıralı, Kıyıköy, Dibekköy, Budak, Dallıca, Yolçatı, Tepe, Türeli, Ortaç, Kabakaya, Kutlu, Yalaza, Çavundur, Bağlan, Dolunay, Oyuklu, Arıklı, Serince, Çağdaş, Kayacık, Uçarı, Ziyaret and Esenler villages; Guçik, Ahmetbey, Kola, Hasana, Navaladiriş, Dingil, Ayşe, Hacıhüseyin, Kuruca, Hevselbey, Kolbağı, Alataş, Sınır, Pınar, Beğendik, Hacıcemil, Bakanlar, Kalkanlı, Çaylarbaşı, Göçer, Kerpiçören, Çanak, Sağlam and Esenli hamlets. (09/162) Curfew in Kulp… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 13, 2018 and lifted the curfew in 17 villages and 25 hamlets of Kulp district announced as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The curfew is lifted in following villages and hamlets: Zeyrek, Güllük, Özbek, Kurudere, Uygur, Karaağaç, Kamışlı, Bağcılar, Çukurca, Akbulak, Demirli, Düzce, Bayırköy, Temren, Güleç, Taşköprü, Barın villages; Soldere, Maden, Dökmetepe, Yolugüzel, Gomanuri, Çay, Düzpelit, Yeşilce, Başçavuş, Havrik, Dolusalkım, Mutlu, Mezrimalaftü, Yenidam, Küçükbağcılar, Ortakuyu, Haruni, Zükrütlü, Keçiveren, Y. Polat, A. Polat, Malaabdo, Karapınar, Mevik, Kuyucak hamlets. (09/163) Curfew in Silvan…

Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 13, 2018 and lifted the curfew in 4 villages and 7 hamlets of Silvan district announced as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The curfew is lifted in following villages and hamlets: Dolaplıdere, Dağcılar, Çaldere, Bayrambaşı villages; Kayabağı, Ergeçidi, Üçdirek, Alakuşak, Kaso, Seydankara, Erkenciler hamlets. (09/164) Curfew in Hazro… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 13, 2018 and lifted the curfew in 6 villages and 2 hamlets of Hazro district announced as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The curfew is lifted in following villages and hamlets: Kocbaba, Mutluca, Çitlibahçe, Sarıerik, Gözebaşı ve Ormankaya villages, Şahgeldi and Eldeğmez hamlets. (09/165) Curfew in Kocaköy… Diyarbakır Governorate made a declaration on September 13, 2018 and lifted the curfew in 1 village and 2 hamlets of Kocaköy district announced as of September 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. The curfew is lifted in following village and hamlets: Boyunlu village; Varlık and Gökçe hamlets.


15-17 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/166) Children Being Hit by an Armoured Vehicle in Şırnak… It is learned that on September 15, 2018, an armoured vehicle in reverse on Adile Naşit Street in İdil district of Şırnak hit 3 siblings (1 girl and 2 boys, Z. Ü., B. Ü. And Y. Ü.) crossing the road. It is learned that 3 children were wounded and were taken to İdil Public Hospital and were discharged from the hospital on the same day. It is stated in the news reports that special operation police officers intervened the people who react against the armoured vehicle hitting 3 children, and fend people off the scene of accident. (09/167) Civilian Car Being Hit by a Military Armoured Vehicle… It is learned that a military armoured vehicle on patrol hit a civilian car in Tuşba district of Van on September 15, 2018. It is claimed in the news reports that the military armoured vehicle was at a high speed. It is reported that the driver of the armoured vehicle is taken by the police to the station for testimony. (09/168) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 militant died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Yağlıdere district of Giresun. (09/169) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 15, 2018 that, after the 3-days hunger strike of the prisoners of PKK and PJAK cases in all prisons in Turkey, demanding end to isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and release of ill prisoners, which started on September 12, 2018; 4 prisoners in Elazığ T Type Prison are taken from their wards and put into solitary cells. It is stated in the news reports that 4 prisoners were subjected to physical and verbal violence by wardens and were not allowed to take their belongings. It is learned from the news coverage of September 15, 2018 that 14 female prisoners in Tarsus T Type Prison were transferred under coercion to prisons in Elazığ and Kayseri. The names of prisoners transferred to the prisons are: Fatma Gökhan, Bedia Kasnak, Özgül Yasa, Sivekar Ateş, Seyran Demir, Zeynep Turan, Aycan Özdoğan, Nursel Yiğit, Mevlüde Güler, Evin Şahin, Zahide Yavuz, Feride Sapçak, Leyla Balta and Songül Yılmaz. (09/170) Prevention of Right to Health in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 15, 2018 that Merve Aydoğan, a prisoner with coeliac disease in Kayseri T Type Women’s Prison, was subjected to insults by wardens and soldiers while she was being transferred to hospital; and was taken back to prison without being treated because she rejected medical examination in handcuffs.

(09/171) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 14, 2018 that, women prisoners in Bayburt M Type Prison started a hunger strike on September 13, 2018 to protest the violations of rights in prison. (09/172) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 16, 2018 that, Meral Dönmez, a prisoner from Tarsus Prison, is on hunger strike for 16 days demanding to be transferred to a prison in Istanbul where her family lives. It is stated in the news report that the prison administration does not provide Vitamin B1 to Meral Dönmez. (09/173) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 14, 15, and 16, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 14, 2018, 4 people (Alev Şahin, Mehmet Dersulu, Mahmut Konuk and Nazan Bozkurt) and at 18.00 3 people (Alev Şahin, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 15, 2018, 3 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Alev Şahin and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 3 people (Alev Şahin, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) were detained. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 16, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Gülnaz Bozkurt) and at 18.00 3 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Acun Karadağ and Gülnaz Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 17 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 14, 15, and 16, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/174) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on September 14, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained Türkan Albayrak. It is learned that Türkan Albayrak was released the same day. (09/175) Police Intervention Against Saturday Mothers’ Protest in Istanbul… Police obstructed all the streets around Galatasaray Square in Istanbul to prevent Saturday Mothers to gather for the 703rd time who rally every Saturday for 23 years in the same place. Upon police prevention, the group including parliament members, representatives of political parties, human rights defenders and artists along with families of disappeared people gather in front of Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul office and started to march. The police prevented the march too, thus, the group had a sit-in protest and made a press declaration there. (09/176) Workers are Detained Due to a Protest in Istanbul… On September 14, 2018, construction workers who build the 3rd airport in Istanbul, had a strike action to protest occupational accidents/killings and poor working conditions. It is learned that the gendarmerie intervened the protest using pressurized water, rubber bullets and pepper spray. It is learned that the workers did not stop the action despite of the intervention. The committee from Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK), including DISK chair Arzu Çerkezoğlu and Worker Health and Work Safety Department chair Kanber Saygılı, who wants to visit protesting workers is prevented by the police from meeting the workers on the grounds of ‘instruction of the governor’.

It is learned that the rooms of workers in the construction site were raided by the gendarmerie. It is learned that the room doors were broken and workers were subjected to physical violence during the raid. It is reported that 543 people are detained in the raid, including Yunus Özgür, Construction Workers’ Union (İnşaat-İş) general secretary; Deniz Gider, organizer of İnşaat-İş, and Yusuf Yılmaz, a member of Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP). İnşaat-İş union declared that 380 of the detainees were taken to Arnavutköy Gendarmerie Station, 73 people were taken to Provincial Gendarmerie Command in Maslak; 90 people were taken to Eyüp district Gendarmerie Command. It is learned that HDP PM’s who wants to visit detained workers in Arnavutköy Gendarmerie Station were not allowed in. 160 of detainees are released on September 15, 2018. İnşaat-İş union and DISK affiliate Revolutionary Construction Workers’ Union (Dev Yapı İş) made a declaration on September 16, 2018 and stated that an interrogation room is set in the site, and workers who were not detained are being beaten and subjected to psychological oppression there; besides, no information is provided to lawyers and PM’s about the situation of detainees. Vasip Şahin, governor of Istanbul, made a declaration on September 16, 2018 and announced that 401 people are detained for the protest and 275 of them are released. (09/177) Police Intervention to Protests in Istanbul and Ankara to Support Airport Construction Workers… The police intervened the press declarations organized on September 15, 2018 in Istanbul and Ankara, to protest detention of hundreds of airport construction workers in a raid after they go on a strike action to protest occupational accidents/ killings and poor working conditions. The police used gas bombs and rubber bullets to intervene the press declaration to be held at Khalkedon Square in Kadıköy district of Istanbul, and detained 31 people including 3 children; Dev Yapı İş union chair Özgür Karabulut, DISK executive board member Kanber Saygılı, AFP reporter Bülent Kılıç, Alınteri newspaper reporter Öncü Algül, Özgür Gelecek newspaper reporter Taylan Öztaş and lawyer Oya Öznur are also among the detainees. It is reported that AFP reporter Bülent Kılıç and lawyer Oya Öznur were released the same day. The names of detainees known so far are: Ayten Artı, Oya Öznur, Nuri Cemal Çilingir, Kanber Saygılı, Elvan Polat, Mert Özyer, Harun Reşit Savğat, Zeynep Demir İlgezdi, Tuğçe Karul, Uğur Karakuş, Erdal Güzel, Ertuğrul Bilir, Şengül Yüksel, Halil Aksu, Öncü Akgül, Ali Kemer, Taylan Öztaş, Kader Cihan, Cihan Uyanık, Ethem Akdoğan, Bahadır Altan, Murat Yıldırım, Faruk Yıldırım. It is reported that the police used pepper spray and rubber bullets to intervene the press declaration to be held in Sakarya Street, Ankara; and detained 5 people (İnşaat-İş union Ankara correspondent Murat Çoban, Anıl Yeşiltepe, Mehmet Öztürk, Furkan Bircan and Zarife Çamalan) by using physical violence. It is learned that Veli Saçılık fainted due to pepper spray used by the police. (09/178) Person Detained and a Cafe Sealed in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of September 16, 2018 that, Yaşar Kazıcı, who owns a cafe in Diyarbakır named Komün Kafe Neolitik, where photographs of Ramin Hüseyin Penahi, Zanyar Muradi and Lukman Muradi, who were executed by Iranian state on September 8, 2018; is detained by the police on an alleged report and was taken to Şehitlik Police Station for statement procedures. It is reported than the cafe of Yaşar Kazıcı was sealed by the municipality police, on the grounds of lacking license. It is learned that Yaşar Kazıcı was detained once again after his cafe was sealed and then released the same day. (09/179) Person Detained for ‘Insulting the President’ in Antalya… It is learned from the news coverage of September 15, 2018 that, a person named K. D., who was detained in Manavgat district of Antalya, on the charges of ‘insulting the President’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’ in social media posts, is arrested by the court. (09/180) Person Detained for ‘Insulting the President’ in Antalya…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 15, 2018 that, a person who was fined by municipality police during “a control operation to beggars” in Antalya, was detained on the grounds of ‘insulting the President’ and was released by the court on juridical control conditions on the same day. (09/181) Person Detained for Social Media Posts in Bursa… It is learned from the news coverage of September 15, 2018 that, a person named F. Ç. in Bursa, is detained on the grounds of “sharing an insulting cartoon of the Prophet Muhammed” on social media. (09/182) People Detained in Istanbul… It is reported that 16 people are detained in house raids in Istanbul through an investigation on PKK. (09/183) Lawyers on Trial in Istanbul… The case against 20 lawyers from Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) and People’s Law Office, including 17 arrested lawyers (Ahmet Mandacı, Aycan Çiçek, Ayşegül Çağatay, Aytaç Ünsal, Barkın Timtik, Behiç Aşçı, Didem Baydar Ünsal, Ebru Timtik, Engin Gökoğlu, Naciye Demir, Özgür Yılmaz, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, Süleyman Gökten, Şükriye Erden, Yağmur Ererken, Yaprak Türkmen, Zehra Özdemir) and lawyer Ezgi Çakır and 2 lawyers for whom detention warrant is issued, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37, on the charges of ‘leading an illegal organisation’ and ‘being an illegal organisation member’ continued to be held on September 14, 2018. On the hearing held on September 14, 2018, the court released 17 arrested lawyers on juridical control conditions, and adjourned the trial to February 19, and 20, 2019. Upon the objection made by the prosecutor’s office, the court issued detention warrant for 12 lawyers (Aytaç Ünsal, Aycan Çiçek, Engin Gökoğlu, Behiç Aşçı, Ahmet Mandacı, Barkın Timtik, Ebru Timtik, Naciye Demir, Özgür Yılmaz, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, Süleyman Gökten and Şükriye Erden) and overruled the objection to release of 5 lawyers (Ayşegül Çağatay, Yağmur Ererken, Didem Baydar Ünsal, Yaprak Türkmen and Zehra Özdemir). 5 (Aytaç Ünsal, Aycan Çiçek, Engin Gökoğlu, Behiç Aşçı and Ahmet Mandacı) of 12 lawyers for whom the court issued a detention warrant on September 15, 2018, are detained. Aytaç Ünsal, Aycan Çiçek, Engin Gökoğlu and Behiç Aşçı, who were referred to the court once again on September 16, 2018, are arrested. It is learned that Anti-Terror Department police officers were in the courtroom, the court rejected the lawyers’ demand for taking police officers out of the courtroom, despite of the prosecutor’s opinion in favour. It is learned that lawyers demanded recusation of the court board. It is reported that, lawyers in the courtroom were taken out by the police using physical violence. It is reported that 4 lawyers who protest to be arrested again, were dragged on the floor by the police and were taken to detention room in the courthouse. It is learned that lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı came to Çağlayan Courthouse during detention of 4 lawyers, where he also was to be heard once again by the court board; however, he was also detained by the police using physical violence, before he made his statement at the trial. Selçuk Kozağaçlı was taken to Istanbul Police Headquarters. Ahmet Mandacı, who was detained in Çanakkale through the warrant issued, is also arrested after his statement is taken via sound and vision system on September 16, 2018. Thus the number of lawyers arrested again, raised up to 5 as of September 16, 2018. (09/184) UK Citizen and Bulgaria Citizen on Trial on the Charge of ‘Being an Illegal Organisation Member’ in Aydın… It is learned from the news coverage of September 16, 2018 that UK citizen Joseph Robinson was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months by Aydın Heavy Penal Court No 3, on the charge of being a YPG member; and that the court decided to continue juridical control conditions and the ban on leaving the country. It is reported that Bulgaria citizen Mira Rojkan, a friend of Joseph Robinson, was also sentenced by the court to 1 year 10 months and 15 days on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’.

Joseph Robinson and Mira Rojkan were detained in Didim district of Aydın on July 27, 2017; and Joseph Robinson was arrested by the court on July 29, 2017 while Mira Rojkan was released on juridical control conditions. Joseph Robinson was released after the trial held on November 24, 2017, on juridical control conditions and with a ban on leaving the country. (09/185) Person on Trial for ‘Insulting Atatürk’ in Ankara… The case against Safiye İnci, on the grounds of insulting Atatürk in a social media post, on Ankara Penal Court of First Instance No 28, is held on September 13, 2018. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention and adjourned the trial. (09/186) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 7 people are detained in house raids in Zonguldak on September 14, 2018. 21 of 33 people including majors on active duty, who were detained through an investigation on Turkish Land Forces Command personnel on September 10, 2018, are arrested by the court on September 14, 2018. It is learned that 12 people are released 11 of which are on juridical control conditions. 4 of 16 people who were detained through an Antep based investigation are arrested by the court on September 14, 2018. It is learned that 12 people are released on juridical control conditions. 4 of 16 people who were detained on September 9, 2018, in Ayvalık district of Balıkesir in an alleged attempt to illegally flee to Greece, are arrested by the court on September 14, 2018. 6 people are released provided that 4 of them are on juridical control conditions. It is learned that 1 person is taken to Ankara Police Headquarters due to another investigation. 5 people have been arrested through the same investigation previously. It is learned that 4 of 9 people who were detained on September 13, 2018 through an Adana based investigation, are arrested by the court and 5 people are released on juridical control conditions on September 15, 2018. It is learned that 4 of 8 people, including former military members dismissed by state of emergency decrees, who were detained through a Sivas based investigation are arrested and 4 of them are released on juridical control conditions by the court on September 16, 2018. (09/187) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The case against Murat Arslan, former chair of Turkish Association for Judges and Prosecutors (YARSAV) which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, on Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 25 is held on September 14, 2018. The prosecutor declared the legal opinion as to accusations and demanded jail sentence up to 15 years for Murat Arslan on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’. The court decided to continue detention for Murat Arslan and adjourned the trial. (09/188) Special Security Zone in Tunceli… Tunceli Governorate made a declaration on September 15, 2018 and announced 31 areas with given coordinated in central, Ovacık, Pülümür, Nazmiye and Hozat districts as special security zones until July 1, 2019.


18 September 2018 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/189) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of September 17, 2018 that the prisoners who go on a hunger strike in Elazığ High Security Prison No 2 are taken from their wards and put into solitary cells. Prisoners of PKK and PJAK cases in all prisons in Turkey, went on a 3-day hunger strike on September 12, 2018 demanding end to isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and release of ill prisoners. (09/190) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara…

The police intervened the press declaration of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling for a while to regain their jobs, intended to be held in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on September 17, 2018 at 13.30 and 18.00. It was reported that during police intervention against the press declaration which was planned to be held at 13.30 on September 17, 2018, 2 people (Nazan Bozkurt and Mehmet Dersulu) and at 18.00 2 people (Acun Karadağ and Nazan Bozkurt) were detained. Thus in total 4 people were detained due to press declaration intended to be held in Yüksel Street on September 17, 2018. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/191) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Istanbul… Türkan Albayrak, who was dismissed from her job at Sarıyer district Health Department, on the grounds of ‘personnel security investigation’ and ‘archive search’, on August 3, 2018; made a press declaration to regain her job on September 17, 2018 and attempted for a sit-in protest in front of Health Department. The police intervened the sit-in and detained 2 people. It is learned that detainees were released the same day. (09/192) Police Intervention into the Protest in Istanbul to Support Airport Construction Workers… 29 people who were detained by the police intervention into the press declaration held on September 15, 2018, in Kadıköy district of Istanbul are released on September 17, 2018. The press declaration was held to protest detention of hundreds of airport construction workers in a raid after they go on a strike action to protest occupational accidents/ killings and poor working conditions. (09/193) Police Intervention into the Protest of Cargill Workers in Istanbul… Cargill workers who were dismissed because of being union member, are prevented by the police in Tuzla district of Istanbul on September 17, 2018, on the 4th day of their march from Bursa to Cargill headquarters in Istanbul. The police stopped the march and detained 12 workers. It is reported that workers were released on the same day, after statement procedures. (09/194) Lawyers on Trial in Istanbul… Lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı, who was detained in Çağlayan Courthouse, where he was to give his statement at the trial of the case against 20 lawyers from Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) and People’s Law Office, is brought back to the courthouse again on September 17, 2018. Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37, have released 17 arrested lawyers on September 14, 2018; however, upon the objection of the prosecutor’s office the court has issued a detention warrant for 12 of the lawyers. It is learned that the chief judge of Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 was on sick leave, and chief judge of Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 26 filled in for the court board. It is reported that the court allowed only 3 lawyers to defence Selçuk Kozağaçlı, and lawyers who object this were taken out of the courtroom forcefully which resulted in injury of 1 lawyer. It is learned that the court decided to arrest Selçuk Kozağaçlı again, who was on trial without any lawyers. 5 lawyers (Ahmet Mandacı, Aytaç Ünsal, Aycan Çiçek, Engin Gökoğlu and Behiç Aşçı) for whom a detention warrant was issued, were arrested once again by the court on September 16, 2018. Thus, the number of arrested lawyers raised up to 6. (09/195) The Case against Former CHP PM… It is learned from the news coverage of September 17, 2018 that, Istanbul Regional Court decided to consolidate the case against Eren Erdem, former CHP PM, on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 35, just 2 days before the next trial, with the case on Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 23, against Turan Ababey, grant holder of Karşı newspaper; along with the editor in chief and some other employees. Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 35 have applied for consolidation, but upon rejection of Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 23, the case was sent to Istanbul Regional Court. (09/196) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt…

10 of 22 people, including 6 military members on active duty, for whom a detention warrant was issued through an investigation on Turkish Naval Forces and Coast Guard Command, are detained on September 17, 2018. 7 people including former teachers and academicians dismissed by state of emergency decrees are detained in Bodrum district of Muğla in alleged attempt to illegally flee, and 1 person in Trabzon is detained. (09/197) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The case against Hüseyin Yıldırım, former chair of Justice Academy of Turkey and former member of the Supreme Court, on Penal Department No 9 of the Supreme Court is held on September 17, 2018. After witness hearings the court decided to continue detention of Hüseyin Yıldırım and adjourned the trial to December 6, 2018. (09/198) Curfew in Bitlis… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on September 17, 2018 and announced a 1-day curfew starting at 23.59, on September 16, 2018 until 23.59 on September 17, 2018, in 8 villages and 3 hamlets of central district. The names of villages and hamlets under curfew are: Yukarı Ölek, Aşağı Ölek, Aşağı Balcılar, Yukarı Balcılar, Ilıcak, Oğulcak, Başmaklı, Üçevler villages; Kalupat, Karakuş and Dutköy hamlets. (09/199) Curfew in Siirt… Siirt Governorate made a declaration on September 17, 2018 and announced curfew in 2 villages and 3 rural neighbourhoods in Eruh district, as of 18.00 on September 17, 2018 until further notice. The names of villages and neighbourhoods are: Gedikaşar and Bilgili villages; Tatlıpınar, Eşik and Çayırlı rural neighbourhoods. (09/200) Investigated Social Media Accounts… The Ministry of Interior made a declaration on September 17, 2018 and announced that 376 social media accounts were investigated between September 10 and September 17, 2018; and legal proceedings have been initiated against 261 people within this week.



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