MESOP TODAY’S VERY BEST NEWS : IN CONTRARY TO PKK POSITION – Swedish Foreign Minister: It’s Time for Kurdish Independence

Basnews – 14.02.2015 – STOCKHOLM – BasNews – 14 Feb 2015 – Margot Wallström, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, has given a speech in the Swedish Parliament in which she pointed out that 30 million Kurds worldwide are living without a united and independent country.She said, “Kurds are bravely fighting the international terrorism organisation known as Islamic State (IS) and the Peshmerga is the only force which defends its people.

“The liberation of Kobani by Kurdish forces means the terrorism of IS is being defeated.” She went on, “We as the Social Democratic Party have had a clear policy toward the case of Palestine, and I want Sweden to change its foreign policy toward the Middle East as it is the right time to discuss Kurdish independence.” This is the first statement by a European country on the issue of an independent Kurdistan. The Swedish Social Democratic Party had previously supported a united Iraq. Sweden is one of the number of European Countries which have supported the Kurdistan Region militarily and there are reports that Swedish government might send military advisers to train Peshmerga forces.