2 June 2015 – FAIRFAX, Virginia,— The Central Intelligence Agency CIA website listed the Kurdish language as one of the approved languages to provide its information. CIA adopted previously languages as ​​English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and Japanese.Political science professor, Ahmed Bayezid told Shafaq News, Iraq’s Kurdistan region and the Kurdish language has a special status, especially for its role in the region and its impact on Islamic State group (IS) war.“I am personally not surprised of adding Kurdish language as an CIA official language in its site, although it is a very important subject.”


The CIA is one of the main agencies to collect intelligence in the United States federal government. The agency’s headquarters in Langley is located in Fairfax County Virginia along the Potomac River. Its Staff work in the embassies of the United States and several other regions around the world works. Being the only independent US intelligence agency that submits its report to the Director of National Intelligence. The CIA has three main activities, collecting information about foreign governments, companies and individuals; analysis of that information along with information gathered by other US intelligence agencies and assess information related to national security and present them to senior US policy makers; at the request of the President of the United States, the Agency carried out or supervise secret activities and some tactical operations by its employees, American army, or other partners.

The CIA Kurdish can be found at