MESOPOTAMIA NEWS BACKGROUNDER : Anti-terror agreements between Turkey and Syria are a headache for Erdoğan – By Abdullah Bozkurt – Nordic-Monitor 29 Jan 2019


The 1998 Adana Agreement and the updated 2011 Ankara Agreement on cooperation against terrorism between Turkey and Syria spell more trouble for the regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan than the Bashar al-Assad government.

Given the fact that the Erdoğan government has been arming and providing logistical support to various jihadist groups in Syria such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as well as the Free Syrian Army, which was branded a terror organization by Damascus, Ankara has more violations under the existing agreements than the Syrian government.

In recent days Erdoğan has been trying to justify the presence of Turkish troops in Syria under the provisions of the Adana Agreement, signed between Turkey and Syria on Oct. 20, 1998, after Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested the articles of the agreement would relieve many Turkish concerns over the southern border.

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