Ken Saari As the US congress sits on their hands and forgets it is supposed to be an equal branch of government. Bad idea by Trump. Eisenhower warmed about the military/industrial complex getting too much power back in the 50’s.
Jonathan Spyer according to Dion Nissenbaum at twitter: ‘Trump appearing to confirm breaking reports on plans to get out of Syria ASAP’.
Jonathan Spyer Trump just tweeted: ‘We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.’
Dogan Dogan What a shame! US is abandoning the Kurds again…
John Haller What do you think Erdogan will now do? That should be obvious.
Max Balestra I wonder if it is just Trump’s whim or he is being guided by the US Congress in this. As after the whole Kashoggi affair they have been signaling a shift of policy away from the Gulf powers and back toward Turkey/qatar.
Joel Parker Yesterday at the Atlantic Council, US Special Envoy to Syria, Jeffies basically said that the PYD were to Turkey what Hezbollah is to Israel and the Houthis are to Saudi Arabia… He seemed to be almost encouraging Turkey to go ahead and wipe them out. He completely denied that the US has any long term obligation to the Kurds whatsoever…
Shwan Hawezi If the Kurds in Syria go unprotected it will mean the conflict will gradually spill over into Turkey. The only reason the PKK has refrained from carrying out major operations in Turkey is because it did not want to bring its Syrian territory into jeopa…Mehr anzeigen
Paul Gross Fans of both Obama and Trump will loathe the comparison, but essentially this Administration is continuing its predecessor’s Syria policy.
Ironically, in the 2016 election, it was Clinton not Trump that promised a sharper departure from Obama’s policy of basically empowering Assad and emboldening Russia.
Soran Khedri Trump’s decision to withdraw its forces from Northern Syria need to be analysed in wider context not reducing it to the Syrian crises. How to confront Iranian hegemonic policies all over the Middle East? What are the key challenges? Do they need Turkis…Mehr anzeigen
Scott Edelman “The Kurds’ only friend are the mountains.”
Henry Nash This cannot be happening. This is not going to happen.
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