Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) GERMANY – FRANKFURT
MESOP TODAYS COMMENTARY – An Iranian’s Advice: Mind Your Own Business
BY FREDERIC C. HOF – Frederic C. Hof is a Senior Fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East.
President Barack Obama’s take on Syria is that there is the Islamic State (ISIL, ISIS, or Daesh) in the east – an entity that must be degraded and destroyed – and the Assad regime in the west – an entity that should be negotiated out of existence. The United States will bomb ISIL from the air in the east. It will view with disapproval and disappointment Russia’s bombing of American-assisted nationalist Syrian rebel units in the West. It is not lost on Syrians that the protection of civilians from mass murder in Kurdish Kobani has no parallel in western Syria. For Mr. Obama, however, the two parts of Syria might as well be separate planets. It is this perception that produces policy failure and frustrates the president’s desire for diplomacy. Read all:
MESOP TODAYS ANALYSIS : Russia Shows Early Success, New Capabilities in Syria / THE FIRST DETAILED SUMMARY
By Matthew Bodner – 2015-10-18 19:20 GMT – DEFENSE NEWS – MOSCOW — After a week of heavy operations over Syria, Russia’s Air Force is scaling back its efforts so it can analyze its progress and identify new targets after the Ministry of Defense last week claimed to have helped the Syrian regime push back opposition forces.Moving into the third week of Russia’s surprise aerial intervention in Syria’s four-and-a-half-year-old civil war, Moscow has not only claimed early successes, but demonstrated that efforts to modernize its military are yielding real benefits and restoring lost capabilities. Read all:
MESOP: DESTRUCTION UNDER PUTIN’S UMBRELLA – Destruction of Vital Facilities in Opposition Controlled Regions / Syrian Regime or ISIL (SNHR REPORT)
I- Introduction: “The scorched land” is the Syrian regime’s strategy when it comes to targeting vital facilities. Upon conducting periodic reports, we noticed that the regime targets more vital facilities in areas under the control of armed opposition groups and opts to almost entirely destroying it, however it targets facilities under ISIL’s control areas much less.In the following report we present the outcomes of the targeted vital facilities of the past nine months of year 2015 which were committed by government forces. The Syrian regime targeted not less than 484 vital facilities since 1 January 2015 and up till 30 September 2015, detailed as follows:
MESOP FOCUS : Russian Airstrikes in Syria: September 30 – October 18, 2015
By Genevieve Casagrande and Jodi Brignola (ISW) – Key Takeaway: The Russian air campaign in Syria continues to bolster the Syrian regime’s fight against the opposition. Russian warplanes provided air support to regime ground offensives against rebels in Aleppo, Latakia, northern Hama, and Damascus Provinces from October 17-18. Russian airstrikes largely concentrated in the southern Aleppo countryside as regime forces, backed by Iranians, Hezbollah, Iraqi Shi’a militias, and other Iranian proxies, advanced south of Aleppo City. In addition, Russian warplanes heavily targeted rebel positions amidst ongoing regime ground offensives against the rebel-held pocket around the towns of Rastan and Talbiseh in the northern Homs countryside which has been besieged by regime forces since 2012, as well as against rebelforces in the Eastern Ghouta suburbs of Damascus. – The following graphic depicts ISW’s assessment:
MESOP EXCLUSVE : TARGETED – U.S: Syria Strike Kills Al Qaeda Leader
19 Okt 2015 – The Pentagon said a U.S.-led coalition airstrike in northwest Syria killed the leader of al Qaeda offshoot the Khorasan Group, according to a statement Sunday. Sanafi al-Nasr, a Saudi citizen whose full name was Abdul Mohsen Abdallah, organized routes for new recruits traveling from Pakistan to Syria through Turkey and was one of al Qaeda’s leading financiers, the Pentagon said. American officials told The New York Times that Nasr was killed in a drone strike. The militant leader worked for al Qaeda’s Iran-based network before taking the lead on the terror group’s finances in 2012 and moving to Syria in 2013, the statement said. He was the fifth senior member of the group to be killed in the past four months.
US to treat PYD as PKK in case of a threat: Former US Ambassador
Cansu Çamlıbel – CAMBRIDGE, MA – Hurriyet – 19 Oct 2015 – A former U.S. ambassador to Turkey has made clear the U.S. would treat Syria’s Democratic Union Party (PYD) the same as it does the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in case of a threat to Turkey, while speaking to daily Hürriyet.Francis Ricciardone, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey and current deputy head of the Atlantic Council, said the PYD has shown its difference by declaring they would not engage in clashes with the Turkish state, highlighting that to preserve such a line was important.However, Ricciardone vowed the U.S. would respond the same way it does to the PKK in case of a threat from the PYD. Read all:
MESOP REPORT: PUTIN TREATS ALEPPO LIKE HE DID IN GROSNY – “Every minute there is a rocket, shell or barrel bomb.”
SYRIA Roundup: Monday, October 19 – Rebel commanders: Regime seeks to encircle Aleppo city, ‘send the world a message’ with Russian support
The Syrian regime and its allies are attempting to encircle contested Aleppo city via a land campaign beginning in the province’s southern countryside “to send the world a message…that it can advance under Russian air support,” a high-level rebel commander in the field told Syria Direct Monday. On Friday, the regime unleashed ground troops out of its base in Safira and the neighboring Defense Factories roughly 20km southeast of Aleppo city. From these points, the two-pronged assault is moving both northeast and west into the south Aleppo countryside. The goal, three rebel commanders tell Syria Direct, is to form an uninterrupted cordon around the city that will strangle the rebels, and ultimately civilians, within. Read all:
Turkey detains some 50 Syria and Iraq-bound ISIS suspects / European bound – Two suspects, Yunus Emre Alagoz and Omer Deniz Dundar, have been arrested.
ANKARA: 19 Oct 2015 – MESOP – Turkey’s state-run news agency says police have conducted pre-dawn raids on 17 locations in Istanbul and detained some 50 people suspected of being linked to ISIS. The sweep targeted ISIS militants suspected of involvement in last weekend’s Ankara suicide bombings, reports said. Read all:
In a television interview this morning, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu confirmed that Turkish warplanes shot down a Russian-made drone on Friday, but noted that it was unclear who was operating it and that it could have belonged to the Syrian military or Kurdish militias.
Are we witnessing ‘Syrianization’ of Turkey? – US, Turkish divisions on Syria greater than ever
19 Oct 2015 – Al Monitor – Fehim Tastekin reports that the charge made by Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Oct. 14 that the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) may have collaborated with the Islamic State (IS) in the terrorist bombings in Ankara four days earlier “is being whispered persistently into the ears of journalists and opinion-makers. An extraordinary effort appears to be underway to lead the public by the nose rather than to shed light on the attack.” Read all:
MESOP : THE DEVOUT HAKAN FIDAN (MIT) – Turkish Intelligence Chief: Putin’s Intervention in Syria is Against Islam
19 Oct 2015 – Ankara — Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization, known by the MIT acronym, has drawn a lot of attention and criticism for his controversial comments about ISIS. Mr. Hakan Fidan, Turkish President’s staunchest ally, condemned Russian military intervention in Syria, accusing Moscow of trying to ‘smother’ Syria’s Islamist revolution and serious breach of United Nations law. “ISIS is a reality and we have to accept that we cannot eradicate a well-organized and popular establishment such as the Islamic State; therefore I urge my western colleagues to revise their mindset about Islamic political currents, put aside their cynical mentality and thwart Vladimir Putin’s plans to crush Syrian Islamist revolutionaries,” Anadolu News Agency quoted Mr. Fidan as saying on Sunday. Read more:
MESOP : IN THE AREA OF BARZANI’S DESPOTISM – A court in Iraqi Kurdistan fines a magazine $46,000
Shafaaq / MESOP – 19 Oct 2015 – A court in Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan Region, has ruled to fine Sulaimani-based Kurdish Honya Magazine with a fine of an amount of 55 million dinars (US$46,312) in favor of a former government official who had filed a complaint against it on changes of defamation his reputation by publishing a subject which is not true.The magazine has published a story about the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and Economy in Kurdistan Regional Government, Rashid Tahir when the latter submitted a complain to the opinion Court in Erbil against the concessionaire and editor of the magazine and managing editor, as Taher demanded for 500 million dinars as compensation to what he has been exposed to of moral damage. Read all:
MESOP : The KDP steals PUK’s relations with Iran – Safin Dizayee hail Iran’s help to fight terrorism
19 Oct 2015 – MESOP – Spokesman of Kurdistan Regional Government Safin Dizayee on Sunday hailed Iran’s help to KRG to fight terrorism, saying the preliminary meeting of Munich Security Conference held in Tehran is a major step in international campaign against terrorism. Read all:
„Bundeskanzlerin Merkel sagt, man könne die deutsche Grenze nicht sichern, zahlt aber der Türkei Geld, damit die ihre Grenze sperrt. Scheinheiliger geht’s kaum noch. Und das ist längst nicht alles. mehr… DIE WELT 19 Okt 2015
„DAS TRAUMA VON KUNDUS „ – Von Frederike Böge (FAZ – 19. Okt 2015
…. Der Gouverneur von Kundus will nach Deutschland auswandern……“
So kanns kommen, wenn man mit peace keeping missions tatenlos seine Zeit dort absitzt, da folgt einem der Gouverneur auf dem Fuße, und bringt alle anderen mit. (MESOP)
Kritik wegen Merkels Zugeständnissen an Erdogan
FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – 19 Okt 2015 – Zur Senkung der Flüchtlingszahlen verstärken die Bundesregierung und die EU die Zusammenarbeit mit der Türkei. Dort liegt nach Auffassung von … Flüchtlings-Deal mit der Türkei: Merkel verschachert europäische Werte – NACHRICHTEN
Der erste große politische Gewinner aber heißt Recep Tayyp Erdogan ! – Merkwürdig!?
MESOP : Vorbei also die schönen Tage, wo auch LINKE gern die Kapitaliisten zitierten, weil die so begeistert von Migrantenströmen waren, die der Gesellschaft der Vorteilsnehmer weitere Vorteile angeblich bringen konnten – nun also ein „Integrationsgesetz“.
Für pro asyl ein klarer Fall deutscher Bevormundungskultur
„Nicht denselben Fehler wie bei den Gastarbeitern machen“
FAZ 19 Okt 2015 – Der Kommunalverband hält zudem ein Integrationsgesetz für geboten. „Das brauchen wir sowohl auf Landesebene als auch auf Bundesebene.“ Darin müssten Rechte und Pflichten klar geregelt sein. „Sie können nach der geltenden Rechtslage niemanden verpflichten, einen Sprachkurs zu machen“, sagt Landsberg „Wir dürfen nicht denselben Fehler wie bei den Gastarbeitern machen, dass wir denken, das läuft von allein – nein, das läuft nicht von allein.“ Man brauche eine eigene Integrationsverwaltung.
Beruhigende Aussagen, dass Flüchtlinge ein kleines Konjunkturprogramm seien, stuft er als „blauäugig“ ein. „Mit Irritation habe ich in den vergangenen Tagen die Ausführungen verschiedener Repräsentanten der deutschen Wirtschaft zu den Auswirkungen der hohen Flüchtlingszahlen zur Kenntnis genommen“, schreibt Hauptgeschäftsführer Michael Knipper seinem Kollegen Markus Kerber vom Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie. Staatliche Ausgaben für die Flüchtlinge wirkten, für sich genommen tatsächlich wie ein „kleines Konjunkturprogramm“. „Es sollte uns allen allerdings klar sein, dass es sich hierbei um ein rein kurzfristiges wirkendes ,Strohfeuer‘ handelt.“ Der BDI und der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) wiesen den Vorwurf, „blauäugig“ zu sein, am Wochenende zurück. Sie hätten auch Risiken benannt. „Ich halte es für falsch, dass bisher auch die Spitzenverbände der deutschen Wirtschaft zu wenig auf die mit der unkontrollierten hohen Zuwanderung verbundenen Risiken hinweisen und zu einseitig nur die Chancen darstellen“, kritisiert der Vertreter der Bauindustrie. „Ich vermag deshalb die in großen Teilen der deutschen Industrie und der deutschen Wirtschaftsverbände zu undifferenziert herrschende Euphorie über den Zustrom von Flüchtlingen nicht nachzuvollziehen.“
MESOP : MESUD BARZANIS NIEDERGANG ZUM DESPOTEN – Razzien und Angriffe kurdischer Sicherheitskräfte gegen Journalisten im Nordirak
19.10.2015 – Berlin (ots) – Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG) ist beunruhigt über die Häufung von Angriffen auf Journalisten im Norden Iraks. Seit dem Beginn einer Protestwelle gegen die Regierung der autonomen Region Kurdistan sind die Sicherheitskräfte mit Razzien und erzwungenen Schließungen gegen zahlreiche Medien vorgegangen. Bei Demonstrationen wurden Journalisten von Sicherheitskräften wie auch von Demonstranten angegriffen. Read all: