Syrian mercenaries want to leave Libya, accuse Turkey of breaking promises
By News Desk ALMASDAR NEWS – BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) – The Syrian mercenaries in Libya are not happy about the current situation inside the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Monday.Citing opposition sources, the monitor said that there is widespread discontent among the Syrian mercenaries that were sent to Libya from Turkey.
“The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights continues to monitor shipment of Syrian mercenaries to Libya by Turkey. SOHR sources have confirmed that widespread discontent is prevailing among the Syrian fighters which have been sent to Libya, since Turkey abandoned its promises at a time when the Syrian mercenaries suffer from dire living conditions there,” the report said.
According to the monitor, they have received an audio recording in which a Syrian fighter says he regrets going to Libya, as he urged prospective mercenaries to reconsider this choice.
The Syrian mercenary said Turkey only paid one month of the $2,000 (USD) salary and failed to fulfill the promises they made the fighters before they went to Libya.
“Turkey paid our salaries for only one month. It has not secured any thing for us. Even cigarettes, we hardly got them. We stay in a house but we can not get out of it, since cells of Haftar’s forces are deployed throughout the area,” the Syrian fighter said, adding that “all of us want to return to Syria. There are patches have already get prepared to leave Libya to Syria through Al-Sham Corps.”
The Syrian mercenaries in Libya have recently suffered heavy casualties near the capital city of Tripoli, as the Libyan National Army (LNA) continues to advance in several parts of the country.